16,638 research outputs found

    ERBS fuel addendum: Pollution reduction technology program small jet aircraft engines, phase 3

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    A Model TFE731-2 engine with a low emission, variable geometry combustion system was tested to compare the effects of operating the engine on Commercial Jet-A aviation turbine fuel and experimental referee broad specification (ERBS) fuels. Low power emission levels were essentially identical while the high power NOx emission indexes were approximately 15% lower with the EBRS fuel. The exhaust smoke number was approximately 50% higher with ERBS at the takeoff thrust setting; however, both values were still below the EPA limit of 40 for the Model TFE731 engine. Primary zone liner wall temperature ran an average of 25 K higher with ERBS fuel than with Jet-A. The possible adoption of broadened proprties fuels for gas turbine applications is suggested

    Pollution reduction technology program small jet aircraft engines, phase 3

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    A series of Model TFE731-2 engine tests were conducted with the Concept 2 variable geometry airblast fuel injector combustion system installed. The engine was tested to: (1) establish the emission levels over the selected points which comprise the Environmental Protection Agency Landing-Takeoff Cycle; (2) determine engine performance with the combustion system; and (3) evaulate the engine acceleration/deceleration characteristics. The hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and smoke goals were met. Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were above the goal for the same configuration that met the other pollutant goals. The engine and combustor performance, as well as acceleration/deceleration characteristics, were acceptable. The Concept 3 staged combustor system was refined from earlier phase development and subjected to further rig refinement testing. The concept met all of the emissions goals

    Pollution Reduction Technology Program for Small Jet Aircraft Engines, Phase 2

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    A series of iterative combustor pressure rig tests were conducted on two combustor concepts applied to the AiResearch TFE731-2 turbofan engine combustion system for the purpose of optimizing combustor performance and operating characteristics consistant with low emissions. The two concepts were an axial air-assisted airblast fuel injection configuration with variable-geometry air swirlers and a staged premix/prevaporization configuration. The iterative rig testing and modification sequence on both concepts was intended to provide operational compatibility with the engine and determine one concept for further evaluation in a TFE731-2 engine

    Pollution reduction technology program for small jet aircraft engines, phase 1

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    A series of combustor pressure rig screening tests was conducted on three combustor concepts applied to the TFE731-2 turbofan engine combustion system for the purpose of evaluating their relative emissions reduction potential consistent with prescribed performance, durability, and envelope contraints. The three concepts and their modifications represented increasing potential for reducing emission levels with the penalty of increased hardware complexity and operational risk. Concept 1 entailed advanced modifications to the present production TFE731-2 combustion system. Concept 2 was based on the incorporation of an axial air-assisted airblast fuel injection system. Concept 3 was a staged premix/prevaporizing combustion system. Significant emissions reductions were achieved in all three concepts, consistent with acceptable combustion system performance. Concepts 2 and 3 were identified as having the greatest achievable emissions reduction potential, and were selected to undergo refinement to prepare for ultimate incorporation within an engine

    Tripartite Graph Clustering for Dynamic Sentiment Analysis on Social Media

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    The growing popularity of social media (e.g, Twitter) allows users to easily share information with each other and influence others by expressing their own sentiments on various subjects. In this work, we propose an unsupervised \emph{tri-clustering} framework, which analyzes both user-level and tweet-level sentiments through co-clustering of a tripartite graph. A compelling feature of the proposed framework is that the quality of sentiment clustering of tweets, users, and features can be mutually improved by joint clustering. We further investigate the evolution of user-level sentiments and latent feature vectors in an online framework and devise an efficient online algorithm to sequentially update the clustering of tweets, users and features with newly arrived data. The online framework not only provides better quality of both dynamic user-level and tweet-level sentiment analysis, but also improves the computational and storage efficiency. We verified the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approaches on the November 2012 California ballot Twitter data.Comment: A short version is in Proceeding of the 2014 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of dat

    Calculating the Fine Structure of a Fabry-Perot Resonator using Spheroidal Wave Functions

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    A new set of vector solutions to Maxwell's equations based on solutions to the wave equation in spheroidal coordinates allows laser beams to be described beyond the paraxial approximation. Using these solutions allows us to calculate the complete first-order corrections in the short-wavelength limit to eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies in a Fabry-Perot resonator with perfectly conducting mirrors. Experimentally relevant effects are predicted. Modes which are degenerate according to the paraxial approximation are split according to their total angular momentum. This includes a splitting due to coupling between orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum

    Disgust implicated in obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Psychiatric classificatory systems consider obsessions and compulsions as forms of anxiety disorder. However, the neurology of diseases associated with obsessive-compulsive symptoms suggests the involvement of fronto-striatal regions likely to be involved in the mediation of the emotion of disgust, suggesting that dysfunctions of disgust should be considered alongside anxiety in the pathogenesis of obsessive-compulsive behaviours. We therefore tested recognition of facial expressions of basic emotions (including disgust) by groups of participants with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and with Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (GTS) with and without co-present obsessive-compulsive behaviours (GTS with OCB; GTS without OCB). A group of people suffering from panic disorder and generalized anxiety were also included in the study. Both groups with obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCD; GTS with OCB) showed impaired recognition of facial expressions of disgust. Such problems were not evident in participants with panic disorder and generalized anxiety, or for participants with GTS without obsessions or compulsions, indicating that the deficit is closely related to the presence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Participants with OCD were able to assign words to emotion categories without difficulty, showing that their problem with disgust is linked to a failure to recognize this emotion in others and not a comprehension or response criterion effect. Impaired recognition of disgust is consistent with the neurology of OCD and with the idea that abnormal experience of disgust may be involved in the genesis of obsessions and compulsions

    Electroweak Sudakov Logarithms and Real Gauge-Boson Radiation in the TeV Region

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    Electroweak radiative corrections give rise to large negative, double-logarithmically enhanced corrections in the TeV region. These are partly compensated by real radiation and, moreover, affected by selecting isospin-noninvariant external states. We investigate the impact of real gauge boson radiation more quantitatively by considering different restricted final state configurations. We consider successively a massive abelian gauge theory, a spontaneously broken SU(2) theory and the electroweak Standard Model. We find that details of the choice of the phase space cuts, in particular whether a fraction of collinear and soft radiation is included, have a strong impact on the relative amount of real and virtual corrections.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Radiative Decay of Vector Quarkonium: Constraints on Glueballs and Light Gluinos

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    Given a resonance of known mass, width, and J^{PC}, we can determine its gluonic branching fraction, b(R->gg), from data on its production in radiative vector quarkonium decay, V -> gamma+R. For most resonances b(R->gg) is found to be O(10%), consistent with being q-qbar states, but we find that both pseudoscalars observed in the 1440 MeV region have b(R->gg) ~ 1/2 - 1, and b(f_0^{++}->gg) ~ 1/2. As data improves, b(R->gg) should be a useful discriminator between q-qbar and gluonic states and may permit quantitative determination of the extent to which a particular resonance is a mixture of glueball and q-qbar. We also examine the regime of validity of pQCD for predicting the rate of V -> gamma+eta_gluino, the ``extra'' pseudoscalar bound state which would exist if there were light gluinos. From the CUSB limit on peaks in Upsilon -> gamma X, the mass range 3 GeV < m(eta_gluino) < 7 GeV can be excluded. An experiment must be significantly more sensitive to exclude an eta_gluino lighter than this.Comment: 36pp (inc figs),RU-94-04. (Replaces original which didn't latex correctly and didn't have figures.

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of CrSb2_2 and FeSb2_2 investigated via ab-initio calculations

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    The electronic structure and magnetic properties of CrSb2_2 have been investigated by ab-initio calculations with an emphasis on the role of the magnetic structure for the ground state. The influence of correlation effects has been investigated by performing fixed spin moment (FSM) calculations showing their important role for the electronic and magnetic properties. The details of the electronic structure of CrSb2_2 are analyzed by a comparison with those of FeSb2_2. The results obtained contribute in particular to the understanding of the temperature dependence of transport and magnetic behavior observed experimentally
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