1,738 research outputs found

    Relative version of Weyl-Kac character formula

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    Terjebaknya Indonesia di dalam utang luar negeri tidak terlepas dari hegemoni dan berkembangnya kapitalisme serta imperialisme baru. Kita melihat bukti yang semakin nyata dari hari ke hari yakni terjadinya disempowerment terhadap bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Kita menyaksikan pula bahwa yang terjadi saat ini pembangunan pihak asing di Indonesia dan bukan pembangunan Indonesia. Disempowerment ini berkelanjutan sehingga pengangguran dan kemiskinan rakyat semakin meluas. Kebijaksanaan ekonomi yang mengutamakan pertumbuhan dan mengabaikan perluasan lapangan kerja bukanlah hanya suatu kelengahan (mindset dari kelompok market fundamentalist), tetapi patut diwaspadai sebagai suatu kepentingan untuk mendominasi dan melanggengkan ketergantungan nasional. Maka perlu upaya islamisasi ilmu ekonomi yang mengarah pada keselarasan antara dimensi etis ekonomi dan dimensi praktisnya (bisnis) dalam pengertian yang integratif, tidak parsial dengan tujuan membangun masyarakat yang berkeadilan. Hal ini tentunya berbeda dengan aksioma kapitalis bahwa kegiatan ekonomi (bisnis) itu mempunyai tujuan ekonomis, yaitu keuntungan meterial sehingga keuntungan menjadi ideologinya dalam berbisnis meskipun harus mengorbankan nilai-nilai etika. A phenomenon in which Indonesian is in a trapped of  abroad debt does not become free from hegemony and the development of  capitalism and also a new imperialism. We see a real prove showing that from day to day it occurs disempowerment towards Indonesian nation-state. We also see what hapens in Indonesian nowadays is merely the development of  foreign side and it is not Indonesian development. Disempowerment occurs in continuity and it gives broad effects to people in which they become jobless and the numbers of  poor people are getting increase. An economy policy which emphasises on development but it ignores expansion of field of work is not supposed as a neglectedness (mindset of  market fundamentalists group), but it needs to be given attention as self  interest to dominate and perpetuate towards national dependence. Referring to the fact, it is important to conduct Islamization of  economy science focusing itself  on conformity between economy ethical and practical dimensions (business) integratively with the purpose to develop people in justice. This is possibly different from capitalism axiom saying that business has an economical purpose in term of materials profit so that profit itself is used as an ideology to conduct business  although it has to sacrifice values of ethical.</p


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    Higher education requires intense information practices for knowledge diffusion, application, and innovation. Faculty assess and use a variety of documents when they teach their students. They make complex credibility assessments, and they use information with varying degrees of perceived credibility to achieve their teaching goals. Unfortunately, existing credibility research often stops once documents are selected. Our knowledge of the associations between credibility assessments and information use remains limited. Additionally, scholars agree professional tasks are associated with the genres of the documents used to accomplish these tasks. For example, instructional genres – including tutorials and lesson plans – are particularly useful to tasks related to educational pursuits. Despite the potential benefits that the identification of genres might provide in searching, navigation, and comprehension of information, researchers rarely exploit it to facilitate faculty’s document assessments and information use in support of their teaching. To solve the above problems, this study aimed at uncovering the associations between credibility assessments and information use tasks with respect to document genres in the context of university teaching. Specifically, it investigated whether there were associations: (1) between the criteria faculty employed to assess the credibility of the documents they used to support their teaching and the genres of these documents; (2) between the credibility criteria they employed to assess and the information use tasks they performed to use these documents; and (3) between the genres of these documents and the information use tasks they performed. Understanding the above associations could enhance our knowledge of the roles of document genres in making credibility assessments and information use decisions in the context of university teaching. This study took a mixed-method, bottom-up approach to uncovering the above associations. It first employed qualitative citation analysis to identify the genres of the documents faculty used in their courses based on the citations in their teaching materials (e.g., syllabi, lecture slides, lab notes, and links to resources). Customized genre repertoires that detailed the contexts in which different genres were used in Excel format were created. Semi-structured interviews were then implemented to collect data about the courses included in this study, the general criteria faculty employed to select documents for their courses, the tasks they performed to use the information in the genres this study selected for in-depth interviews, and the criteria they employed to assess the selected genres. Interviews were fully transcribed for qualitative content analysis. The results of this study indicate the criteria faculty employed served as function enablers that bridged the selected genres and the information use tasks they performed to use these genres. Credibility was one of the function enablers that enabled faculty to use the selected genres to perform different tasks. It played different roles in different tasks. It played a leading role in teaching tasks that developed students’ advanced learning skills and helped students to continue their learning. It also played a leading role in information use tasks that involved subject experts, professional orginations, and diverse genres originated from heterogeneous sources. The results also indicate the information use tasks faculty performed served as inclusion and exclusion criteria for genres. The information use tasks determined the information characteristics of genres that mattered in faculty’s task performance. This study shed new light on existing knowledge about genre-task associations by: (1) Exploring these associations in the context of university teaching; (2) Explicating these associations through the perception of credibility; and (3) Adding the criterion-genre and criterion-task associations to complement these associations. This study also enhanced our understanding of credibility in the context of university teaching. Finally, this study made several methodological contributions, including: (1) Transforming citation analysis from bibliographic records to research tools that engaged participants and ensured the accuracy of data; (2) Transforming citation analysis from bibliographic records to customized genre repertoires that preserved the contexts of information use; and (3) Developing rules to consistently select genres for investigating task-genre associations across disciplinary boundaries

    Pricing Parisian Option under a Stochastic Volatility Model

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    We study the pricing of a Parisian option under a stochastic volatility model. Based on the manipulation problem that barrier options might create near barriers, the Parisian option has been designed as an extended barrier option. A stochastic volatility correction to the Black-Scholes price of the Parisian option is obtained in a partial differential equation form and the solution is characterized numerically

    Study of the Basic Characteristics of an Interactive TV Service

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    The iTV service was too conceptually nebulous to readily comprehend. It was variously mistaken as referring to a network television service and a digital television service. To avoid further setbacks, it is very important that we clarify the basic characteristics of iTV service for the benefit of the fields of information technology, MIS, broadcasting, commerce and so on. After conducting literature reviews and interviews, we were able to delineate the basic characteristics of iTV service as follows:1. The contents of iTV service; 2.The supply and use process, and components of the iTV service

    Riemann-Hilbert problems for axially symmetric monogenic functions in Rn+1\mathbb{R}^{n+1}

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    We focus on the Clifford-algebra valued variable coefficients Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems \big{(}for short RHBVPs\big{)} for axially monogenic functions on Euclidean space Rn+1,n∈N\mathbb{R}^{n+1},n\in \mathbb{N}. With the help of Vekua system, we first make one-to-one correspondence between the RHBVPs considered in axial domains and the RHBVPs of generalized analytic function on complex plane. Subsequently, we use it to solve the former problems, by obtaining the solutions and solvable conditions of the latter problems, so that we naturally get solutions to the corresponding Schwarz problems. In addition, we also use the above method to extend the case to RHBVPs for axially null-solutions to \big{(}\mathcal{D}-\alpha\big{)}\phi=0,\alpha\in\mathbb{R}.Comment: 14 page
