408 research outputs found

    Die Definition der Situation und die variable Rationalität der Akteure : ein allgemeines Modell des Handelns auf der Basis von Hartmut Essers Frame-Selektionstheorie

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    The article presents a general model of action based on Hartmut Esser' s theory of frame-selection, which overcomes the central objections to the previous formalizations of the theory. This model explains how an actor defines a situation (frame-selection), which program of action he activates (script-selection) and which action he is willing to perform (action-selection). Proceeding from the assumption that the rationality of actors is variable, it goes on to specify the conditions under which an actor will consciously choose that alternative, which will maximize his subjective expected utility (reflecting-calculating mode), as opposed to those under which he will select without any prior reflection a mentally strongly accessible alternative (automatic-spontaneous mode). Thus the attempt is made to integrate concepts of action from sociology, economics and social psychology into a general and formally precise theory of action

    On shoplifting and tax fraud: An action-theoretic analysis of crime

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    The article evaluates different theories of action in the area of crime research. A narrow version of rational choice theory assumes actors to choose in an instrumental, outcome-oriented way. It hypothesises that individuals weight the costs and benefits of criminal acts with subjective probabilities. In contrast, a wide version of the theory allows individuals to derive utility directly from choosing certain actions. Previous studies either do not directly test these theories or yield inconsistent results. We show that a meaningful test of these rival rational choice explanations can only be conducted if a broader view is adopted that takes into account the interplay of moral norms and instrumental incentives. Such a view can be derived from the Model of Frame Selection (Kroneberg 2005) and the Situational Action Theory of Crime Causation (Wikström 2004). Based on these theories, we analyze the willingness to engage in shoplifting and tax fraud in a sample of 2,130 adults from Dresden, Germany. In line with our theoretical expectations, we find that only respondents who do not feel bound by moral norms consider instrumental incentives. Where norms have been strongly internalised and in the absence of neutralisation techniques which legitimise norm-breaking, instrumental incentives are irrelevant.

    Norms or rationality? : The rescue of jews, electoral participation, and educational decisions

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    In sociology it has been much debated whether the normativist-culturalist or the rational choice perspective better explains social phenomena. Since each has received considerable empirical support, an integrated account of norms and rationality is much needed. The Model of Frame Selection offers such an integration. In this model, cost-benefit calculus is replaced by unconditional norm conformity if norms are strongly internalized. We test this proposition in three fields of application: the rescue of Jews in WWII, electoral participation, and the decision among secondary school tracks. In line with the predictions of the Model of Frame Selection we find that strong helping norms, intense norms of civic duty, and high educational aspirations lead actors to disregard the risk of helping Jews, the incentive to express political preferences, and the prospects to complete school tracks

    On shoplifting and tax fraud : an action-theoretic analysis of crime

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    The article evaluates different theories of action in the area of crime research. A narrow version of rational choice theory assumes actors to choose in an instrumental, outcome-oriented way. It hypothesises that individuals weight the costs and benefits of criminal acts with subjective probabilities. In contrast, a wide version of the theory allows individuals to derive utility directly from choosing certain actions. Previous studies either do not directly test these theories or yield inconsistent results. We show that a meaningful test of these rival rational choice explanations can only be conducted if a broader view is adopted that takes into account the interplay of moral norms and instrumental incentives. Such a view can be derived from the Model of Frame Selection (Kroneberg 2005) and the Situational Action Theory of Crime Causation (Wikström 2004). Based on these theories, we analyze the willingness to engage in shoplifting and tax fraud in a sample of 2,130 adults from Dresden, Germany. In line with our theoretical expectations, we find that only respondents who do not feel bound by moral norms consider instrumental incentives. Where norms have been strongly internalised and in the absence of neutralisation techniques which legitimise norm-breaking, instrumental incentives are irrelevant

    The definition of the situation and variable rationality : the model of frame selection as a general theory of action

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    Starting from the classical sociological notion of the definition of the situation and the idea of variable rationality, the article develops the Model of Frame Selection (MFS) as a general theory of action. This model explains how an actor defines a situation (frame selection), which program of action he activates (script selection) and which action he is willing to perform (action selection). The MFS assumes that each of these selections can be governed by one of two distinct modes of information processing: A reflecting-calculating mode in which an actor shows the forward-looking maximizing behavior assumed by rational choice theory, or an automatic-spontaneous mode in which he will select without any prior reflection a mentally strongly accessible alternative. Relying on insights gained in cognitive social psychology, the MFS also specifies the conditions under which one or the other mode prevails. How the MFS can be applied to explain behavior and guide the analysis of social mechanisms is demonstrated

    Das Modell der Frame-Selektion - Grundlagen und soziologische Anwendung einer integrativen Handlungstheorie

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    Ausgehend von den klassischen soziologischen Konzepten der Definition der Situation und der variablen Rationalität entwickelt das Buch eine Handlungstheorie, die zentrale Einsichten verschiedener sozialwissenschaftlicher Traditionen in ein analytisches Modell integriert. Das Modell der Frame-Selektion (MFS) erklärt, wie Akteure Situationen deuten, welche Skripte des Handelns sie aktivieren und welche Handlungen sie ausführen. In allen diesen Prozessen können Akteure reflektierte Wahlentscheidungen treffen oder aber basierend auf starken Emotionen, normativen Überzeugungen oder unhinterfragten Routinen objektiv relevante Alternativen und Anreize ausblenden. Das Buch enthält empirische Anwendungen der Theorie auf zwei prominente Rätsel des Handelns: die Erklärung der außergewöhnlichen altruistischen Handlungen von Rettern von Juden während des Zweiten Weltkrieges sowie eine neue Lösung des bekannten Wählerparadoxons

    The Definition of the Situation and the Variable Rationality of Actors. A General Model of Action

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    Im Beitrag wird ein allgemeines Modell des Handelns auf der Basis von Hartmut Essers Frame-Selektionstheorie entwickelt, das die zentralen Einwände gegen die bisherigen Formalisierungen der Theorie überwindet. Das Modell erklärt, welche Definition der Situation ein Akteur vornimmt (Frame-Selektion), welches Programm des Handelns er heranzieht (Skript-Selektion) und welches Handeln er auszuführen versucht (Handlungsselektion). Ausgehend von der Annahme, dass die Rationalität der Akteure variabel ist, wird zudem angegeben, unter welchen Bedingungen ein Akteur bewusst diejenige Alternative wählt, die seinen subjektiv erwarteten Nutzen maximiert (reflexiv-kalkulierender Modus), und wann er im Gegensatz dazu unhinterfragt eine mental stark zugängliche Alternative selegiert (automatisch-spontaner Modus). Auf diese Weise wird versucht, soziologische, ökonomische und sozialpsychologische Handlungskonzepte in einer allgemeinen und gleichzeitig formal präzisen Theorie des Handelns zu integrieren.This article presents a general model of action based on Hartmut Esser's theory of frame-selection, which overcomes the central objections to the previous formalizations of the theory. This model explains how an actor defines a situation (frame-selection), which program of action he activates (script-selection), and which action he is willing to perform (action-selection). Proceeding from the assumption that the rationality of actors is variable, it goes on to specify the conditions under which an actor will consciously choose the alternative which will maximize his subjectively expected utility (reflecting-calculating mode), as opposed to those under which he will select - without any prior reflection - a mentally strongly accessible alternative (automatic-spontaneous mode). Thus the attempt is made to integrate concepts of action from sociology, economics, and social psychology into a general and formally precise theory of action

    On the Interpretation and Empirical Falsifiability of the Model of Frame Selection. A Reply to Christian Etzrodt

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    Advies voor de aanvulling van de (kern)competenties voor de associate degree opleiding van de Hanzehogeschool op het gebied van grensoverschrijdend inlenen van arbeid

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    Het Expertisecentrum Grensoverschrijdend Inlenen van Arbeid heeft voor de opleiding Personeelsmanagement een advies geschreven voor de aanvulling van (kern) competenties voor de associate degree opleiding. Op basis van een inventarisatie van relevante eindkwalificaties, die van de opleiding Personeelsmanagement (Hanzehogeschool Groningen), de eindkwalificaties van de ARTRA/SEU voor intercedenten en aanvullende, door VIA geformuleerde taken, is gebleken dat de eindtermen van de reguliere opleiding tot intercedent (ARTRA/SEU, VIA)passen binnen de associate degree opleiding. De aanvullende aandachtsgebieden van de intercedent voor grensoverschrijdende arbeid zijn in te passen in de personeelsmanagement opleiding, maar wijken inhoudelijk sterk af van de huidige invulling ervan. Op grond hiervan wordt geadviseerd de eerste twee studiejaren te herinrichten en een programma in de minor-ruimte op te stellen