144 research outputs found

    Local spin polarization in underdoped cuprates with impurities

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    We present a theory of magnetic (Ni) and nonmagnetic (Zn) impurities substituted into planar Cu sites in the normal state of underdoped cuprates exhibiting a spin gap. Both types of impurities induce magnetic moments on neighboring Cu sites. In the case of Ni these moments partially screen the inherent impurity spin, resulting in an effective S=1/2 moment. The characteristic Kondo scale is found to have a power-law dependence on the coupling constant. We investigate the spatial shape of the impurity-induced spin density, taking into account the presence of short-ranged AF correlations, and calculate the ^{17}O NMR line broadening induced by impurity doping.Comment: To appear in: Physica C, Proceedings of ACS '9

    Impurity-induced moments in underdoped cuprates

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    We examine the effect of a nonmagnetic impurity in a two-dimensional spin liquid in the spin-gap phase, employing a drone-fermion representation of spin-1/2 operators. The properties of the local moment induced in the vicinity of the impurity are investigated and an expression for the nuclear-magnetic- resonance Knight shift is derived, which we compare with experimental results. Introducing a second impurity into the spin liquid an antiferromagnetic interaction between the moments is found when the two impurities are located on different sublattices. The presence of many impurities leads to a screening of this interaction as is shown by means of a coherent-potential approximation. Further, the Kondo screening of an impurity-induced local spin by charge carriers is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. To be published in Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 56, No. 1

    High-order correlation effects in the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    The electronic states of the two-dimensional Hubbard model are investigated by means of a 4-pole approximation within the Composite Operator Method. In addition to the conventional Hubbard operators, we consider other two operators which come from the hierarchy of the equations of motion and carry information regarding nearest-neighbor spin and charge configurations. By means of this operatorial basis, we can study the physics related to the energy scale of J=4t^2/U in addition to the one of U. Present results show relevant physical features, well beyond those previously obtained by means of a 2-pole approximation, such as a four-band structure with shadow bands and a quasi-particle peak at the Fermi level. The Fermi level stays pinned to the band flatness located at (pi,0)-point within a wide range of hole-doping (0 <= delta <= 0.15). A comprehensive analysis of double occupancy, internal energy, specific heat and entropy features have been also performed. All reported results are in excellent agreement with the data of numerical simulations.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    The elastic electron-deuteron scattering beyond one-photon exchange

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    We discuss the elastic ed scattering beyond Born approximation. It is shown that the reaction amplitude contains six generalized form factors, but only three linearly independent combinations of them (we call them generalized charge, quadrupole and magnetic form factors) contribute to the reaction cross section in the second order perturbation theory. We examine two-photon exchange and find that it includes two types of diagrams, when two virtual photons interact with the same nucleon and when the photons interact with different nucleons. Estimations based on nonrelativistic calculations with the deuteron wave function for realistic NN potential show that the main contribution to the generalized charge, quadrupole and magnetic form factors comes from diagrams of the first type.Comment: v2, published version in PR

    Long-range dynamics of magnetic impurities coupled to a two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    We consider a two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice with weakly coupled impurities, i.e. additional spins interacting with the host magnet by a small dimensionless coupling constant g<<1. Using linear spin-wave theory, we find that the magnetization disturbance at distance r from a single impurity behaves as g/r for 1>1/g. Surprisingly the disturbance is inversely proportional to the coupling constant! The interaction between two impurities separated by a distance r is proportional to g^2/r for 1>1/g. Hence at large distances, the interaction is universal and independent of the coupling constant. We also find that the frequency of Rabi oscillations between two impurities is proportional to g^2 ln(gr) at 1<<r<<1/g, logarithmically enhanced compared to the spin-wave width. This leads to a new mechanism for NMR, NQR and EPR line broadening. All these astonishing results are due to the gapless spectrum of the magnetic excitations in the quantum antiferromagnet.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Van der Waals Excluded Volume Model of Multicomponent Hadron Gas

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    A generalization of the Van der Waals excluded volume procedure for the multicomponent hadron gas is proposed. The derivation is based on the grand canonical partition function for the system of particles of several species interacting by hard core potentials. The obtained formulae for thermodynamical quantities are consistent with underlying principles of statistical mechanics as well as with thermodynamical identities. The model can be applied to the analysis of experimental data for particle number ratios in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions.Comment: 8 page

    Two-photon exchange and elastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electron on polarized deuteron

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    Structure functions and polarization observables in elastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electron on polarized deuteron are considered within approximation of one-photon + two-photon exchange. It is shown that contribution of two-photon exchange in the generalized structure function A is of order of few percent, while in the generalized structure function B it is of order of 10--20 %. We have found that components T_{20} and T_{21} of tensor analyzing power are mainly determined by one-photon exchange, but T_{22} is mainly determined by interference between one-photon exchange and two-photon exchange. We have also considered polarization observables T_{11}, C_{21} and C_{22} which are proportional to imaginary part of the reaction amplitude and vanish in the framework of one-photon exchange.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure
