1,647 research outputs found

    Innholdsmarkedsføring testet på lesere av nettaviser

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    Vi oppsummerer denne pilotstudien med følgende observasjoner fra samtalen i lesergruppen: • De forholder seg til at medier inneholder både journalistikk og reklame, og skjelner mellom disse når journalistikk og reklame fremstår på tradisjonelt vis. • Tradisjonell reklame leses som reklame, og dette leses på en annen måte enn øvrig innhold. Det leses som kjøpsbudskap. Dette leses med skepsis, men blir også oppfattet som positivt når man er interessert i temaet. • Innholdsmarkedsføring oppleves som mindre «masete» enn tradisjonell reklame. Leserne ga uttrykk for at de likte enkelte av eksemplene med innholdsmarkedsføring, og at den kommersielle samarbeidspartneren kunne være relevant med hensyn til temaet. Denne innholdsmarkedsføringen trigget ikke «reklamefiltrene» leserne selv hadde sagt de hadde. • Reklame som kan se ut som journalistikk, blir forvekslet med journalistikk. Det skjer ikke alltid, men det forekommer. • Selv for reklameinnhold som er tydelig merket, kan det bli forvekslet med journalistikk, slik som i eksemplet med VG Partnerstudio og Rema 1000. Der tok det lang tid før dette ble oppfattet som reklame selv om merkingen var tydelig. • Det brukes mange ulike merker for å vise at noe er kommersielt innhold. I sum blir dette uoversiktlig og utydelig for leserne. • Det er forskjell på hvordan merkelappene fungerer overfor leserne. Eksempler på merking som blir oppfattet som reklame er når det står «annonse» eller ord avledet av dette. Det gjelder også «kommersiell markedsføring» og også ikonet av handlevognen. Eksempler på ord som ikke uten videre oppfattes som reklame er merking som inneholder ord som «samarbeid», «partner» eller lignende. • Effekten av ulik merking fremstår som et spesielt interessant spørsmål videre, alternativt også å undersøke om det er andre virkemidler enn merking alene som gjør det tydelig om stoff med innholdsmarkedsføring er reklame. • Forbruker- og livsstilstoff assosieres med reklame selv om det ikke er for bestemte produkter. De gjenspeiler at mediene på disse felt leses som materielle produkter. Noen stoffområder oppfattes som kommersielle, uavhengig av merking. Det var tilfellet med eksemplene Nettavisen Reisetips og Aftenposten Reise. Sistnevnte er journalistisk, men ble lest som kommersielt innhold

    "It's New to Us": Exploring Authentic Innovation in Local News Settings

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    Many local newsrooms across the globe have been forced to re-assess (and re-assert) their value and function during a period of intense digital disruption. "Innovate or die" has become an accepted mantra as governments, policymakers, and academics focus on shifting, for example, traditional newspapers into the digital era to maintain their perceived relevance. This article argues the need to understand and learn from the experiences of traditional commercial local news providers who have been encouraged to consider innovative solutions for their businesses. The article adopts a pooled case comparison approach, drawing on data from two separate studies examining media innovation in Norway and Australia. We outline three specific themes that appear to shape localized innovation practices: there is ambivalence or challenge to innovation discourse; introduced innovations are done so incrementally and re-contextualised to adapt to a local setting; and there is an authentic approach to innovation that prioritizes change aligning with local journalism’s social and community values

    Deserted Local News: Exploring News Deserts From a Journalistic Recruitment Perspective

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    An emerging body of research addresses how news deserts cause democratic deficits. This literature is mostly concerned with the closure of local news outlets. The present study was carried out in Norway, a country characterised by rich local media infrastructure. However, recruiting skilled and trained journalists to staff this infrastructure is challenging. Based on qualitative interviews with editors and journalism students (N = 21), this article explores the lack of skilled local journalists at small local newspapers, through a job attractiveness lens, and exposes how economic, geographic, and professional prestige factors contribute to labour deficits, identified as a brain drain threat in local journalism. The study expands the news desert research beyond the closure of local newspapers to encompass journalist labour deficits in an otherwise stable and diverse local media environment and discusses professional, societal, and political implications of the recruitment problem

    Datafied Societies: Digital Infrastructures, Data Power, and Regulations

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    The datafication and platformization of social processes further the overall shift from an open, public, and decentralized internet towards a private and siloed realm that establishes power asymmetries between those who provide data and those who own, trade, and control data. The ongoing process of datafying societies embraces the logics of aggregation and automation that increasingly negotiate transactions between markets and social entities, informing governance systems, institutions, and public discourse. This thematic issue presents a collection of articles that tackle the political economy of datafication from three main perspectives: (a) digital media infrastructures and its actors, data structures, and markets; (b) the articulation of data power, public access to information, data privacy, and the risks of citizens in a datafied society; and (c) the policies and regulations for effective, independent media institutions and data sovereignty. It concludes with a reflection on the role of media and communication scholarship when studying sociotechnical processes controlled by giant technological companies

    Measuring vertebrate telomeres: applications and limitations

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    Telomeres are short tandem repeated sequences of DNA found at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes that function in stabilizing chromosomal end integrity. In vivo studies of somatic tissue of mammals and birds have shown a correlation between telomere length and organismal age within species, and correlations between telomere shortening rate and lifespan among species. This result presents the tantalizing possibility that telomere length could be used to provide much needed information on age, ageing and survival in natural populations where longitudinal studies are lacking. Here we review methods available for measuring telomere length and discuss the potential uses and limitations of telomeres as age and ageing estimators in the fields of vertebrate ecology, evolution and conservation

    Differential neuromuscular training effects onACL injury risk factors in"high-risk" versus "low-risk" athletes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neuromuscular training may reduce risk factors that contribute to ACL injury incidence in female athletes. Multi-component, ACL injury prevention training programs can be time and labor intensive, which may ultimately limit training program utilization or compliance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of neuromuscular training on those classified as "high-risk" compared to those classified as "low-risk." The hypothesis was that high-risk athletes would decrease knee abduction moments while low-risk and control athletes would not show measurable changes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eighteen high school female athletes participated in neuromuscular training 3×/week over a 7-week period. Knee kinematics and kinetics were measured during a drop vertical jump (DVJ) test at pre/post training. External knee abduction moments were calculated using inverse dynamics. Logistic regression indicated maximal sensitivity and specificity for prediction of ACL injury risk using external knee abduction (25.25 Nm cutoff) during a DVJ. Based on these data, 12 study subjects (and 4 controls) were grouped into the high-risk (knee abduction moment >25.25 Nm) and 6 subjects (and 7 controls) were grouped into the low-risk (knee abduction <25.25 Nm) categories using mean right and left leg knee abduction moments. A mixed design repeated measures ANOVA was used to determine differences between athletes categorized as high or low-risk.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Athletes classified as high-risk decreased their knee abduction moments by 13% following training (Dominant pre: 39.9 ± 15.8 Nm to 34.6 ± 9.6 Nm; Non-dominant pre: 37.1 ± 9.2 to 32.4 ± 10.7 Nm; p = 0.033 training X risk factor interaction). Athletes grouped into the low-risk category did not change their abduction moments following training (p > 0.05). Control subjects classified as either high or low-risk also did not significantly change from pre to post-testing.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results indicate that "high-risk" female athletes decreased the magnitude of the previously identified risk factor to ACL injury following neuromuscular training. However, the mean values for the high-risk subjects were not reduced to levels similar to low-risk group following training. Targeting female athletes who demonstrate high-risk knee abduction loads during dynamic tasks may improve efficacy of neuromuscular training. Yet, increased training volume or more specific techniques may be necessary for high-risk athletes to substantially decrease ACL injury risk.</p

    GABAA receptors as molecular targets of general anesthetics: identification of binding sites provides clues to allosteric modulation

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    PurposeThe purpose of this review is to summarize current knowledge of detailed biochemical evidence for the role of γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABA(A)-Rs) in the mechanisms of general anesthesia.Principal findingsWith the knowledge that all general anesthetics positively modulate GABA(A)-R-mediated inhibitory transmission, site-directed mutagenesis comparing sequences of GABA(A)-R subunits of varying sensitivity led to identification of amino acid residues in the transmembrane domain that are critical for the drug actions in vitro. Using a photo incorporable analogue of the general anesthetic, R(+)etomidate, we identified two transmembrane amino acids that were affinity labelled in purified bovine brain GABA(A)-R. Homology protein structural modelling positions these two residues, αM1-11' and βM3-4', close to each other in a single type of intersubunit etomidate binding pocket at the β/α interface. This position would be appropriate for modulation of agonist channel gating. Overall, available information suggests that these two etomidate binding residues are allosterically coupled to sites of action of steroids, barbiturates, volatile agents, and propofol, but not alcohols. Residue α/βM2-15' is probably not a binding site but allosterically coupled to action of volatile agents, alcohols, and intravenous agents, and α/βM1-(-2') is coupled to action of intravenous agents.ConclusionsEstablishment of a coherent and consistent structural model of the GABA(A)-R lends support to the conclusion that general anesthetics can modulate function by binding to appropriate domains on the protein. Genetic engineering of mice with mutation in some of these GABA(A)-R residues are insensitive to general anesthetics in vivo, suggesting that further analysis of these domains could lead to development of more potent and specific drugs

    A mass accuracy sensitive probability based scoring algorithm for database searching of tandem mass spectrometry data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has become one of the most used tools in mass spectrometry based proteomics. Various algorithms have since been developed to automate the process for modern high-throughput LC-MS/MS experiments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A probability based statistical scoring model for assessing peptide and protein matches in tandem MS database search was derived. The statistical scores in the model represent the probability that a peptide match is a random occurrence based on the number or the total abundance of matched product ions in the experimental spectrum. The model also calculates probability based scores to assess protein matches. Thus the protein scores in the model reflect the significance of protein matches and can be used to differentiate true from random protein matches.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The model is sensitive to high mass accuracy and implicitly takes mass accuracy into account during scoring. High mass accuracy will not only reduce false positives, but also improves the scores of true positive matches. The algorithm is incorporated in an automated database search program MassMatrix.</p

    The International Caries Classification and Management System (ICCMS™) An Example of a Caries Management Pathway.

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