41 research outputs found

    Holistic approach for diagnosing, prioritising, implementing and monitoring effective strategies through synergetic fusion of SWOT, Balanced Scorecard and QFD

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    The integrative fusion of three powerful strategic tools yields obvious synergetic benefits for strategy planners. This holistic approach provides a pragmatic framework for developing a list of Key Success Factors (KSFs) and converting them into the respective internal strengths and weaknesses of an organisation. A systematic way is adopted to explore and evaluate the significance and likelihood of occurrence of various external factors to generate the list of external opportunities and threats. Matching the internal factors with the external factors, the SWOT analysis yields a list of action items as the basis for strategies. Slotting these action items (strategic performance measures) in the BSC framework portrays subjective yet democratic 'cause and effect' relationships among them through QFD. A Double House Of Quality (Double HOQ) is introduced to depict the relationships among the internal KSFs and the derived strategies. This holistic strategic formulation approach is called BSQ (short-form of Balanced Scorecard-SWOT-QFD).strategic management; balanced scorecard; BSC; SWOT; QFD; double HOQ; BSQ models; quality function deployment; strategic planning; critical success factors; strengths; weakenesses; opportunities; threats; performance measures; diagnosis; prioritisation; implementation; monitoring.

    Learning action learning

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    A pragmatic and holistic approach to strategic formulation through adopting balanced scorecard, SWOT analysis and blue ocean strategy – a case study of a consumer product manufacturer in China

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    This paper introduces a holistic approach to strategic formulation as practiced by a large consumer product manufacturer in China. This approach combines the application of a few powerful strategic tools to reap synergetic benefits. Innovative strategic approaches are regularly invented, introduced and adopted with mixed outcomes. It is important to be able to accurately, flexibly and systematically ascertain the internal corporate status and evaluate its business environment. Borrowing from the quality management practices, i.e., failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), a parallel analogy termed success mode and effects analysis (SMEA) is introduced to supplement the scanning of external environment. Two indexes [i.e., risk priority number (RPN) and opportunity priority number (OPN)] are introduced in the strategic formulation process to estimate the quantum of favourableness or unfavourableness of various external factors. The holistic strategic formulation approach as adopted by the consumer product manufacturer deploys the application of SWOT, balanced scorecard (BSC) and blue ocean strategy (BOS).strategy formulation; SWOT analysis; failure mode and effects analysis; FMEA; risk priority number; RPN; success mode and effects analysis; SMEA; opportunity priority number; OPN; strategic formulation; balanced scorecard; BSC; blue ocean strategy; BOS; consumer products; manufacturing; China; business strategy.

    BSQ strategic formulation framework

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    Impact of SARS-CoV-2 interventions on dengue transmission

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    10.1371/journal.pntd.0008719PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases1410Jan-1