4,034 research outputs found

    On Witten multiple zeta-functions associated with semisimple Lie algebras IV

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    In our previous work, we established the theory of multi-variable Witten zeta-functions, which are called the zeta-functions of root systems. We have already considered the cases of types A2A_2, A3A_3, B2B_2, B3B_3 and C3C_3. In this paper, we consider the case of G2G_2-type. We define certain analogues of Bernoulli polynomials of G2G_2-type and study the generating functions of them to determine the coefficients of Witten's volume formulas of G2G_2-type. Next we consider the meromorphic continuation of the zeta-function of G2G_2-type and determine its possible singularities. Finally, by using our previous method, we give explicit functional relations for them which include Witten's volume formulas.Comment: 22 pag

    The peroxisomal membrane protein Pex14p of Hansenula polymorpha is phosphorylated in vivo

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    Hansenula polymorpha Pex14p (HpPex14p) is a component of the peroxisomal membrane essential for peroxisome biogenesis, Here, we show that HpPex14p is phosphorylated in vivo. In wild-type H, polymorpha cells, grown in the presence of [P-32]orthophosphate, the 32P label was incorporated into HpPex14p. Labelled HpPex14p was induced after a shift of cells to methanol-containing media and rapidly disappeared after a shift to glucose medium, which induces specific peroxisome degradation. Alkaline phosphatase treatment of labelled HpPex14p resulted in the release of 32P and a minor shift of the HpPex14p band on Western blots. Phosphoamino acid analysis by two dimensional silica gel thin layer chromatography suggested that the major phosphoamino acid in phosphorylated HpPex14p was acid-labile, (C) 1999 Federation of European Biochemical Societies

    Memory and rejuvenation in a spin glass

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    The temperature dependence of the magnetisation of a Cu(Mn) spin glass (TgT_g \approx 57 K) has been investigated using weak probing magnetic fields (HH = 0.5 or 0 Oe) and specific thermal protocols. The behaviour of the zero-field cooled, thermoremanent and isothermal remanent magnetisation on (re-)cooling the system from a temperature (40 K) where the system has been aged is investigated. It is observed that the measured magnetisation is formed by two parts: (i) a temperature- and observation time-dependent thermally activated relaxational part governed by the age- and temperature-dependent response function and the (latest) field change made at a lower temperature, superposed on (ii) a weakly temperature-dependent frozen-in part. Interestingly we observe that the spin configuration that is imprinted during an elongated halt in the cooling, if it is accompanied by a field induced magnetisation, also includes a unidirectional excess magnetisation that is recovered on returning to the ageing temperature.Comment: EPL style; 7 pages, 5 figure

    Produção orgânica de café no Sítio Santa Cecília, em Glória de Dourados-MS

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    bitstream/item/66258/1/31284.pdfOrganizado por: Alberto Feiden, Milton Parron Padovan, Adalgiza Inês Campolim, Aurélio Vinícius Borsato, Ivo de Sá Motta, João Batista Catto, Tércio Jacques Fehlauer

    Temperature Chaos, Rejuvenation and Memory in Migdal-Kadanoff Spin Glasses

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    We use simulations within the Migdal-Kadanoff real space renormalization approach to probe the scales relevant for rejuvenation and memory in spin glasses. One of the central questions concerns the role of temperature chaos. First we investigate scaling laws of equilibrium temperature chaos, finding super-exponential decay of correlations but no chaos for the total free energy. Then we perform out of equilibrium simulations that follow experimental protocols. We find that: (1) rejuvenation arises at a length scale smaller than the ``overlap length'' l(T,T'); (2) memory survives even if equilibration goes out to length scales much larger than l(T,T').Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, added references, slightly changed content, modified Fig.

    Participation of Cbfa1 in regulation of chondrocyte maturation

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    AbstractObjective Cbfa1 is a transcription factor, which is classified into the runt family. The mice lacking this gene display complete loss of bone formation, indicating that Cbfa1 is an essential factor for osteoblast differentiation. The Cbfa1-deficient mice also show an abnormality in cartilage development. Although cartilage anlagens are well formed in these mice, endochondral ossification is blocked, and most of chondrocytes fail to differentiate into their maturation form as characterized by the absence of type X collagen and low levels of alkaline phosphatase activity. It is suggested that Cbfa1 may participate in chondrocyte differentiation. In this study, we have investigated the role of Cbfa1 in chondrocytes during their cytodifferentiation in vitro.Design To investigate the role of Cbfa1 in regulation of chondrocyte differentiation, we over-expressed Cbfa1 or its dominant negative form in cultured chick chondrocytes using a retrovirus (RCAS)system and examined changes in chondrocyte behaviour induced by the introduced genes.Results Mature chondrocytes isolated form the cephalic portion of sterna seemed to express Cbfa1 more prominently than immature chondrocytes isolated from the one-third caudal portion of sterna. Over-expression of Cbfa1 in immature chondrocytes strongly stimulated alkaline phosphatase activity and matrix calcification. In contrast, expression of a dominant negative form of Cbfa1, which lacks the C-terminal PST domain, severely inhibited alkaline phosphatase activity and matrix calcification in mature chondrocytes.Conclusion Taken together with the observation that Cbfa1 transcripts dominantly localized in hypertrophic chondrocytes as well as in osteoblasts, it is suggested that Cbfa1 plays an important role in the progression of chondrocyte maturation

    Bifurcations and chaos in a current-carrying ion sheath

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    Cascading bifurcations to chaos are investigated experimentally and theoretically in a current-carrying stable plasma. A dc plasma current is required to produce an electron-depleted thick sheath on a grid, which obeys the Child Langmuir law of space-charge-limited current in a diode. Bifurcation cascade and chaotic behavior are exhibited when an external periodic oscillation is applied to the grid, and are in good agreement for the first time with a theory, which describes ion dynamics in the Child Langmuir sheath and is represented by the differential equation with three independent variables. A fractal dimension predicted by the theory is verified by the experiment