21 research outputs found

    Alliances in SMEs and cooperatives involved in business with low income sectors in Latin America

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    The paper reports the findings of an exploratory study to assess the nature of alliances that businesses and nonprofits have developed with SMEs and cooperatives operating in low income sectors in Latin America. Cross-sector alliances were categorized according to Austin鈥檚 collaboration continuum framework (2000). The findings indicate that the proportion of cooperatives engaged in at least one alliance with businesses or other non-profit organizations is higher than that of SMEs, with cross-sector alliances falling predominantly into the transactional category. Allied organizations appear to play an important role in orchestrating value chains for cooperative business ventures but not for those of SMEs

    Validaci贸n de la PSU: Comentarios al 驴Estudio Acerca de la Validez Predictiva de los Factores de Selecci贸n a las Universidades del Consejo de Rectores驴

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    El presente trabajo eval煤a las conclusiones extra铆das del "Estudio Acerca de la Validez Predictiva de los Factores de Selecci贸n a las Universidades del Consejo de Rectores" (Comit茅 T茅cnico Asesor, 2006). Se concluye que, contrariamente a lo se帽alado en 贸rganos de prensa, dicho estudio en modo alguno puede calificarse de "contundente" en lo que ata帽e a refutar los cuestionamientos de que ha sido objeto la PSU. M谩s bien, a la luz de sus limitaciones, no puede concluirse que el cambio haya incrementado la capacidad predictiva de las pruebas de admisi贸n ni que 茅stas hayan cumplido con las expectativas de favorecer el acceso de postulantes provenientes de sectores de menores recursos a la universidad. El art铆culo presenta algunos de los problemas y limitaciones del estudio

    Uncertainty reduction mechanisms in cross-sector alliances in Latin America

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    The present study explores three uncertainty reduction mechanisms that arise in the context of business alliance formation to assess whether these same mechanisms also operate in the development of alliances between non-profits and businesses. Secondary data from field-based case studies of Latin American cross-sector alliances are the focus of this analysis. The findings show that the same mechanisms operate to reduce uncertainty in cross-sector alliance formation and that alliance experience appears to determine the presence of some mechanisms.

    Problemas de equidad asociados con el cambio de las pruebas de admisi贸n universitaria en Chile

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    En este trabajo se examina el proceso de reemplazo de la PAA por la PSU, advirti茅ndose que esta 煤ltima fue elaborada en un per铆odo demasiado breve para su debido desarrollo y validaci贸n. Por otro lado, la evidencia indica que, contrariamente a lo planteado por quienes promov铆an su implantaci贸n, las nuevas pruebas no se han traducido en mayor equidad en el ingreso a la universidad. Ello se explicar铆a porque los estudiantes provenientes de los sectores m谩s desventajados no han contado con la preparaci贸n necesaria para responder a los mayores niveles de dificultad de las nuevas pruebas de admisi贸n

    Alliances in smes and cooperatives involved in business with low income sectors in latin america

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    El art铆culo reporta los hallazgos de un estudio exploratoriopara evaluar la naturaleza de alianzas intersectoriales que realizan tantoPymes como cooperativas que hacen negocios en sectores de bajos ingresosen Latinoam茅rica. Las alianzas intersectoriales fueron clasificadasen t茅rminos del modelo de colaboraci贸n definido por J. Austin en el a帽o2000. Los resultados indican que la proporci贸n de cooperativas que estableceal menos una alianza es mayor que la de las Pymes, y el tipo dealianza intersectorial es predominantemente de naturaleza transaccional.La organizaci贸n aliada parece jugar un rol importante en el montaje decadenas de valor para los emprendimientos de las cooperativas, no siendoas铆 en el caso de las Pymes


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    The aim of this paper was to expand the knowledge about the characteristics of publications in the business administration and economics fields in Latin America. Previous research studies had characterized the publications and authorship pattern of the region, but did not include a measure of the quality of the journals in which the publications appeared nor a characterization of authorship patterns of the publications. The inclusion of an ad-hoc indicator of journal impact revealed differences in the quality of journals in which Latin American authors publish their scholarly work and also differences in authorship patterns within the region.Business Administration, Economics, Publications Productivity, Latin America


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    The case describes the evolution of the alliance between Corporaci贸n de Ayuda para el Ni帽o Quemado (Corporation for the Aid of Burn Children, hence COANIQUEM) and ESSO-Chile (ESSO), a subsidiary of ExxonMobil International and one of the major fuel distributors of the country. This alliance involves a long-term relationship that becomes increasingly important for both partners. This cases addresses issues of long-term collaboration in the context of a multinational organization that does not espouse a policy of establishing formal alliances with non profits institutions. The relationship progresses because COANIQUEM has gained standing and recognition in the community and a stable partnership has emerged between the two successful organizations. However, the long-standing relation may be challenged by the decision to build an international center for the rehabilitation of burned children which can jeopardize the financial health of COANIQUEM. The case explores the opportunities and risks entailed in the strategic decision to expand and the challenges this decision entails for the future of the alliance. The role of charismatic leadership and trust-building in the creation and growth of non-profits can be addressed. Chile : ESSO Chile, subsidiary of ExxonMobil International; COANIQUEM, two rehabilitation centers, 50,000 children rehabilitated.Collaborative Relationship in Social Sector, Social Entrepreneurship, Decision-making Process, Alliances, Non-profit, Chile


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    This case gives an overview of the Corporaci贸n de Desarrollo Social del Sector Rural (Codesser), a non-profit organization that was created in the 1970s to run vocational agrarian schools in rural areas in Chile. In the years following, Codesser broadened its administrative scope by forming alliances with other non-profits to run schools with other specializations in high school technical education, specifically industrial and cooking schools. In 2003, Codesser board members were evaluating an offer that would lead to a new business niche for their organization: buying a school (instead of just administering it) and offering elementary and college-track secondary education (instead of technical secondary education). The case discussion is centered on this decision as it implies evaluating mission coherency, organizational competencies, financial viability, and growth opportunities. Teaching Purpose: To sharpen analytical skills, especially regarding the evaluation of strategic decisions. To emphasize the importance of evaluating growth opportunities in regards to mission coherency, organizational competencies, and financial viability. Chile, Rural Education and Development, $2 million yearly revenues, 2003-2005, Case, Field and Pub. Mat.Business Management, Non-profit Business Management, Strategy, Non-Profit Strategic Management, Business Growth or Expansion, Education, Latin America, Chile


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    This case outlines the history of the Asociaci贸n Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS), a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of work-related accidents and illnesses. ACHS is part of the Chilean system of 芦workers insurance organizations,禄 known generically as mutuales. By law these organizations may not be administered directly or indirectly by any for-profit company. At the end of 2003, ACHS administered 7 hospitals, 27 clinics, and 70 medical centers throughout Chile. However, due to efficiency in accident prevention and advancements in medical treatment, hospital infrastructure far exceeded demand. To deal with this problem ACHS is reviewing a possible alliance with one of its competitors. The case focuses on this dilemma, along with the pending succession of the organization鈥檚 president for 45 years. The case illustrates the delicate balance between pursuing financial goals and remaining loyal to the organization鈥檚 mission. Teaching Purpose: To sharpen strategic analysis skills, examine the importance of balancing financial goals and mission attainment when managing a non-profit organization, and raise awareness regarding the need to plan for leadership succession. Chile, Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Work-related Accidents and Illnesses, Non-profit Industry (mandated by law), $165 million yearly revenues, 2003-2005, Case, Field and Pub.Mat.Business Management, Non-profit Business Management, Strategy, Non-Profit Strategic Management, Organizational Leadership, Leadership Succession, Insurance, Latin America, Chile