591 research outputs found

    Japan’s ODA to Pakistan and Aid Coordination Beyond Aid Modalities

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    Before the Pakistan Development Forum (PDF) takes place in April this year, we decided to organise this seminar today. There are several reason for doing this. First, 9/11 in 2001, Pakistan as a partner for Japan’s ODA has changed in a substantial way. Second, in 2005 Japan resumed its new commitments on yen loans, and it would be appropriate to review our ODA policy to Pakistan before our yen loan operation is put back in full swing. Third, Japan’s ODA to Pakistan has mainly been delivered through projects. Facing the growing criticism against the project approach, it would be our responsibility as a major donor to review the effectiveness of our main aid modality. Fourth, aid coordination in Pakistan has entered into a new era after Pakistan and donors including Japan joined in the adoption of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness in March 2005

    Low Energy Excitations in Borate Glass

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    The boson peak in the terahertz range is the low-energy excitations in glasses and disordered crystals. It is related to the excess part of the vibrational density of states. Borate glass is one of the typical network oxide glasses with covalent bonds and belongs to the strong type of glass formers. Alkali metal ions are well-known modifiers of the borate glass network and control various properties. The alkali metal effects are reviewed on basic physical properties such as elastic constants, density, and vibration modes in relation to the variation of structural units in a modified borate glass network. The alkali effect on a boson peak is discussed on the basis of experimental results of neutron inelastic scattering, neutron diffraction, Raman scattering, and heat capacity at low temperatures. The correlation is discussed between the boson peak frequency, the peak temperature of excess heat capacity, and shear modulus. The static and dynamical correlation lengths are also discussed

    Central peak and acoustic anomalies of the relaxor ferroelectric lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate single crystal studied by the micro-Brillouin scattering

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    Quasielastic central peak and acoustic anomalies in a [001] lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate single crystal have been investigated by the high-resolution micro-Brillouin scattering. Two acoustic anomalies were observed at temperatures, TC-T~415 K and TT-R~348 K. The damping showed a significant dispersion at T~550 K, associated with the enhanced dynamics of local strain fields created by the polar microregions. The temperature evolution of the quasielastic central peak exhibited anomalies in the overall intensity and relaxation time that were associated with the line shape interferences of the central peak and the acoustic mode

    Acoustic phonon mode anomalies in lanthanum doped lead zirconate-titanate relaxor ferroelectric ceramics

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    Lanthanum-doped lead zirconate titanate, PLZT-x/65/35 (x=8.0, 9.0, and 9.4), relaxor ferroelectric ceramics were investigated by the high resolution Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy in the temperature range from ~870 down to ~170 K. Broad anomalies were observed in the acoustic phonon mode velocity and related elastic stiffness coefficient showing minimum between ~320–~240 K. The deviation in the acoustic mode velocity from the high temperature linearity at the Burns temperature (TB~720 K) and presence of a broad central peak in the temperature range 200T540 K were attributed to the dynamics of polar nanoregions with randomly oriented local polarization appearing due to site and/or charge disorder at both A- and B-sites of the ABO3 perovskite lattice. The presence of a new temperature point Td (~575 K) was conclusively established in PLZT-x/65/35 relaxor ceramics

    Static capacitance at the electrochemical liquid-liquid interface between ionic liquids and eutectic Ga-In alloy measured using the pendant drop method

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    Static differential capacitance (Cdc) at the liquid-liquid interface between ionic liquids (ILs) and eutectic Ga-In alloy (EGaIn) has been measured using the pendant drop method for two ILs: 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([C₂mim⁺]BF₄⁻) and 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(nonafluorobutanesulfonyl)amide ([C₈mim⁺][C₄C₄N⁻]). The potentials of zero charge for the IL|EGaIn interfaces are shifted compared with the IL|Hg interfaces with an amount that can be considered by the difference in the work functions of EGaIn and Hg. The measured Cdc at the [C₂mim⁺]BF₄⁻|EGaIn interface has well reproduced the camel-shape potential dependence of Cdc at the Hg interface of the same IL at the negatively charged potential region. This suggests that there are little specific interaction between the IL ions with EGaIn and Hg. The [C₈mim⁺][C₄C₄N⁻]|EGaIn has been compared with the [C₈mim⁺]BF₄⁻|Hg interface where IL-cation is the same but IL-anion is different. Also in that case, Cdc is similar to each other at the negatively charged potential region, which means that accumulated C₈mim⁺ ions at the interface mainly govern the Cdc behavior

    Broadband dielectric spectroscopy of Pb-based relaxor ferroelectric (1-x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 with intermediate random fields

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    This work is devoted to the investigation of the broad band dielectric spectra of 0.83PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-0.17PbTiO3 (PMN-17PT) single crystals which have intermediate random fields. The necessity to understand the impact of random fields for the phase transition in heterogeneous perovskite oxides is of central importance. The thorough studies of dielectric properties revealed that the structural phase transition in PMN-17PT has a very complex dynamics. The temperature dependences of dielectric permittivity show that this material has features characteristic of polar nano regions and order-disorder phase transition dynamics. We speculate that this is the fingerprint of the phase transition in such heterogeneous perovskite oxides

    Classification of Smartphone Application Reviews Using Small Corpus Based on Bidirectional LSTM Transformer

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    This paper provides the classification of the review texts on a smartphone application posted on social media. We propose a high performance binary classification method (positive/negative) of review texts, which uses the bidirectional long short-term memory (biLSTM) self-attentional Transformer and is based on the distributed representations created by unsupervised learning of a manually labelled small review corpus, dictionary, and an unlabeled large review corpus. The proposed method obtained higher accuracy as compared to the existing methods, such as StarSpace or the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer (BERT)

    Central peaks, acoustic modes, and the dynamics of polar nanoregions in Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)xTi1−x]O3 single crystals studied by Brillouin spectroscopy

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    Temperature dependence of acoustic behaviors and quasielastic central peaks (CPs) of Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)xTi1−x]O3 (PZN-xPT) single crystals with x=4.5% and 9% have been investigated in a temperature range of 300–900 K by using the Brillouin light scattering. The temperature dependence of the C11 elastic constant of both crystals showed a deviation from normal lattice anharmonicity at the Burns temperature (TB) of about 730 K upon cooling, indicating the onset of the electrostrictive coupling between the polar nanoregions (PNRs) and the longitudinal acoustic (LA) waves. Upon further cooling, depolarized CP began to appear at a certain temperature (Td) located in 500–550 K, which was accompanied by substantial softening of the C44 elastic constant below this temperature suggesting anisotropic electrostrictive coupling between PNRs and the two acoustic waves. In addition, the onset of significant increase in the acoustic damping of both acoustic waves at Td could be seen from the temperature dependence of the linewidth of Brillouin doublets. These results suggested that electrostrictive coupling of the strain to the square of the local polarization of PNRs and the resultant order-parameter fluctuations are enhanced not at TB but at a much lower temperature of Td, which may be ascribed to a local structural transformation occurring in PNRs at Td. This suggestion is consistent with recent studies on PZN-xPT single crystals reporting the appearance of strong acoustic emission signals [M. Roth et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 265701 (2007)] and substantial changes in the Raman spectrum [O. Svitelskiy, Phys. Rev. B 72, 172106 (2005)] at almost the same temperature. From the comparison of the present results to those of two typical relaxors, Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 and Pb(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3, it was suggested that the existence of an intermediate characteristic temperature Td below TB may be considered as a more common characteristic in the temperature evolution of PNRs of relaxor ferroelectrics