5,456 research outputs found

    Anatomy, behavior, and modern human origins

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    Social Anxiety and the Recall of Interpersonal Information

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    Sixty subjects classified as high or low in social anxiety participated in a structured heterosocial interaction under conditions of either high or low social-evaluative threat. Following the interaction, subjects were asked to recall detailed information about the interaction partner’s appearance and the content of the conversation. Socially anxious subjects recalled less information and made more errors in recall than nonanxious subjects. Contrary to prediction, social-evaluative threat did not affect recall. Anxious subjects also reported greater self-focused attention during the interaction. High self-focused attention was associated with superior recall for nonanxious subjects but associated with more frequent omission errors for anxious subjects. Results support cognitive-behavioral formulations of social anxiety which propose that socially anxious individuals engage in self-focused thinking which may impair their ability to process social information

    Glaciological studies in the central Andes using AIRSAR/TOPSAR

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    The interaction of climate and topography in mountainous regions is dramatically expressed in the spatial distribution of glaciers and snowcover. Monitoring existing alpine glaciers and snow extent provides insight into the present mountain climate system and how it is changing, while mapping the positions of former glaciers as recorded in landforms such as cirques and moraines provide a record of the large past climate change associated with the last glacial maximum. The Andes are an ideal mountain range in which to study the response of snow and ice to past and present climate change. Their expansive latitudinal extent offers the opportunity to study glaciers in diverse climate settings from the tropical glaciers of Peru and Bolivia to the ice caps and tide-water glaciers of sub-polar Patagonia. SAR has advantages over traditional passive remote sensing instruments for monitoring present snow and ice and differentiating moraine relative ages. The cloud penetrating ability of SAR is indispensable for perennially cloud covered mountains. Snow and ice facies can be distinguished from SAR's response to surface roughness, liquid water content and grain size distribution. The combination of SAR with a coregestered high-resolution DEM (TOPSAR) provides a promising tool for measuring glacier change in three dimensions, thus allowing ice volume change to be measured directly. The change in moraine surface roughness over time enables SAR to differentiate older from younger moraines. Polarimetric SAR data have been used to distinguish snow and ice facies and relatively date moraines. However, both algorithms are still experimental and require ground truth verification. We plan to extend the SAR classification of snow and ice facies and moraine age beyond the ground truth sites to throughout the Cordillera Real to provide a regional view of past and present snow and ice. The high resolution DEM will enhance the SAR moraine dating technique by discriminating relative ages based on moraine slope degradation

    On the Hydrodynamic Interaction of Shock Waves with Interstellar Clouds. II. The Effect of Smooth Cloud Boundaries on Cloud Destruction and Cloud Turbulence

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    The effect of smooth cloud boundaries on the interaction of steady planar shock waves with interstellar clouds is studied using a high-resolution local AMR technique with a second-order accurate axisymmetric Godunov hydrodynamic scheme. A 3D calculation is also done to confirm the results of the 2D ones. We consider an initially spherical cloud whose density distribution is flat near the cloud center and has a power-law profile in the cloud envelope. When an incident shock is transmitted into a smooth cloud, velocity gradients in the cloud envelope steepen the smooth density profile at the upstream side, resulting in a sharp density jump having an arc-like shape. Such a ``slip surface'' forms immediately when a shock strikes a cloud with a sharp boundary. For smoother boundaries, the formation of slip surface and therefore the onset of hydrodynamic instabilities are delayed. Since the slip surface is subject to the Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities, the shocked cloud is eventually destroyed in ∼3−10\sim 3-10 cloud crushing times. After complete cloud destruction, small blobs formed by fragmentation due to hydrodynamic instabilities have significant velocity dispersions of the order of 0.1 vbv_b, where vbv_b is the shock velocity in the ambient medium. This suggests that turbulent motions generated by shock-cloud interaction are directly associated with cloud destruction. The interaction of a shock with a cold HI cloud should lead to the production of a spray of small HI shreds, which could be related to the small cold clouds recently observed by Stanimirovic & Heiles (2005). The linewidth-size relation obtained from our 3D simulation is found to be time-dependent. A possibility for gravitational instability triggered by shock compression is also discussed.Comment: 62 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 29, 1951

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    Sororities bid upperclassmen during week • Lachman named vice-president • Henning Prentis delivers Founders Day Address • Curtain Club reveals leads for Fall play • Y group hears talk; Four at conference • Pianist to perform in Bomberger Hall on November 8 • Frosh give show; Custom period ends • Junior bazaar slated • Ruby takes photos; Tentative dates set • Movie list made up • Editorials: Alumni spirit; And in this corner; Sororities, fraternities do nothing for Ursinus • Donahue, \u2751 alumnus, reports on life among Arabs in French Morocco • Letters to the editor • Jones to read Saki at English meeting • Practice teachers look for professional savoir faire • Optimistic graduates explore world • Garnet hands Ursinus soccer team third defeat by downing locals 10-1 • Ursinus hopes for upset in game with F&M eleven • Temptation of Norma Gorinowski • Soccer team downs alumni • Curtis Hall remains leader in football • Undefeated Owlettes down Ursinus; Locals down Chestnut Hill eleven • Fynan\u27s conversion gives 13-12 win over Wagner • Jr. Bearettes win to stay unbeaten • Ryan to speak at magic showhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1525/thumbnail.jp

    Intestinal Microbiota-Dependent Phosphatidylcholine Metabolites, Diastolic Dysfunction, and Adverse Clinical Outcomes in Chronic Systolic Heart Failure

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    Background: Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) has been linked to increased cardiovascular risk. We aimed to determine the prognostic value of TMAO and its dietary precursors, choline and betaine, in heart failure (HF). Methods and Results: In 112 patients with chronic systolic HF with comprehensive echocardiographic evaluation, we measured plasma TMAO, choline, and betaine by mass spectrometry. Median (interquartile range) TMAO levels, choline, and betaine levels were 5.8 (3.6–12.1) μmol/L, 10.9 (8.4–14.0) μmol/L, and 43.8 (37.1–53.0) μmol/L, respectively, and were correlated with each other (all P \u3c .0001 for both). TMAO levels were significantly higher in patients with diabetes mellitus (9.4 [4.9–13.2] vs 4.8 [3.4–9.8] μmol/L; P = .005) and in subjects with New York Heart Association functional class III or greater (7.0 [4.7–14.8] vs 4.7 [3.4–11.3] μmol/L; P = .02). Elevated TMAO, choline, and betaine levels were each associated with higher plasma N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels and more advanced left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, but not systolic dysfunction or inflammatory and endothelial biomarkers. Higher choline (hazard ratio [HR] 1.64, 95% CI 1.22–2.20; P = .001), betaine (HR 1.51, 95% CI 1.10–2.08; P = .01), and TMAO (HR 1.48, 95% CI 1.10–1.96; P = .01) predicted increased risk for 5-year adverse clinical events (death/transplantation). Only higher TMAO levels predicted incident adverse clinical events independently from age, estimated glomerular filtration rate, mitral E/septal Ea, and NT-proBNP levels (HR 1.46, 95% CI 1.03–2.14; P = .03). Conclusion: Elevated plasma TMAO, choline, and betaine levels are each associated with more advanced left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and portend poorer long-term adverse clinical outcomes in chronic systolic HF. However, only higher plasma TMAO was associated with poor prognosis after adjustment for cardiorenal indices

    Sistem Pengendali Kecepatan Motor Dc Pada Lift Barang Menggunakan Kontroler Pid Berbasis Atmega 2560

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    Lift barang adalah angkutan transportasi vertikal digunakan untuk memindahkan barang. Lift ini sangat khusus fungsinya untuk barang saja, lift ini hampir sama dengan lift penumpang namun ada sedikit perbedaan dalam sistem keamanannya. Lift barang yang sekarang memang sudah otomatis tetapi hanya pada gedung bertingkat tinggi. Untuk minimarket atau home industry yang memiliki struktur bangunan 2 lantai, banyak dijumpai masih menggunakan pengkatrolan secara manual oleh tenaga manusia untuk memindahkan barang. Hal ini cukup tidak efisien. Pada penelitian ini telah dirancang sistem pengaturan kecepatan motor DC pada lift barang menggunakan kontoler PID dengan kontruksi sistem yang sederhana. Digunakan Kontroler PID untuk mengurangi kesalahan, sehingga putaran motor dapat sesuai dengan kecepatan yang diinginkan. Dengan bantuan kontroler PID maka lift barang mampu bergerak dengan aman dan halus. Pada skripsi ini digunakan metode Ziegler-Nichols tunning 2. Dalam pembuatannya digunakan Arduino Mega 2560, rotary encoder Autonic E40H8 500-6-L-5, limit switch, dan motor DC. Berdasarkan data respons sistem yang diperoleh dari pengujian dengan menggunakan metode kedua Ziegler-Nichols, maka parameter kontroler PID dapat ditentukan dengan gain Kp = 7.71, Ki = 7.035 dan Kd = 2.113.Kata Kunci— Lift barang, Pengendalian Kecepatan, PID, Arduino Mega 2560
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