13 research outputs found

    D- és L-aminosavak elválasztása és meghatározása ioncserés oszlopkromatográfiával diasztereomer dipeptid formában I. : az alanil dipeptidek szétválasztása és meghatározása

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    A szerzők ioncserés oszlopkromatográfiás módszert dolgoztak ki a D- és Laminosavak meghatározására diasztereomer dipeptid formában. A fehérjetartalmú minta 6 mólos sósavas hidrolízisét követően az egyes aminosavakat LKB 4101-es automatikus aminosav-analizátorral és a hozzá kapcsolt LKB frakciószedővel választották szét, majd a liofilezést követően az egyes aminosavakból t. BOCL-Ala-ONSu aktív észterrel alani! dipeptideket szintetizáltak. Az alanil dipeptidek egymástól és a kiindulási aminosavaktól is jól elváltak: a D- és L-aminosavak meghatározása ebben a formában pontos, csak kissé hosszú (33 — 83 perc). A meghatározás pontossága kielégítő, a variációs koefficiens értéke 4 -6 % között alakul. Módszerüket ajánlják mindazon laboratóriumoknak, melyek rendelkeznek aminoavanalizátorral és szintetikus aminosavkiegészítők, petidek vagy természetes nyagok D- és L-aminosavait kívánják meghatározni. The authors worked out ione exchange column chromatography method for determination of D- and L-amino acids in form of diastereomer dipeptide. The individual amino acids were separated by means of LKB 4101 automatic amino acid analyser and LKB fraction pick-up and then were synthetized alanile dipeptides by means of BOC-L-Ala-ONSU active ester. The alanile-dipeptides separated good from each other and starting amino acids as well. The determination of D- and L-amino acid is correct in this form but long (33-83 minutes). The accuracy of the method is appropriate, coefficient of variation is 4 -6 % . The authors offer their method for laboratories. Verfasser haben eine Methode mit der Ionenaustausch-Säulenchromatographie zur Bestimmung der D- und L-Aminosäuren in Form von Diastereomerdipeptid ausgearbeitet. Nach der Hydrolyse der eiweißhaltigen Probe wurden die einzelnen Aminosäuren mit einem automatischen Aminosäureanalysator LKB 4101 und mit dem damit verbundenen Fraktionssamler LKB getrennt. Dann nach der Liofilisation wurden aus den einzelnen Aminosäuren mit dem aktiven Ester BOC-L-Ala-ON Su Alanildipeptide synthetisiert. Die Alamildipeptide waren voneinander und auch von den Ausgangsaminosäuren gut trennbar, wobei die Bestimmung der D- und L-Aminosäuren in dieser Form exakt, aber etwas zu langwierig (33 bis 83 mint) ist. Die Genauigkeit der Methode ist zufriedenstellend, der Variations-koeffizient beträgt 4 bis 6%. Die Methode wird allen Laboratorien empfohlen, die über Aminosäureanalysator verfügen sowie D- und L-Aminosäuren in den synthetischen Aminosäurezusatzstoffen, in Peptiden oder natürlichen Stoffen bestimmen wollen

    Vibrations of fixed-fixed heterogeneous curved beams loaded by a central force at the crown point

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    This paper addresses the vibrations of heterogeneous curved beams under the assumption that the load of the beam is a dead one and is perpendicular to the centroidal axis. It is assumed that: (a) the radius of curvature is constant, and (b) Young’s modulus and the Poisson’s number depend on the cross-sectional coordinates. As for the issue of fixed-fixed beams, the objectives are the following: (1) to determine the Green’s function matrices provided that the beam is under radial load; (2) to examine how the load affects the natural frequencies given that the beam is subjected to a vertical force at the crown point; (3) to develop a numerical model which makes it possible to determine how the natural frequencies are related to the load. The computational results are presented graphically

    Age-dependent parathormone levels and different CKD-MBD treatment practices of dialysis patients in Hungary - results from a nationwide clinical audit

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    BACKGROUND: Achieving target levels of laboratory parameters of bone and mineral metabolism in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients is important but also difficult in those living with end-stage kidney disease. This study aimed to determine if there are age-related differences in chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD) characteristics, including treatment practice in Hungarian dialysis patients. METHODS: Data were collected retrospectively from a large cohort of dialysis patients in Hungary. Patients on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis were also included. The enrolled patients were allocated into two groups based on their age (=65 years). Characteristics of the age groups and differences in disease-related (epidemiology, laboratory, and treatment practice) parameters between the groups were analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 5008 patients were included in the analysis and the mean age was 63.4+/-14.2 years. A total of 47.2% of patients were women, 32.8% had diabetes, and 11.4% were on peritoneal dialysis. Diabetes (37.9% vs 27.3%), bone disease (42.9% vs 34.1%), and soft tissue calcification (56.3% vs 44.7%) were more prevalent in the older group than the younger group (p<0.001 for all). We found an inverse relationship between age and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels (p<0.001). Serum PTH levels were lower in patients with diabetes compared with those without diabetes below 80 years (p<0.001). Diabetes and age were independently associated with serum PTH levels (interaction: diabetes x age groups, p=0.138). Older patients were more likely than younger patients to achieve laboratory target ranges for each parameter (Ca: 66.9% vs 62.1%, p<0.001; PO4: 52.6% vs 49.2%, p<0.05; and PTH: 50.6% vs 46.6%, p<0.01), and for combined parameters (19.8% vs 15.8%, p<0.001). Older patients were less likely to receive related medication than younger patients (66.9% vs 79.7%, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The achievement of laboratory target ranges for bone and mineral metabolism and clinical practice in CKD depends on the age of the patients. A greater proportion of older patients met target criteria and received less medication compared with younger patients

    Preliminary data on the ornithological fauna of the islet forming in the south part of Musura Gulf , between Stambulul Vechi (Ukraine) and Sulina (Romania) branches of the Danube

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    For several tens of years, Sacalin Island has been regarded as the classic example of a new biotope forming in the easternmost part of the Danube, resulted as an interaction between the river and the Black Sea, host to specific flora and fauna; presently, the island tends to become a maritime levee, gradually joining the mainland and Holinca levee. Therefore, the area is losing its physical and geographical features as a new formed territory, including its unique characteristic as an optimal site for the establishment of waterbird colonies. A similar process of islet forming has been recently taking place in the east part of Musura Gulf, between Stambulul Vechi - Starâi Stambul (Ukraine) and Sulina (Romania) branches. The Ukrainian name of the site is Novaia Zemlia – New Land, and the country borders have already been marked. The new formed islets host a rich and diverse ornithological fauna, dueto their location and spatial orientation. On the Romanian side of the site, the reappearance of Sandwich Tern (Sternasandvicensis) colonies, represented by a great number of pairs, as well as Common Terns (Sterna hirundo), has been noted. Also, the site hosts the largest Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans) colony in the country; the breeding of the Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) and of the Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) has been documented. The observations performed up to present lead us to conclude that this new formed land is a model for the evolution of river-maritime sandbanks as a result of sedimentation; it is also of a major ornithological importance for the roosting, feeding and nesting ofboth sedentary and migratory species. Further monitoring is imperative in order to designate the site as a core area andresearch based on transboundary cooperation is required

    Considerations regarding the occurence of the Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber Linnaeus 1758) in the Danube Delta (Romania)

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    On its original Romanian name - breb, the Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber) extinct at us for almost two centuries and reintroduced in some areas of the country, at present is better known under the name of his North American relative, beaver. In the last decades, this specie has been reintroduced within in its old habitats from where itwas extinct, especially under the effect of human pressure. Since 1998, reinsertion actions took place in Romania, in many areas, the closest one to Danube Delta area being the lower part of Ialomita river. By 2011 epigraphic or paleozoology evidences about the presence of this mammalian into the actual Delta have not been found, except the Lower Danube, up to Isaccea, but also near Dobrogea Plateau in Murighiol area. Its last Paleontology evidences come from early medieval period. Until now, the actual delta was considered a territory inappropriate for the Eurasian Beaver, due to high fluctuations of the water levels. But, in April 2011, the spontaneous appearance of the European beaver near Maliuc area was proved, a copy killed by poachers. In July 2011, a Beaver injured after the collision with a boat was found and scientifically investigated. The future observations will have to document if this mammal extends its habitat up here or remains an erratic appearance. In case of success of spontaneous colonization, its consequences and effects on the environment in general and on biodiversity inparticular are required to be monitored

    A COVID-19-hez kapcsolódó májenzim-emelkedés valószínűleg multifaktoriális eredetű

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    A COVID–19 kapcsán tapasztalható jelenség a szérummájenzim-aktivitásnak a laboratóriumi vizsgálat során észlelt emelkedése. Ezen változások hátterében feltehetően három patomechanizmus áll: 1) a SARS-CoV-2 direkt citotoxi- kus és indirekt sejtszintű és szisztémás következményei, 2) a COVID–19-ben alkalmazott gyógyszeres kezeléseknek (remdesivir, favipiravir, tocilizumab, baricitinib, szisztémás kortikoszteroid) a farmakológiai hatásai, illetve 3) a betegekben korábban fennálló krónikus májbetegség(ek) progressziója. A májenzim-emelkedés kiváltó okának differenciáldiagnosztikája és a terápiával kapcsolatos döntéshozatal kihívást jelenthet a klinikus számára, mivel a nem megfelelő kezelés a COVID–19 vagy a májkárosodás progresszióját okozhatja. A jelen összefoglaló a COVID–19-betegeket ellátó klinikusok számára kíván alapvető támpontot nyújtani a helyes döntéshez

    Monitoring of European Mink (Mustela lutreola) in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve – Romania, 2003-2011. Current status and setting of goals for the European Mink conservation

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    The European mink (Mustela lutreola L.) is critically endangered. The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) is one of the last refuges of this species. Within the DDBR the European mink is still widespread as indicated by 74 life captures in a number of expeditions between 2003 and 2011. No American mink (Neovison vison), a serious threat to the European mink, were trapped or observed during 2000 and 2011 in the DDBR. Trapping success varied both between years and between trapping areas, but up to know the underlying factors for these patterns are not understood. It may be a combination of generally changing mink densities in the Delta due to food availability or reproduction success and habitat quality as a local factor. In this context we discuss potential limiting factors and outline some aspects for a future management plan of the species