58 research outputs found

    An Analytical Expression for the Non-Singlet Structure Functions at Small xx in the Double Logarithmic Approximation

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    A simple analytic expression for the non-singlet structure function fNSf_{NS} is given. The expression is derived from the result of Ref. [1] obtained by low xx resummation of the quark ladder diagrams in the double logarithmic approximation of perturbative QCD.Comment: 5 pages, A few comments and refs are adde

    On the forward-backward charge asymmetry in e+e- -annihilation into hadrons at high energies

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    The forward-backward asymmetry in e+ e- annihilation into a quark-antiquark pair is considered in the double-logarithmic approximation at energies much higher than the masses of the weak bosons. It is shown that after accounting to all orders for the exchange of virtual photons and W, Z -bosons one is lead to the following effect (asymmetry): quarks with positive electric charge (e.g. u, \bar{d}) tend to move in the e+ - direction whereas quarks with negative charges (e.g. d, \bar{u}) tend to move in the e- - direction. The value of the asymmetry grows with increasing energy when the produced quarks are within a cone with opening angle, in the cmf, \theta_0\sim 2M_Z/\sqrt{s} around the e+e- -beam. Outside this cone, at \theta_0 << \theta << 1, the asymmetry is inversely proportional to \theta .Comment: 17 Pages, 2 Tables, 4 Figures. Hadronization effects to the asymmetry are considered with more detail

    Production of electroweak bosons in e+e- annihilation at high energies

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    Production of electroweak bosons in e+e- annihilation into quarks and into leptons at energies much greater than 100 Gev is considered. We account for double-logarithmic contributions to all orders in electroweak couplings. It is assumed that the bosons are emitted in the multi-Regge kinematics. The explicit expressions for the scattering amplitudes of the process are obtained. It is shown that the cross sections of the photon and Z production have the identical energy dependence and asymptotically their ratio depends only on the Weinberg angle whereas the energy dependence of the cross section of the W production is suppressed by factor s^{-0.4} compared to them.Comment: Revtex4, 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    QCD running coupling effects for the non-singlet structure function at small x

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    A generalization of the leading-order DGLAP evolution at small x is performed for the non-singlet structure function by resumming the leading-order DGLAP anomalous dimension to all orders in the QCD coupling. Explicit expressions are obtained for the non-singlet structure function of the deep inelastic scattering, taking into account both the double-logarithmic and the single-logarithmic contributions, including the running alpha_s effects. It is shown that when these contributions are included, the asymptotic small-x behaviour is power-like, with an exponent of about 0.4.Comment: Latex, 20 pages, 7 figure

    Factorization and infrared properties of non-perturbative contributions to DIS structure functions

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    In this paper we present a new derivation of the QCD factorization. We deduce the k_T- and collinear factorizations for the DIS structure functions by consecutive reductions of a more general theoretical construction. We begin by studying the amplitude of the forward Compton scattering off a hadron target, representing this amplitude as a set of convolutions of two blobs connected by the simplest, two-parton intermediate states. Each blob in the convolutions can contain both the perturbative and non-perturbative contributions. We formulate conditions for separating the perturbative and non-perturbative contributions and attributing them to the different blobs. After that the convolutions correspond to the QCD factorization. Then we reduce this totally unintegrated (basic) factorization first to the k_T- factorization and finally to the collinear factorization. In order to yield a finite expression for the Compton amplitude, the integration over the loop momentum in the basic factorization must be free of both ultraviolet and infrared singularities. This obvious mathematical requirement leads to theoretical restrictions on the non-perturbative contributions (parton distributions) to the Compton amplitude and the DIS structure functions related to the Compton amplitude through the Optical theorem. In particular, our analysis excludes the use of the singular factors x^{-a} (with a > 0) in the fits for the quark and gluon distributions because such factors contradict to the integrability of the basic convolutions for the Compton amplitude. This restriction is valid for all DIS structure functions in the framework of both the k_T- factorization and the collinear factorization if we attribute the perturbative contributions only to the upper blob.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Parton interactions in the Bjorken limit of QCD

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    We consider the Bjorken limit in the framework of the effective action approach and discuss its similarities to the Regge limit. The proposed effective action allows for a rather simple calculation of the known evolution kernels. We represent the result in terms of two-parton interaction operators involving gluon and quark operators depending on light-ray position and helicity and analyze their symmetry properties.Comment: 32 pages LaTex, 4 eps-figures, comments added, minor correction

    Intercepts of the non-singlet structure functions

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    Infrared evolution equations for small-xx behaviour of the non-singlet structure functions f1NSf_1^{NS} and g1NSg_1^{NS} are obtained and solved in the next-to-leading approximation, to all orders in αs\alpha_s, and including running αs\alpha_s effects. The intercepts of these structure functions, i.e. the exponents of the power-like small-xx behaviour, are calculated. A detailed comparison with the leading logarithmic approximation (LLA) and DGLAP is made. We explain why the LLA predictions for the small-xx dependence of the structure functions may be more reliable than the prediction for the Q2Q^2 dependence in the range of Q2Q^2 explored at HERA.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, 5 Postscript figure

    The Small-x Behaviour of the Singlet Polarized Structure Function g_2 in the Double Logarithmic Approximation

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    The small-x behavior of the singlet contributions to the polarized structure function g_2(x,Q^2) is calculated in the double-logarithmic approximation of perturbative QCD. The dominant contribution is due to the gluons which, in contrast to the unpolarized case, mix with the fermions also in the small-x domain. We find a power-like growth in 1/x in the odd-signature parts of the amplitude with the same power as in the singlet function g_1(x,Q^2) at x<< 1.Comment: 20 pages, latex, 3 ps figure

    On the mechanisms governing gas penetration into a tokamak plasma during a massive gas injection

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    A new 1D radial fluid code, IMAGINE, is used to simulate the penetration of gas into a tokamak plasma during a massive gas injection (MGI). The main result is that the gas is in general strongly braked as it reaches the plasma, due to mechanisms related to charge exchange and (to a smaller extent) recombination. As a result, only a fraction of the gas penetrates into the plasma. Also, a shock wave is created in the gas which propagates away from the plasma, braking and compressing the incoming gas. Simulation results are quantitatively consistent, at least in terms of orders of magnitude, with experimental data for a D 2 MGI into a JET Ohmic plasma. Simulations of MGI into the background plasma surrounding a runaway electron beam show that if the background electron density is too high, the gas may not penetrate, suggesting a possible explanation for the recent results of Reux et al in JET (2015 Nucl. Fusion 55 093013)

    Overview of the JET results in support to ITER

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