42 research outputs found
Porcine humoral immune responses to multiple injections of murine monoclonal antibodies
In humans and cattle, multiple injections of murine monoclonal antibodies (m-mAbs) induce anti-mouse antibody responses. The objectives of the present. study were to investigate whether a similar response could be seen when pigs were subjected to m-mAb therapy, and to study the kinetics of such a response. In two separate animal experiments, long-term treatment was performed with m-mAbs at low-dose levels and therapeutic levels, respectively. Two specific m-mAbs that recognized cognate antigen in the pigs (CD4 and CD8 surface antigens on T-lymphocytes) and two irrelevant control m-mAbs having no cognate antigen in the pigs were used. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were used to quantitate the circulating m-mAbs, as well as the induced pig anti-mouse antibodies (PAMA), in serum samples from m-mAb-treated pigs. As expected, we generally saw vigorous PAMA responses within 10 days aft er the start of m-mAb treatment with the specific m-mAbs. However, the different mAbs showed striking differences in the kinetics and levels of PAMA responses, differences that might be ascribed to the m-mAb formulation and epitope specificity. In conclusion, treatment of pigs with m-mAbs against T-cell surface antigens induced rapid PAMA responses. This may influence and possibly decrease the effect of the m-mAb treatment by narrowing the time period where m-mAbs can efficiently be used for cell depletion