591 research outputs found

    Identifying projected clusters from gene expression profiles

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    In microarray gene expression data, clusters may hide in subspaces. Traditional clustering algorithms that make use of similarity measurements in the full input space may fail to detect the clusters. In recent years a number of algorithms have been proposed to identify this kind of projected clusters, but many of them rely on some critical parameters whose proper values are hard for users to determine. In this paper a new algorithm that dynamically adjusts its internal thresholds is proposed. It has a low dependency on user parameters while allowing users to input some domain knowledge should they be available. Experimental results show that the algorithm is capable of identifying some interesting projected clusters from real microarray data.published_or_final_versio

    The efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the treatment of ureteric stones

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of in situ extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy treatment of ureteric stones using the Dornier MFL 5000 lithotripter. From March 1991 to June 1994, 184 patients received in situ extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy treatment. The overall success rate was 76% (77% for upper; 69% for middle; and 81% for lower ureteric stones, respectively). The level and size of the stones did not affect the final outcome significantly. An average of 1.23 sessions were required for each patient and the rate of major auxiliary intervention was 21%. We conclude that extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is an effective treatment for ureteric stones.published_or_final_versio

    Management of ureteric calculi: the pendulum swings

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    Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) for treatment of ureteral calculi has gained wide popularity because of its non-invasive and ambulatory nature. The success rate using the Dornier MFL 5000 is about 77%, but retreatment is often required and stone clearance is gradual. Ureteroscopic lithotripsy (URSL) used to be performed as an in-patient procedure. With the introduction of Holmium laser and establishment of day surgery service, out-patient URSL carries a success rate of 93% and offers immediate stone clearance. It is an attractive alternative for low surgical risk patients as a primary treatment modality.published_or_final_versio

    Integrating Light Curve and Atmospheric Modeling of Transiting Exoplanets

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    Spectral retrieval techniques are currently our best tool to interpret the observed exoplanet atmospheric data. Said techniques retrieve the optimal atmospheric components and parameters by identifying the best fit to an observed transmission/emission spectrum. Over the past decade, our understanding of remote worlds in our galaxy has flourished thanks to the use of increasingly sophisticated spectral retrieval techniques and the collective effort of the community working on exoplanet atmospheric models. A new generation of instruments in space and from the ground is expected to deliver higher quality data in the next decade; it is therefore paramount to upgrade current models and improve their reliability, their completeness, and the numerical speed with which they can be run. In this paper, we address the issue of reliability of the results provided by retrieval models in the presence of systematics of unknown origin. More specifically, we demonstrate that if we fit directly individual light curves at different wavelengths (L-retrieval), instead of fitting transit or eclipse depths, as it is currently done (S-retrieval), the said methodology is more sensitive against astrophysical and instrumental noise. This new approach is tested, in particular, when discrepant simulated observations from Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Camera 3 and Spitzer/IRAC are combined. We find that while S-retrievals converge to an incorrect solution without any warning, L-retrievals are able to flag potential discrepancies between the data sets

    Don't Pay Attention to the Noise: Learning Self-supervised Representations of Light Curves with a Denoising Time Series Transformer

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    Astrophysical light curves are particularly challenging data objects due to the intensity and variety of noise contaminating them. Yet, despite the astronomical volumes of light curves available, the majority of algorithms used to process them are still operating on a per-sample basis. To remedy this, we propose a simple Transformer model –called Denoising Time Series Transformer (DTST)– and show that it excels at removing the noise and outliers in datasets of time series when trained with a masked objective, even when no clean targets are available. Moreover, the use of self-attention enables rich and illustrative queries into the learned representations. We present experiments on real stellar light curves from the Transiting Exoplanet Space Satellite (TESS), showing advantages of our approach compared to traditional denoising techniques1

    UPDG: Utilities package for data analysis of Pooled DNA GWAS

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite being a well-established strategy for cost reduction in disease gene mapping, pooled DNA association study is much less popular than the individual DNA approach. This situation is especially true for pooled DNA genomewide association study (GWAS), for which very few computer resources have been developed for its data analysis. This motivates the development of UPDG (Utilities package for data analysis of Pooled DNA GWAS).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>UPDG represents a generalized framework for data analysis of pooled DNA GWAS with the integration of Unix/Linux shell operations, Perl programs and R scripts. With the input of raw intensity data from GWAS, UPDG performs the following tasks in a stepwise manner: raw data manipulation, correction for allelic preferential amplification, normalization, nested analysis of variance for genetic association testing, and summarization of analysis results. Detailed instructions, procedures and commands are provided in the comprehensive user manual describing the whole process from preliminary preparation of software installation to final outcome acquisition. An example dataset (input files and sample output files) is also included in the package so that users can easily familiarize themselves with the data file formats, working procedures and expected output. Therefore, UPDG is especially useful for users with some computer knowledge, but without a sophisticated programming background.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>UPDG provides a free, simple and platform-independent one-stop service to scientists working on pooled DNA GWAS data analysis, but with less advanced programming knowledge. It is our vision and mission to reduce the hindrance for performing data analysis of pooled DNA GWAS through our contribution of UPDG. More importantly, we hope to promote the popularity of pooled DNA GWAS, which is a very useful research strategy.</p

    Conservative Policy Construction Using Variational Autoencoders for Logged Data With Missing Values

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    In high-stakes applications of data-driven decision-making such as healthcare, it is of paramount importance to learn a policy that maximizes the reward while avoiding potentially dangerous actions when there is uncertainty. There are two main challenges usually associated with this problem. First, learning through online exploration is not possible due to the critical nature of such applications. Therefore, we need to resort to observational datasets with no counterfactuals. Second, such datasets are usually imperfect, additionally cursed with missing values in the attributes of features. In this article, we consider the problem of constructing personalized policies using logged data when there are missing values in the attributes of features in both training and test data. The goal is to recommend an action (treatment) when ~X, a degraded version of Xwith missing values, is observed. We consider three strategies for dealing with missingness. In particular, we introduce the conservative strategy where the policy is designed to safely handle the uncertainty due to missingness. In order to implement this strategy, we need to estimate posterior distribution p(X|~X) and use a variational autoencoder to achieve this. In particular, our method is based on partial variational autoencoders (PVAEs) that are designed to capture the underlying structure of features with missing values

    Peeking inside the Black Box: Interpreting Deep-learning Models for Exoplanet Atmospheric Retrievals

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    Deep-learning algorithms are growing in popularity in the field of exoplanetary science due to their ability to model highly nonlinear relations and solve interesting problems in a data-driven manner. Several works have attempted to perform fast retrievals of atmospheric parameters with the use of machine-learning algorithms like deep neural networks (DNNs). Yet, despite their high predictive power, DNNs are also infamous for being "black boxes." It is their apparent lack of explainability that makes the astrophysics community reluctant to adopt them. What are their predictions based on? How confident should we be in them? When are they wrong, and how wrong can they be? In this work, we present a number of general evaluation methodologies that can be applied to any trained model and answer questions like these. In particular, we train three different popular DNN architectures to retrieve atmospheric parameters from exoplanet spectra and show that all three achieve good predictive performance. We then present an extensive analysis of the predictions of DNNs, which can inform us–among other things–of the credibility limits for atmospheric parameters for a given instrument and model. Finally, we perform a perturbation-based sensitivity analysis to identify to which features of the spectrum the outcome of the retrieval is most sensitive. We conclude that, for different molecules, the wavelength ranges to which the DNNs predictions are most sensitive do indeed coincide with their characteristic absorption regions. The methodologies presented in this work help to improve the evaluation of DNNs and to grant interpretability to their predictions

    Peeking inside the Black Box: Interpreting Deep-learning Models for Exoplanet Atmospheric Retrievals

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    Deep-learning algorithms are growing in popularity in the field of exoplanetary science due to their ability to model highly nonlinear relations and solve interesting problems in a data-driven manner. Several works have attempted to perform fast retrievals of atmospheric parameters with the use of machine-learning algorithms like deep neural networks (DNNs). Yet, despite their high predictive power, DNNs are also infamous for being "black boxes." It is their apparent lack of explainability that makes the astrophysics community reluctant to adopt them. What are their predictions based on? How confident should we be in them? When are they wrong, and how wrong can they be? In this work, we present a number of general evaluation methodologies that can be applied to any trained model and answer questions like these. In particular, we train three different popular DNN architectures to retrieve atmospheric parameters from exoplanet spectra and show that all three achieve good predictive performance. We then present an extensive analysis of the predictions of DNNs, which can inform us–among other things–of the credibility limits for atmospheric parameters for a given instrument and model. Finally, we perform a perturbation-based sensitivity analysis to identify to which features of the spectrum the outcome of the retrieval is most sensitive. We conclude that, for different molecules, the wavelength ranges to which the DNNs predictions are most sensitive do indeed coincide with their characteristic absorption regions. The methodologies presented in this work help to improve the evaluation of DNNs and to grant interpretability to their predictions