28 research outputs found

    Period Increase and Amplitude Distribution of Kink Oscillation of Coronal Loop

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    Coronal loops exist ubiquitously in the solar atmosphere. These loops puzzle astronomers over half a century. Solar magneto-seismology (SMS) provides a unique way to constrain the physical parameters of coronal loops. Here, we study the evolution of oscillations of a coronal loop observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). We measure geometric and physical parameters of the loop oscillations. In particular, we find that the mean period of the oscillations increased from 1048 to 1264 s during three oscillatory cycles. We employ the differential emission measure method and apply the tools of SMS. The evolution of densities inside and outside the loop is analyzed. We found that an increase of density inside the loop and decrease of the magnetic field strength along the loop are the main reasons for the increase in the period during the oscillations. Besides, we also found that the amplitude profile of the loop is different from a profile would it be a homogeneous loop. It is proposed that the distribution of magnetic strength along the loop rather than density stratification is responsible for this deviation. The variation in period and distribution of amplitude provide, in terms of SMS, a new and unprecedented insight into coronal loop diagnostics

    Centrioles: active players or passengers during mitosis?

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    Centrioles are cylinders made of nine microtubule (MT) triplets present in many eukaryotes. Early studies, where centrosomes were seen at the poles of the mitotic spindle led to their coining as “the organ for cell division”. However, a variety of subsequent observational and functional studies showed that centrosomes might not always be essential for mitosis. Here we review the arguments in this debate. We describe the centriole structure and its distribution in the eukaryotic tree of life and clarify its role in the organization of the centrosome and cilia, with an historical perspective. An important aspect of the debate addressed in this review is how centrioles are inherited and the role of the spindle in this process. In particular, germline inheritance of centrosomes, such as their de novo formation in parthenogenetic species, poses many interesting questions. We finish by discussing the most likely functions of centrioles and laying out new research avenues


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    The Hadley mechanism is adopted to describe the axisymmetric four day superrotation in the Venus atmosphere, with solar driven meridional winds redistributing energy and momentum, and eddy diffusion describing the actions of three dimensional transient eddies. We address the question how the eddy diffusion coefficients are related to the properties of the circulation. For the atmosphere of a slowly rotating planet such as Venus, we show that a form of the non-linear closure is suggested by the mixing length hypothesis, which constrains the magnitude of the eddy diffusion coefficients. Combining this constraint with the concept of the Rossby radius of deformation yields zonal velocities on the order of 100 m sec -1. A steady state, non-linear, one-layer spectral model is used for a parametric study to find a relationship between heat source, meridional circulation and eddy diffusion coefficients, which yields the large zonal velocities observed. This analysis leads to the following conclusions: (1) Proportional changes in the heat source and eddy diffusion coefficients do not significantly change the zonal velocities. (2) The meridional velocity is virtually constant for large eddy diffusion coefficients. (3) Below a threshold in the diffusion rate, the meridional velocity decreases, commensurate with the mixing length hypothesis. Eddy heat conduction becomes important and shares with the Hadley cell advection in balancing the solar heating. The zonal velocities then reach large values near 100 m sec -1. (4) For large eddy diffusion and small heating rates, the zonal velocities decrease with decreasing planetary rotation rates. However, under condition (3), the zonal velocities are independent of the planetary rotation rate. Ramifications are discussed for related parameterizations in GCMs, emphasizing that eddy diffusion coefficients are governed by solar forcing and cannot be chosen independently. © 1988 D. Reidel Publishing Company

    Fénix: un modelo de datos flexible para el intercambio de información en procesamiento del lenguaje natural

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    In this paper we describe Fénix, a data model for exchanging information between Natural Language Processing applications. The format proposed is intended to be flexible enough to cover both current and future data structures employed in the field of Computational Linguistics. The Fénix architecture is divided into four separate layers: conceptual, logical, persistence and physical. This division provides a simple interface to abstract the users from low-level implementation details, such as programming languages and data storage employed, allowing them to focus in the concepts and processes to be modelled. The Fénix architecture is accompanied by a set of programming libraries to facilitate the access and manipulation of the structures created in this framework. We will also show how this architecture has been already successfully applied in different research projects.En este artículo se describe Fénix, un modelo de datos para el intercambio de información entre aplicaciones en el campo del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. El formato propuesto está pensado para ser lo suficientemente flexible como para dar cobertura a estructuras de datos, tanto presentes como futuras, empleadas en el campo de la Lingüística Computacional. La arquitectura Fénix está dividida en cuatro capas: conceptual, lógica, persistencia y física. Esta división proporciona una interfaz sencilla para abstraer a los usuarios de los detalles de implementación de bajo nivel, como los lenguajes de programación o el almacenamiento de datos empleado, permitiéndoles centrarse en los conceptos y procesos a modelar. La arquitectura Fénix viene acompañada por un conjunto de librerías de programación para facilitar el acceso y manipulación de las estructuras creadas en este marco de trabajo. También mostraremos cómo se ha aplicado de manera exitosa esta arquitectura en diferentes proyectos de investigación.This research has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under project LegoLangUAge (Técnicas de Deconstrucción en las Tecnologías del Lenguaje Humano, TIN2012-31224)