15 research outputs found

    How mutualisms arise in phytoplankton communities: building eco-evolutionary principles for aquatic microbes.

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    Extensive sampling and metagenomics analyses of plankton communities across all aquatic environments are beginning to provide insights into the ecology of microbial communities. In particular, the importance of metabolic exchanges that provide a foundation for ecological interactions between microorganisms has emerged as a key factor in forging such communities. Here we show how both studies of environmental samples and physiological experimentation in the laboratory with defined microbial co-cultures are being used to decipher the metabolic and molecular underpinnings of such exchanges. In addition, we explain how metabolic modelling may be used to conduct investigations in reverse, deducing novel molecular exchanges from analysis of large-scale data sets, which can identify persistently co-occurring species. Finally, we consider how knowledge of microbial community ecology can be built into evolutionary theories tailored to these species' unique lifestyles. We propose a novel model for the evolution of metabolic auxotrophy in microorganisms that arises as a result of symbiosis, termed the Foraging-to-Farming hypothesis. The model has testable predictions, fits several known examples of mutualism in the aquatic world, and sheds light on how interactions, which cement dependencies within communities of microorganisms, might be initiated.EK is grateful for funding from UKERC and EU FP7 DEMA project, grant agreement no. 309086. KEH was supported by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), grant BB/I013164/1.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ele.12615

    An evidence-based framework for predicting the impact of differing autotroph-heterotroph thermal sensitivities on consumer-prey dynamics

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    Increased temperature accelerates vital rates, influencing microbial population and wider ecosystem dynamics, for example, the predicted increases in cyanobacterial blooms associated with global warming. However, heterotrophic and mixotrophic protists, which are dominant grazers of microalgae, may be more thermally sensitive than autotrophs, and thus prey could be suppressed as temperature rises. Theoretical and meta-analyses have begun to address this issue, but an appropriate framework linking experimental data with theory is lacking. Using ecophysiological data to develop a novel model structure, we provide the first validation of this thermal sensitivity hypothesis: increased temperature improves the consumer’s ability to control the autotrophic prey. Specifically, the model accounts for temperature effects on auto- and mixotrophs and ingestion, growth and mortality rates, using an ecologically and economically important system (cyanobacteria grazed by a mixotrophic flagellate). Once established, we show the model to be a good predictor of temperature impacts on consumer–prey dynamics by comparing simulations with microcosm observations. Then, through simulations, we indicate our conclusions remain valid, even with large changes in bottom-up factors (prey growth and carrying capacity). In conclusion, we show that rising temperature could, counterintuitively, reduce the propensity for microalgal blooms to occur and, critically, provide a novel model framework for needed, continued assessment

    Warming alters energetic structure and function but not resilience of soil food webs

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    Climate warming is predicted to alter the structure, stability, and functioning of food webs1–5. Yet, despite the importance of soil food webs for energy and nutrient turnover in terrestrial ecosystems, the effects of warming on these food webs—particularly in combination with other global change drivers—are largely unknown. Here, we present results from two complementary field experiments that test the interactive effects of warming with forest canopy disturbance and drought on energy flux in boreal–temperate ecotonal forest soil food webs. The first experiment applied a simultaneous above- and belowground warming treatment (ambient, + 1.7°C, +3.4°C) to closed-canopy and recently clear-cut forest, simulating common forest disturbance6. The second experiment crossed warming with a summer drought treatment (− 40% rainfall) in the clear-cut habitats. We show that warming reduces energy flux to microbes, while forest canopy disturbance and drought facilitates warming-induced increases in energy flux to higher trophic levels and exacerbates the reduction in energy flux to microbes, respectively. Contrary to expectations, we find no change in whole-network resilience to perturbations, but significant losses in ecosystem functioning. Warming thus interacts with forest disturbance and drought, shaping the energetic structure of soil food webs and threatening the provisioning of multiple ecosystem functions in boreal–temperate ecotonal forests

    Community assembly of rotifers based on morphological traits

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    Trait patterns can give insights into how communities assemble under a functional perspective. We constructed a rotifer trait matrix related to food acquisition and predator defence and calculated Rao’s quadratic entropy (Q) as an index of functional diversity to investigate trait patterns in different layers (0–2, 5–35, 0–35 m) for a 5-year dataset of Lake Tovel, Italy. Trait patterns were determined by comparing Qobserved to Q from random communities. While trait patterns can be determined by species traits, richness, and abundance, in most samples, irrespective of layer, trait patterns could be solely attributed to traits indicating their importance for community assembly. Trait convergence dominated in the upper layer, while trait divergence dominated in the lower layer. Using logistic regression, we related trait patterns to environmental parameters. In the lower layer, trait divergence was linked to competition for food while trait convergence was linked to copepod predation. However, in the upper layer neither competitors nor predators influenced trait patterns, and we suggest that ultraviolet radiation and temperature were the main drivers of trait convergence. Our study indicated that environmental filtering drove rotifer trait patterns in the upper layer, whereas species interactions drove trait patterns in the lower layer