30 research outputs found

    Phenotypic relationships between docility and reproduction in Angus heifers

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    Citation: White, K. L., Bormann, J. M., Olson, K. C., Jaeger, J. R., Johnson, S., Downey, B., . . . Weaber, R. L. (2016). Phenotypic relationships between docility and reproduction in Angus heifers. Journal of Animal Science, 94(2), 483-489. doi:10.2527/jas2015-9327The objective of this study was to elucidate the phenotypic relationships between docility and first-service AI conception rate in heifers. Data (n = 337) collected from 3 cooperator herds in Kansas at the start of synchronization protocol included exit velocity (EV), chute score (CS), fecal cortisol (FC), and blood serum cortisol (BC). Data were analyzed using logistic regression with 30-d pregnancy rate as the dependent variable. The model included the fixed effect of contemporary group and the covariates FC, BC, EV, CS, BW, and age. Correlation coefficients were calculated between all continuous traits. Pregnancy rate ranged from 34% to 60% between herds. Blood cortisol positively correlated with EV (r = 0.22, P < 0.01), negatively correlated with age (r = -0.12, P < 0.03), and tended to be negatively correlated with BW (r = -0.10, P = 0.09). Exit velocity was positively correlated with CS (r = 0.24, P < 0.01) and negatively correlated with BW (r = -0.15, P < 0.01) and age (r = -0.12, P < 0.03). Chute score negatively correlated with age (r = -0.14, P < 0.01), and age and BW were moderately positively correlated (r = 0.42, P < 0.01), as expected. Older, heavier animals generally had better temperament, as indicated by lower BC, EV, and CS. The power of our test could detect no significant predictors of 30-d pregnancy for the combined data from all ranches. When the data were divided by ranch, CS (P < 0.03) and BW (P < 0.01) were both significant predictors for 30-d pregnancy for ranch 1. The odds ratio estimate for CS has an inverse relationship with pregnancy, meaning that a 1-unit increase in average CS will reduce the probability of pregnancy at ranch 1 by 48.1%. Weight also has a negative impact on pregnancy because a 1-kg increase in BW will decrease the probability of pregnancy by 2.2%. Fertility is a complex trait that depends on many factors; our data suggest that docility is 1 factor that warrants further investigation

    Carrier-envelope phase effects on the strong-field photoemission of electrons from metallic nanostructures

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    Sharp metallic nanotapers irradiated with few-cycle laser pulses are emerging as a source of highly confined coherent electron wavepackets with attosecond duration and strong directivity. The possibility to steer, control or switch such electron wavepackets by light is expected to pave the way towards direct visualization of nanoplasmonic field dynamics and real-time probing of electron motion in solid state nanostructures. Such pulses can be generated by strong-field induced tunneling and acceleration of electrons in the near-field of sharp gold tapers within one half-cycle of the driving laser field. Here, we show the effect of the carrier-envelope phase of the laser field on the generation and motion of strong-field emitted electrons from such tips. This is a step forward towards controlling the coherent electron motion in and around metallic nanostructures on ultrashort length and time scales

    Limitations to Intellectual Progress in Ecosystem Science

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    Are ecosystem scientists poised to make great leaps forward in developing understanding, and in applying it to real-world problems? The challenge is to deal simultaneously with the multidimensional complexity of time and space. An intellectual limitation is the false assumption that there will be simple, all-inclusive answers to complex, ecological questions, whereas the elegance of creative, innovative thought and approach is to discover ways to simplify questions or systems being studied to obtain fundamental, inclusive answers. Ecology must be an integrative science and will flourish from creative integration and synthesis. How are vision and creativity enhanced? Is the rate of breakthroughs in ecosystem science appropriate for a healthy, robust scientific field? Teams and team-building are critical components of successful ecosystem science, but efforts should be made to promote inter-disciplinary teams. There is a continuing need to attract the brightest and best into ecosystem science by utilizing the popularity of the ecosystem concept, the challenge of solving complex problems, and the awareness of how such solutions are of value to humanity. More undergraduate courses, textbooks, and scientific journals focused on ecosystem science are needed, however time limitations have become serious problems for scientists. Being busy is good, but if being busy leads to fragmentation of effort, loss of focus, superficial scholarship, and inability to meet commitments, then being busy represents a major intellectual limitation. The weak connection between ecosystem science and policy in the United States is frustrating, primarily because of fragmentation of approach and implementation. However, many opportunities exist for intellectual progress in ecosystem science


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    Transport of dissolved Si from soil to river: a conceptual mechanistic model

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    This paper reviews the processes which determine the concentrations of dissolved silicon (DSi) in soil water and proposes a mechanistic model for understanding the transport of Si through a typical podzol soil to the river. DSi present in natural waters originates from the dissolution of mineral and amorphous Si sources in the soil. However, the DSi concentration in natural waters will be dependent on both dissolution and deposition/precipitation processes. The net DSi export is controlled by soil composition like (mineralogy and saturated porosity) as well as water composition (pH, concentrations of organic acids, CO2 and electrolytes). These state variables together with production, polymerization and adsorption equations constitute a mechanistic framework determining DSi concentrations. For a typical soil profile in a temperate climate, we discuss how the values of these key controls differ in each soil horizon and how it influences the DSi transport. Additionally, the impact of external forcings such as seasonal climatic variations and land use, is evaluated. This model is a first step to better understand Si transport processes in soils and should be further validated with field measurements