6,433 research outputs found

    A review of length-weight relationships of fishes from Greek marine waters

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    This paper presents 649 length-weight relationships gathered from literature pertaining to 83 fish species, belonging to 34 families, throughout Greek marine waters. The value of the slope b ranged from 1.667 for Cepola macrophthalma to 3.707 for Mullus barbatus. The mean value of b was 2.989 (SD=0.339) and did not differ significantly from 3(t-test, p<0.05). The median value of b was 3.058 and 50% of the b values ranged between 2.900 and 3.186


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    Africa is a region of female farming compared with other regions of the world where women have the responsibility for food production, processing, marking, cooking, child care and other home related activities. It is argued that women account for 70-80 percent of household food production in sub-Sahara Africa. However, case studies in Nigerian and in most Africa countries tend to point to the fact that women who have been described as the hidden productive force in the countryside have not fully benefited from food production development planning strategies, despite their increased involvement in agricultural production. The food production development programme has often focused in the designing of effective packages for generating surpluses in agriculture without particular focus on women. The basic needs approach which emphasis the expansion of people’s capabilities therefore points to the importance of re-examining the strategies for promoting participation in agricultural production with specific focus on women. Food development planning and execution strategies need to be re-oriented and re-designed to ensure that development packages reach women farmers as well as stimulate them to participate more actively to increase output though technology and other incentives. This paper therefore focuses on the importance of women’s participation in Nigerian agricultural production and its implications for national development. The neglect of women’s roles in agriculture and factors that have adversely affected rural women’s agricultural production is also reviewed. Finally, the paper proposes some socio-economic, socio-cultural and institutional structures that must be re-examined and redesigned to facilitate the increase women participation in Nigeria main streaming agriculture.Labor and Human Capital,

    Star-Product and Massless Free Field Dynamics in AdS4AdS_4

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    Generic solution of free equations for massless fields of an arbitrary spin in AdS4AdS_4 is built in terms of the star-product algebra with spinor generating elements. A class of "plane wave" solutions is described explicitly.Comment: 12 pages, latex, no figures. v4: erroneous typos in Eqs. (3.3), (3.6), (3.7) correcte

    Capacitated facility location: Valid inequalities and facets

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    Location Theory;Optimization;Capacity;econometrics

    The role of iron in the formation of cell-mediated immune response in children suffering from community-acquired pneumonia

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    Acute bronchopulmonary pathology, and community-acquired pneumonia in particular, occupies an important place in the structure of child morbidity, and it remains one of the most frequent, potentially life-threatening condition. The frequency of this pathology detection increases with every coming year, and the death rate is still too high in spite of considerable success in the treatment. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3387

    Висвітлення в українських медіа теми міграції: політичні аспекти проблематики

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    У статті йдеться про взаємодію міграції та ЗМІ. Розглядаються причини та наслідки неконтрольованої міграційної політики у галузі інформації.В статье затрагивается взаимодействие миграции и СМИ. Рассматриваются причины и последствия неконтролируемой миграционной политики в сфере информации.The article is about migration & media interaction. The reasons & results of non-controled migration politics in information sphere are researched

    Роль Соціально-Виховної Роботи У Формуванні Сумлінного Ставлення До Праці Та Іншої Суспільно-Корисної Діяльності Засуджених У Виправних Колоніях

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    The scientific publication is devoted to the problems of researching the fundamental aspects of application of the implemented into legislation provisions concerning convicts' voluntary labor, both paid and unpaid. The order and directions of use and payment for different categories of prisoners involved in the production are determined. Problems concerning a combination of socially useful labor of prisoners with other means of correction and resocialization are being defined. Special attention is also paid to the importance of socially useful labor in the system of defined regulatory means to influence behavior and correction of convicts in prisons and achieve positive change in their minds. Apart from it the problem of using such criterion of evaluation of convicts' correction as voluntary work within the colony is also highlighted.Дана наукова публікація присвячена дослідженню питань основних аспек­тів застосування імплементованих в законодавство положень використання до­бровільної, як оплачуваної так і неоплачуваної праці засуджених до покарання у виді позбавлення волі. Визначається порядок та напрямки використання і оплати праці різної ка­тегорії засуджених, які залучаються на виробництво у колоніях. Окреслюється проблематика поєднання суспільно-корисної праці засуджених із іншими засо­бами виправлення та ресоціалізації засуджених. Акцентується увага на значимості суспільно-корисної праці в системі нор- мативно-визначених засобів впливу та корекції поведінки засуджених в місцях позбавлення волі задля досягнення позитивних змін та настроїв у свідомості засуджених. Окрім цього висвітлюється проблема використання такого критерії оцінки виправлення засудженого як добровільна праця в межах колонії