36 research outputs found

    Relativistic Coulomb Sum Rules for (e,e)(e,e^\prime)

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    A Coulomb sum rule is derived for the response of nuclei to (e,e)(e,e^\prime) scattering with large three-momentum transfers. Unlike the nonrelativistic formulation, the relativistic Coulomb sum is restricted to spacelike four-momenta for the most direct connection with experiments; an immediate consequence is that excitations involving antinucleons, e.g., NNˉN{\bar N} pair production, are approximately eliminated from the sum rule. Relativistic recoil and Fermi motion of target nucleons are correctly incorporated. The sum rule decomposes into one- and two-body parts, with correlation information in the second. The one-body part requires information on the nucleon momentum distribution function, which is incorporated by a moment expansion method. The sum rule given through the second moment (RCSR-II) is tested in the Fermi gas model, and is shown to be sufficiently accurate for applications to data.Comment: 32 pages (LaTeX), 4 postscript figures available from the author

    Transmission Properties of the oscillating delta-function potential

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    We derive an exact expression for the transmission amplitude of a particle moving through a harmonically driven delta-function potential by using the method of continued-fractions within the framework of Floquet theory. We prove that the transmission through this potential as a function of the incident energy presents at most two real zeros, that its poles occur at energies nω+εn\hbar\omega+\varepsilon^* (0<Re(ε)<ω0<Re(\varepsilon^*)<\hbar\omega), and that the poles and zeros in the transmission amplitude come in pairs with the distance between the zeros and the poles (and their residue) decreasing with increasing energy of the incident particle. We also show the existence of non-resonant "bands" in the transmission amplitude as a function of the strength of the potential and the driving frequency.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Nuclear Medium Effects in the Relativistic Treatment of Quasifree Electron Scattering

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    Non-relativistic reduction of the S-matrix for the quasifree electron scattering process A( e,ep )A1A\left(~e, e'p~\right)A-1 is studied in order to understand the source of differences between non-relativistic and relativistic models. We perform an effective Pauli reduction on the relativistic expression for the S-matrix in the one-photon exchange approximation. The reduction is applied to the nucleon current only; the electrons are treated fully relativistically. An expansion of the amplitude results in a power series in the nuclear potentials. The series is found to converge rapidly only if the nuclear potentials are included in the nuclear current operator. The results can be cast in a form which reproduces the non-relativistic amplitudes in the limit that the potentials are removed from the nuclear current operator. Large differences can be found between calculations which do and do not include the nuclear potentials in the different orders of the nuclear current operator. In the high missing momentum region we find that the non-relativistic calculations with potentials included in the nuclear current up to second order give results which are close to those of the fully relativistic calculation. This behavior is an indication of the importance of the medium modifications of the nuclear currents in this model, which are naturally built into the relativistic treatment of the reaction.Comment: Latex, 26 pages including 5 uuencoded postscript figures. accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C

    Resonant structure of space-time of early universe

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    A new fully quantum method describing penetration of packet from internal well outside with its tunneling through the barrier of arbitrary shape used in problems of quantum cosmology, is presented. The method allows to determine amplitudes of wave function, penetrability TbarT_{\rm bar} and reflection RbarR_{\rm bar} relatively the barrier (accuracy of the method: Tbar+Rbar1<11015|T_{\rm bar}+R_{\rm bar}-1| < 1 \cdot 10^{-15}), coefficient of penetration (i.e. probability of the packet to penetrate from the internal well outside with its tunneling), coefficient of oscillations (describing oscillating behavior of the packet inside the internal well). Using the method, evolution of universe in the closed Friedmann--Robertson--Walker model with quantization in presence of positive cosmological constant, radiation and component of generalize Chaplygin gas is studied. It is established (for the first time): (1) oscillating dependence of the penetrability on localization of start of the packet; (2) presence of resonant values of energy of radiation EradE_{\rm rad}, at which the coefficient of penetration increases strongly. From analysis of these results it follows: (1) necessity to introduce initial condition into both non-stationary, and stationary quantum models; (2) presence of some definite values for the scale factor aa, where start of expansion of universe is the most probable; (3) during expansion of universe in the initial stage its radius is changed not continuously, but passes consequently through definite discrete values and tends to continuous spectrum in latter time.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 4 table

    Unitarity and Interfering Resonances in pipi Scattering and in Pion Production piN->pipiN

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    Additivity of Breit-Wigner phases has been proposed to describe interfering resonances in partial waves in ππ\pi\pi scattering. This assumption leads to an expression for partial wave amplitudes that involves products of Breit-Wigner amplitudes. We show that this expression is equivalent to a coherent sum of Breit-Wigner amplitudes with specific complex coefficients which depend on the resonance parameters of all contributing resonances. We use analyticity of ππ\pi\pi partial wave amplitudes to show that they must have the form of a coherent sum of Breit-Wigner amplitudes with complex coefficients and a complex coherent background. The assumption of additivity of Breit-Wigner phases restricts the partial waves to analytical functions with very specific form of residues of Breit-Wigner poles. We argue that the general form provided by the analyticity is more appropriate in fits to data to determine resonance parameters. The partial wave unitarity can be imposed using the modern methods of constrained optimization. We discuss unitarity and the production amplitudes in πNππN\pi N\to\pi\pi N and use analyticity in the dipion mass variable to justify the common practice of writing the production amplitudes as a coherent sum of Breit-Wigner amplitudes with free complex coefficients and a complex coherent background in fits to mass spectra with interfering resonances.Comment: 31 page