27 research outputs found

    On the multiplicity of the O-star Cyg OB2 #8A and its contribution to the gamma-ray source 3EG J2033+4118

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    We present the results of an intensive spectroscopic campaign in the optical waveband revealing that Cyg OB2 #8A is an O6 + O5.5 binary system with a period of about 21.9 d. Cyg OB2 #8A is a bright X-ray source, as well as a non-thermal radio emitter. We discuss the binarity of this star in the framework of a campaign devoted to the study of non-thermal emitters, from the radio waveband to gamma-rays. In this context, we attribute the non-thermal radio emission from this star to a population of relativistic electrons, accelerated by the shock of the wind-wind collision. These relativistic electrons could also be responsible for a putative gamma-ray emission through inverse Compton scattering of photospheric UV photons, thus contributing to the yet unidentified EGRET source 3EG J2033+4118.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, conference on "The Multiwavelength Approach to Gamma-Ray Sources", to appear in Ap&S

    On the compatibility of a flux transport dynamo with a fast tachocline scenario

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    The compatibility of the fast tachocline scenario with a flux transport dynamo model is explored. We employ a flux transport dynamo model coupled with simple feedback formulae relating the thickness of the tachocline to the amplitude of the magnetic field or to the Maxwell stress. The dynamo model is found to be robust against the nonlinearity introduced by this simplified fast tachocline mechanism. Solar-like butterfly diagrams are found to persist and, even without any parameter fitting, the overall thickness of the tachocline is well within the range admitted by helioseismic constraints. In the most realistic case of a time and latitude dependent tachocline thickness linked to the value of the Maxwell stress, both the thickness and its latitude dependence are in excellent agreement with seismic results. In the nonparametric models, cycle related temporal variations in tachocline thickness are somewhat larger than admitted by helioseismic constraints; we find, however, that introducing a further parameter into our feedback formula readily allows further fine tuning of the thickness variations.Comment: Accepted in Solar Physic

    Atmospheric Heating and Wind Acceleration: Results for Cool Evolved Stars based on Proposed Processes

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    A chromosphere is a universal attribute of stars of spectral type later than ~F5. Evolved (K and M) giants and supergiants (including the zeta Aurigae binaries) show extended and highly turbulent chromospheres, which develop into slow massive winds. The associated continuous mass loss has a significant impact on stellar evolution, and thence on the chemical evolution of galaxies. Yet despite the fundamental importance of those winds in astrophysics, the question of their origin(s) remains unsolved. What sources heat a chromosphere? What is the role of the chromosphere in the formation of stellar winds? This chapter provides a review of the observational requirements and theoretical approaches for modeling chromospheric heating and the acceleration of winds in single cool, evolved stars and in eclipsing binary stars, including physical models that have recently been proposed. It describes the successes that have been achieved so far by invoking acoustic and MHD waves to provide a physical description of plasma heating and wind acceleration, and discusses the challenges that still remain.Comment: 46 pages, 9 figures, 1 table; modified and unedited manuscript; accepted version to appear in: Giants of Eclipse, eds. E. Griffin and T. Ake (Berlin: Springer

    Stellar activity cycles and contribution of the deep layers knowledge

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    It is believed that magnetic activity on the Sun and solar-type stars are tightly related to the dynamo process driven by the interaction between rotation, convection, and magnetic field. However, the detailed mechanisms of this process are still incompletely understood. Many questions remain unanswered, e.g.: why some stars are more active than others?; why some stars have a flat activity?; why is there a Maunder minimum?; are all the cycles regular? A large number of prox- ies are typically used to study the magnetic activity of stars as we cannot resolve stellar discs. Recently, it was shown that asteroseismology can also be used to study stellar activity, making it an even more powerful tool. If short cycles are not so un- common, we expect to detect many of them with missions such as CoRoT, Kepler, and possibly the PLATO mission. We will review some of the latest results obtained with spectroscopic measurements. We will show how asteroseismology can help us to better understand the complex process of dynamo and illustrate how the CoRoT and Kepler missions are revolutionizing our knowledge on stellar activity. A new window is being opened over our understanding of the magnetic variability of stars.Comment: 7 pages. To appear in Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings series of the 20th Stellar pulsation conference held in Granada (Spain) from 6 to 10 September 2011

    Footsteps from insect larvae damage leaf surfaces and initiate rapid responses

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    Plant resistance to insect herbivory involves gene expression in response to wounding and the detection of insect elicitors in oral secretions (Kessler and Baldwin, 2002, Ann. Rev. Plant/ Biol. 53: 299¿328). However, crawling insect larvae stimulate the synthesis of 4-aminobutyrate within minutes and imprints of larval footsteps can be visualized within seconds through superoxide production or transient increases in chlorophyll fluorescence (Bown et al., 2002, Plant Physiol. 129: 1430¿1434). Here cryo-scanning electron microscopy was used to demonstrate that larval feet, which are equipped with a perimeter row of hook-like crochets, damage leaf tissue and result in larval footprints. Staining for cell death shows that areas of wounding correspond to footsteps detected through increased chlorophyll fluorescence. Superoxide production in response to footsteps was inhibited by diphenyleneiodonium, an inhibitor of the plasma membrane NADPH oxidase enzyme. Inhibition of superoxide production, however, did not eliminate the detection of cell death. The results demonstrate that larval footsteps damage leaf tissue, and initiate rapid local responses which are not dependent on herbivory or oral secretions. It is proposed that superoxide production at the wound site prevents opportunistic pathogen infection

    Platinum sensitivity-related germline polymorphism discovered via a cell-based approach and analysis of its association with outcome in ovarian cancer patients

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    <p>Purpose: Cell-based approaches were used to identify genetic markers predictive of patients' risk for poor response prior to chemotherapy.</p> <p>Experimental Design: We conducted genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) associated with cellular sensitivity to carboplatin through their effects on mRNA expression using International HapMap lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) and replicated them in additional LCLs. SNPs passing both stages of the cell-based study were tested for association with progression-free survival (PFS) in patients. Phase 1 validation was based on 377 ovarian cancer patients receiving at least four cycles of carboplatin and paclitaxel from the Australian Ovarian Cancer Study (AOCS). Positive associations were then assessed in phase 2 validation analysis of 1,326 patients from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium and The Cancer Genome Atlas.</p> <p>Results: In the initial GWAS, 342 SNPs were associated with carboplatin-induced cytotoxicity, of which 18 unique SNPs were retained after assessing their association with gene expression. One SNP (rs1649942) was replicated in an independent LCL set (Bonferroni adjusted P < 0.05). It was found to be significantly associated with decreased PFS in phase 1 AOCS patients (P(per-allele) = 2 x 10(-2)), with a stronger effect in the subset of women with optimally debulked tumors (P(per-allele) = 4 x 10(-3)). rs1649942 was also associated with poorer overall survival in women with optimally debulked tumors (P(per-allele) = 9 x 10(-3)). However, this SNP was not significant in phase 2 validation analysis with patients from numerous cohorts.</p> <p>Conclusion: This study shows the potential of cell-based, genome-wide approaches to identify germline predictors of treatment outcome and highlights the need for extensive validation in patients to assess their clinical effect.</p&gt