45,586 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Simulations of Globular Cluster Evolution - II. Mass Spectra, Stellar Evolution and Lifetimes in the Galaxy

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    We study the dynamical evolution of globular clusters using our new 2-D Monte Carlo code, and we calculate the lifetimes of clusters in the Galactic environment. We include the effects of a mass spectrum, mass loss in the Galactic tidal field, and stellar evolution. We consider initial King models containing N = 10^5 - 3x10^5 stars, and follow the evolution up to core collapse, or disruption, whichever occurs first. We find that the lifetimes of our models are significantly longer than those obtained using 1-D Fokker-Planck (F-P) methods. We also find that our results are in very good agreement with recent 2-D F-P calculations, for a wide range of initial conditions. Our results show that the direct mass loss due to stellar evolution can significantly accelerate the mass loss through the tidal boundary, causing most clusters with a low initial central concentration (Wo <~ 3) to disrupt quickly in the Galactic tidal field. Only clusters born with high initial central concentrations (Wo >~ 7) or steep initial mass functions are likely to survive to the present and undergo core collapse. We also study the orbital characteristics of escaping stars, and find that the velocity distribution of escaping stars in collapsing clusters looks significantly different from the distribution in disrupting clusters. We calculate the lifetime of a cluster on an eccentric orbit in the Galaxy, such that it fills its Roche lobe only at perigalacticon. We find that such an orbit can extend the lifetime by at most a factor of a few compared to a circular orbit in which the cluster fills its Roche lobe at all times.Comment: 32 pages, including 10 figures, to appear in ApJ, minor corrections onl

    Monte-Carlo Simulations of Globular Cluster Evolution - I. Method and Test Calculations

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    We present a new parallel supercomputer implementation of the Monte-Carlo method for simulating the dynamical evolution of globular star clusters. Our method is based on a modified version of Henon's Monte-Carlo algorithm for solving the Fokker-Planck equation. Our code allows us to follow the evolution of a cluster containing up to 5x10^5 stars to core collapse in < 40 hours of computing time. In this paper we present the results of test calculations for clusters with equal-mass stars, starting from both Plummer and King model initial conditions. We consider isolated as well as tidally truncated clusters. Our results are compared to those obtained from approximate, self-similar analytic solutions, from direct numerical integrations of the Fokker-Planck equation, and from direct N-body integrations performed on a GRAPE-4 special-purpose computer with N=16384. In all cases we find excellent agreement with other methods, establishing our new code as a robust tool for the numerical study of globular cluster dynamics using a realistic number of stars.Comment: 35 pages, including 8 figures, submitted to ApJ. Revised versio

    Dark Energy Evolution and the Curvature of the Universe from Recent Observations

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    We discuss the constraints on the time-varying equation of state for dark energy and the curvature of the universe using observations of type Ia supernovae from Riess et al. and the most recent Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS), the baryon acoustic oscillation peak detected in the SDSS luminous red galaxy survey and cosmic microwave background. Due to the degeneracy among the parameters which describe the time dependence of the equation of state and the curvature of the universe, the constraints on them can be weakened when we try to constrain them simultaneously, in particular when we use a single observational data. However, we show that we can obtain relatively severe constraints when we use all data sets from observations above even if we consider the time-varying equation of state and do not assume a flat universe. We also found that the combined data set favors a flat universe even if we consider the time variation of dark energy equation of state.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, references adde

    Modified Spin Wave Analysis of Low Temperature Properties of Spin-1/2 Frustrated Ferromagnetic Ladder

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    Low temperature properties of the spin-1/2 frustrated ladder with ferromagnetic rungs and legs, and two different antiferromagnetic next nearest neighbor interaction are investigated using the modified spin wave approximation in the region with ferromagnetic ground state. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility and magnetic structure factors is calculated. The results are consistent with the numerical exact diagonalization results in the intermediate temperature range. Below this temperature range, the finite size effect is significant in the numerical diagonalization results, while the modified spin wave approximation gives more reliable results. The low temperature properties near the limit of the stability of the ferromagnetic ground state are also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Mechanism of carrier-induced ferromagnetism in magnetic semiconductors

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    Taking into account both random impurity distribution and thermal fluctuations of localized spins, we have performed a model calculation for the carrier (hole) state in Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_xAs by using the coherent potential approximation (CPA). The result reveals that a {\it p}-hole in the band tail of Ga1x_{1-x}Mnx_xAs is not like a free carrier but is rather virtually bounded to impurity sites. The carrier spin strongly couples to the localized {\it d} spins on Mn ions. The hopping of the carrier among Mn sites causes the ferromagnetic ordering of the localized spins through the double-exchange mechanism. The Curie temperature obtained by using conventional parameters agrees well with the experimental result.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Bulk and surface low-energy excitations in YBa2Cu3O7-d studied by high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    We have performed high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on YBa2Cu3O7-delta (Y123; delta = 0.06; Tc = 92 K). By accurately determining the Fermi surface and energy band dispersion, we solve long-standing controversial issues as to the anomalous electronic states of Y-based high-Tc cuprates. We unambiguously identified surface-bilayer-derived bonding and antibonding bands, together with their bulk counterparts. The surface bands are highly overdoped (hole concentration x = 0.29), showing no evidence for the gap opening or the dispersion anomaly in the antinodal region, while the bulk bands show a clear dx2-y2-wave superconducting gap and the Bogoliubov quasiparticle-like behavior with a characteristic energy scale of 50-60 meV indicative of a strong electron-boson coupling in the superconducting state. All these results suggest that the metallic and superconducting states coexist at the adjacent bilayer of Y123 surface.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Integrable Magnetic Model of Two Chains Coupled by Four-Body Interactions

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    An exact solution for an XXZ chain with four-body interactions is obtained and its phase diagram is determined. The model can be reduced to two chains coupled by four-body interactions, and it is shown that the ground state of the two-chain model is magnetized in part. Furthermore, a twisted four-body correlation function of the anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain is obtained.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., rederived the mode

    The r-Process in Neutrino-Driven Winds from Nascent, "Compact" Neutron Stars of Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    We present calculations of r-process nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven winds from the nascent neutron stars of core-collapse supernovae. A full dynamical reaction network for both the alpha-rich freezeout and the subsequent r-process is employed. The physical properties of the neutrino-heated ejecta are deduced from a general relativistic model in which spherical symmetry and steady flow are assumed. Our results suggest that proto-neutron stars with a large compaction ratio provide the most robust physical conditions for the r-process. The third peak of the r-process is well reproduced in the winds from these ``compact'' proto-neutron stars even for a moderate entropy, \sim 100-200 N_A k, and a neutrino luminosity as high as \sim 10^{52} ergs s^{-1}. This is due to the short dynamical timescale of material in the wind. As a result, the overproduction of nuclei with A \lesssim 120 is diminished (although some overproduction of nuclei with A \approx 90 is still evident). The abundances of the r-process elements per event is significantly higher than in previous studies. The total-integrated nucleosynthesis yields are in good agreement with the solar r-process abundance pattern. Our results have confirmed that the neutrino-driven wind scenario is still a promising site in which to form the solar r-process abundances. However, our best results seem to imply both a rather soft neutron-star equation of state and a massive proto-neutron star which is difficult to achieve with standard core-collapse models. We propose that the most favorable conditions perhaps require that a massive supernova progenitor forms a massive proto-neutron star by accretion after a failed initial neutrino burst.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa