13 research outputs found

    A Trace-Driven Analysis of Name and Attribute Caching in a Distributed System

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    This paper presents the results of simulating file name and attribute caching on client machines in a distributed file system. The simulation used trace data gathered on a network of about 40 workstations. Caching was found to be advantageous: a cache on each client containing just 10 directories had a 91% hit rate on name lookups. Entry-based name caches (holding individual directory entries) had poorer performance for several reasons, resulting in a maximum hit rate of about 83%. File attribute caching obtained a 90% hit rate with a cache on each machine of the attributes for 30 files. The simulations show that maintaining cache consistency between machines is not a significant problem; only 1 in 400 name component lookups required invalidation of a remotely cached entry. Process migration to remote machines had little effect on caching. Caching was less successful in heavily shared and modified directories such as /tmp, but there weren't enough references to /tmp overall to affect t..

    Abstract Measurements of a Distributed File System

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    We analyzed the user-level file access patterns and caching behavior of the Sprite distributed file system. The first part of our analysis repeated a study done in 1985 of the BSD UNIX file system. We found that file throughput has increased by a factor of 20 to an average of 8 Kbytes per second per active user over 10-minute intervals, and that the use of process migration for load sharing increased burst rates by another factor of six. Also, many more very large (multi-megabyte) files are in use today than in 1985. The second part of our analysis measured the behavior of Sprite’s main-memory file caches. Client-level caches average about 7 Mbytes in size (about one-quarter to onethird of main memory) and filter out about 50 % of the traffic between clients and servers. 35 % of the remaining server traffic is caused by paging, even on workstations with large memories. We found that client cache consistency is needed to prevent stale data errors, but that it is not invoked often enough to degrade overall system performance. 1

    Switching processes in polynomiography

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    Mandelbrot and Julia sets are examples of fractal patterns generated in the complex plane. In the literature we can find many generalizations of those sets. One of such generalizations is the use of switching process. In this paper we introduce some switching processes to another type of complex fractals, namely polynomiographs. Polynomiograph is an image presenting the visualization of the complex polynomial's root finding process. The proposed switching processes will be divided into four groups, i.e., switching of: the root finding methods, the iterations, the polynomials and the convergence tests. All the proposed switching processes change the dynamics of the root finding process and allowed us to obtain new and diverse fractal patterns