57,633 research outputs found

    Relating multihadron production in hadronic and nuclear collisions

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    The energy-dependence of charged particle mean multiplicity and pseudorapidity density at midrapidity measured in nucleus-nucleus and (anti)proton-proton collisions are studied in the entire available energy range. The study is performed using a model, which considers the multiparticle production process according to the dissipating energy of the participants and their types, namely a combination of the constituent quark picture together with Landau relativistic hydrodynamics. The model reveals interrelations between the variables under study measured in nucleus-nucleus and nucleon-nucleon collisions. Measurements in nuclear reactions are shown to be well reproduced by the measurements in (anti)proton-proton interactions common and the corresponding fits are presented. Different observations in other types of collisions are discussed in the framework of the proposed model. Predictions are made for measurements at the forthcoming LHC energies.Comment: Europ. Phys. J. C (to appear). Recently CMS reported (arXiv:1005.3299) on the midrapidity density value of 5.78 +/- 0.01(stat) +/- 0.23(syst) in pp collisons at 7 TeV, which agrees well with the value of 5.8 of our prediction

    Flexoelectric effect in finite samples

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    Static flexoelectric effect in a finite sample of a solid is addressed in terms of phenomenological theory for the case of a thin plate subjected to bending. It has been shown that despite an explicit asymmetry inherent to the bulk constitutive electromechanical equations which take into account the flexoelectric coupling, the electromechanical response for a finite sample is "symmetric". "Symmetric" means that if a sensor and an actuator are made of a flexoelectric element, performance of such devices can be characterized by the same effective piezoelectric coefficient. This behavior is consistent with the thermodynamic arguments offered earlier, being in conflict with the current point of view on the matter in literature. This result was obtained using standard mechanical boundary conditions valid for the case where the polarization vanishes at the surface. It was shown that, for the case where there is the polarization is nonzero at the surface, the aforementioned symmetry of electromechanical response may be violated if standard mechanical boundary conditions are used, leading to a conflict with the thermodynamic arguments. It was argued that this conflict may be resolved when using modified mechanical boundary conditions. It was also shown that the contribution of surface piezoelectricity to the flexoelectric response of a finite sample is expected to be comparable to that of the static bulk contribution (including the material with high values of the dielectric constant) and to scale as the bulk value of the dielectric constant (similar to the bulk contribution). This finding implies that if the experimentally measured flexoelectric coefficient scales as the dielectric constant of the material, this does not imply that the measured flexoelectric response is controlled by the static bulk contribution to the flexoelectric effect

    Decameter: Wave radio observations of Jupiter during the 1970 apparition

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    Observations of Jupiter's sporadic decameter wavelength radio emissions were obtained between November 1978 and March 1979. A multistation, global network of monitoring instruments were utilized in order to obtain nearly continuous, synoptic observations of the planet. Observations were obtained daily at frequencies of 16.7 and 22.2 MHz using five element Yagi antennas at each end of a two element interferometer

    Supermembrane limit of Yang-Mills theory

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    We consider Yang-Mills theory with N=1N{=}1 super translation group in eleven auxiliary dimensions as the structure group. The gauge theory is defined on a direct product manifold ÎŁ3Ă—S1\Sigma_3\times S^1, where ÎŁ3\Sigma_3 is a three-dimensional Lorentzian manifold and S1S^1 is a circle. We show that in the infrared limit, when the metric on S1S^1 is scaled down, the Yang-Mills action supplemented by a Wess-Zumino-type term reduces to the action of an M2-brane.Comment: 1+6 page

    Collapse and revival oscillations as a probe for the tunneling amplitude in an ultra-cold Bose gas

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    We present a theoretical study of the quantum corrections to the revival time due to finite tunneling in the collapse and revival of matter wave interference after a quantum quench. We study hard-core bosons in a superlattice potential and the Bose-Hubbard model by means of exact numerical approaches and mean-field theory. We consider systems without and with a trapping potential present. We show that the quantum corrections to the revival time can be used to accurately determine the value of the hopping parameter in experiments with ultracold bosons in optical lattices.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, typos in section 3A correcte

    Intelligent manipulation technique for multi-branch robotic systems

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    New analytical development in kinematics planning is reported. The INtelligent KInematics Planner (INKIP) consists of the kinematics spline theory and the adaptive logic annealing process. Also, a novel framework of robot learning mechanism is introduced. The FUzzy LOgic Self Organized Neural Networks (FULOSONN) integrates fuzzy logic in commands, control, searching, and reasoning, the embedded expert system for nominal robotics knowledge implementation, and the self organized neural networks for the dynamic knowledge evolutionary process. Progress on the mechanical construction of SRA Advanced Robotic System (SRAARS) and the real time robot vision system is also reported. A decision was made to incorporate the Local Area Network (LAN) technology in the overall communication system
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