40 research outputs found

    Photoproduction constraints on J/psi-nucleon interactions

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    Using J/psi and open charm photoproduction data, we apply the vector meson dominance model to obtain constraints on the energy dependence of the inelastic J/psi-nucleon cross section. Predictions of short distance QCD are in accord with these constraints, while recently proposed hadronic models for J/psi dissociation strongly violate them.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, late

    Non-extensivity Parameter of Thermodynamical Model of Hadronic Interactions at LHC energies

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    The LHC measurements above SPS and Tevatron energies give the opportunity to test predictions of non-extensive thermodynamical picture of hadronic interaction to examine measured transverse momenta distributions for new interaction energy range. We determined Tsallis model non-extensivity parameter for the hadronization process before short-lived particles decayed and distort the initial p_t distribution. We have shown that it follows exactly smooth rise determined at lower energies below present LHC record. The shape of the q parameter energy dependence is consistent with expectations and the evidence of the asymptotic limit may be seen.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Predictions of hadron abundances in pp collisions at the LHC

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    Based on the statistical hadronization model, we obtain quantitative predictions for the relative abundances of hadron species in pp collisions at the LHC. By using the parameters of the model determined at sqrt s = 200 GeV, and extrapolating the overall normalization from ppbar collisions at the SPS and Tevatron, we find that the expected rapidity densities are almost grand-canonical. Therefore, at LHC the ratios between different species become essentially energy-independent, provided that the hadronization temperature T_H and the strangeness suppression factor gamma_S retain the stable values observed in the presently explored range of pp and ppbar collisions.Comment: 4 pages. Final version published in JP

    Heavy quark(onium) at LHC: the statistical hadronization case

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    We discuss the production of charmonium in nuclear collisions within the framework of the statistical hadronization model. We demonstrate that the model reproduces very well the availble data at RHIC. We provide predictions for the LHC energy where, dependently on the charm production cross section, a dramatically different behaviour of charmonium production as a function of centrality might be expected. We discuss also the case in elementary collisions, where clearly the statistical model does not reproduce the measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; proceeding of SQM09, Buzios, Brazil, to be published in J. Phys.

    The thermal model on the verge of the ultimate test: particle production in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC

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    We investigate the production of hadrons in nuclear collisions within the framework of the thermal (or statistical hadronization) model. We discuss both the ligh-quark hadrons as well as charmonium and provide predictions for the LHC energy. Even as its exact magnitude is dependent on the charm production cross section, not yet measured in Pb-Pb collisions, we can confidently predict that at the LHC the nuclear modification factor of charmonium as a function of centrality is larger than that observed at RHIC and compare the experimental results to these predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; proceedings of QM201

    Statistical hadronization phenomenology in K/πK/\pi fluctuations at ultra-relativistic energies

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    We discuss the information that can be obtained from an analysis of fluctuations in heavy ion collisions within the context of the statistical model of particle production. We then examine the recently published experimental data on ratio fluctuations, and use it to obtain constraints on the statistical properties (physically relevant ensemble, degree of chemical equilibration, scaling across energies and system sizes) and freeze-out dynamics (amount of reinteraction between chemical and thermal freeze-out) of the system.Comment: Proceedings, SQM2009. Fig. 4, the main results figure, was wrong due to editing mistake, now correcte

    Kinetic equation for gluons at the early stage

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    We derive the kinetic equation for pure gluon QCD plasma in a general way, applying the background field method. We show that the quantum kinetic equation contains a term as in the classical case, that describes a color charge precession of partons moving in the gauge field. We emphasize that this new term is necessary for the gauge covariance of the resulting equation.Comment: 6 pages, no figure, to appear in the proceedings of the 6th international conference on strange quarks in matter, Frankfurt, Germany, 25-29 september 200

    Open and Hidden Charm Production in Heavy Ion Collisions at Ultrarelativistic Energies

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    We consider the production of the open charm and J/psi mesons in heavy ion collisions at BNL RHIC. We discuss several recently developed pictures for J/psi production and argue that a measurement at RHIC energies is crucial for disentangling these different descriptions.Comment: 19 pages, Latex, 5 PS-figures. v3: Fig.6 is adde

    The Speed of Sound in Hadronic Matter

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    We calculate the speed of sound csc_s in an ideal gas of resonances whose mass spectrum is assumed to have the Hagedorn form ρ(m)maexpbm\rho(m) \sim m^{-a}\exp{bm}, which leads to singular behavior at the critical temperature Tc=1/bT_c = 1/b. With a=4a = 4 the pressure and the energy density remain finite at TcT_c, while the specific heat diverges there. As a function of the temperature the corresponding speed of sound initially increases similarly to that of an ideal pion gas until near TcT_c where the resonance effects dominate causing csc_s to vanish as (TcT)1/4(T_c - T)^{1/4}. In order to compare this result to the physical resonance gas models, we introduce an upper cut-off M in the resonance mass integration. Although the truncated form still decreases somewhat in the region around TcT_c, the actual critical behavior in these models is no longer present.Comment: 11 Pages, 9 Figures and 17 Reference