5,106 research outputs found

    Design and implementation a prototype system for fusion image by using SWT-PCA algorithm with FPGA technique

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    The technology of fusion image is dominance strongly over domain research for recent years, the techniques of fusion have various applications in real time used and proposed such as purpose of military and remote sensing etc.,the fusion image is very efficient in processing of digital image. Single image produced from two images or more information of relevant combining process results from multi sensor fusion image. FPGA is the best implementation types of most technology enabling wide spread.This device works with modern versions for different critical characteristics same huge number of elements logic in order to permit complex algorithm implemented. In this paper,filters are designed and implemented in FPGA utilized for disease specified detection from images CT/MRI scanned where the samples are taken for human's brain with various medical images and the processing of fusion employed by using technique Stationary Wavelet Transform and Principal Component Analysis (SWT-PCA). Accuracy image output increases when implemented this technique and that was done by sampling down eliminating where effects blurring and artifacts doesn't influenced. The algorithm of SWT-PCA parameters quality measurements like NCC,MSE ,PSNR, coefficients and Eigen values.The advantages significant of this system that provide real time, time rapid to market and portability beside the change parametric continuing in the DWT transform. The designed and simulation of module proposed system has been done by using MATLAB simulink and blocks generator system, Xilinx synthesized with synthesis tool (XST) and implemented in XilinxSpartan 6-SP605 device

    Design and implementation of smart electronic solar tracker based on Arduino

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    Demand of energy increases in the global and exponential exhaustion is favored of resources by fossil fuel for electricity production with the new systems development. Compared with all other remainder energies, the specialist sun energy is the most bountiful energy and it's typically easy to be changed into electrical energy. The main thing of using solar panel is to produce electrical energy from sun's energy but the optimum energy can be generated by tracking solar panel due to the sun movement from east to west. The problem can be solved by proposed systems where the sun tracking by solar panel that based on high intensity of sun ray.  This paper concentrates on tracking the sun by using servo motor coupled with solar panel. So that, the largest quantity of sun light at the incident panel along the day at any time is better than that for method of fixed panel array which is less efficient. The microcontroller Arduino (mode UNO) was programmed by using C++ language while the track of sun light processing was implemented by using light depending resistor (LDR), Chip IC H-bridge and microcontroller Arduino (UNO) circuits have been designed by using Proteus software. By circuit design and sun tracking control process, the cost reduction has been improved and high amount of energy was saved when implemented this system

    Performance of microstrip patch antenna for single and array element with and without EBG

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    In this paper, a compact single patch antenna and microstrip array antenna with EBG structures at 6 GHzhave been compained. A surface wave effect is often considered undesirable, since it increased the side lobes, and decreased the antenna gain and effeciency. This problem can be solved by utilizing EBG to suppress of such waves. Above the antenna substrate, the mushroom-like EBG were proposed. The side lobes have been improved from −6.8 dB to −16.5 dB, and better directivity was achieved from 5.77 dBi to 10 dBi and the efficiency improved from (80%) to 95% by using EBG with rectangular antenna. Additionally, the array antenna radiation pattern with EBG was improved to −23.5 dB, and the directivity and effeciency have been improved to 14.3 dBi and to 91.5 respctively. These antenna structures have a great eventuality for use in C band application

    Establishment Network by Using FSO Link Based on MD Code for Hybrid SCM-SAC-OCDMA Wireless System

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    Since the wireless systems are working under nature environments and influenced by turbulence, weather in Iraq that leads to extended amount of fading signal, dissipation or attenuation. Basic “hybrid Subcarrier Multiplying Spectral Amplitude Coding (SCM-SAC) of Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA)" indoor or outdoor optical system depends on generally “Multi-Diagonal (MD)" security code by using optical space known as “Free Space Optic (FSO)" that was proposed in this work. It is found that the mention hybrid wireless systems can be used in operating mesh networks. The main proposed idea of hybrid optical technique was analyzed and simulated by normally taking into simulation account that the directly effecting by rain and haze attenuations. In addition, there are mention and description for atmospheric effects, FSO mesh network, modulation scheme, simulation, and the data security. From simulation results, the hybrid system using MD code produces reduced “bit-error rate (BER)" at heavy storm rain to distance or range of 500 m and at drizzle rain up to 2500 m range. And also investigates the performance of using the proposed system with radio over fiber (RoF) for UWB signals through indoor propagation in building applications of wireless channel

    Anti-reflection Coating Solar Cell Structure Based on Conductive Nanoparticles

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    In this paper, we investigate for the first time antireflection coating structure for silicon solar cell where CNPs (conductive nanoparticles) film layer is sandwiched between a semi-infinite glass cover layer and a semi-infinite silicon substrate. The transmission and reflection coefficients are derived by the transfer matrix method and simulated for values of unit cell sizes, gab widths in visible and near-infrared radiation. In addition, the absorption, reflection coefficients are examined for several angles of incidence of the TE (transverse electric) polarized guided waves. Numerical results provide an extremely high absorption, if nanoparticles are suitably located and sized. The absorptivity of the structure achieves 100% at gab width of 3.5 nm and CNP layer thickness of 150 nm

    Text Hiding in Coded Image Based on Quantization Level Modification and Chaotic Function

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    A text hiding method in codded image is presented in this paper that based on quantization level modification. The used image is transformed into wavelet domain by DWT and coefficient of transform is partitioned into predefined block size. Specific threshold has been used to classify these blocks into two types named smooth and complex. Each type has its own method of text hiding (binary data), for smooth blocks, secret bits which represent the text data are switched by the bitmap. In order to reduce distortion, the quantization levels are modified. To reach extra embedding payload the quantization level could carry extra two bits depending on other threshold. The complex block carry one data bit on each block and quantization levels are swapped to reduce distortion with bitmap flipping. The proposed method result shows a high signal to noise ratio, with studying capacity as important in this work

    Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D is related to protein signaling involved in glucose homeostasis in a tissue-specific manner

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    Vitamin D has been suggested to play a role in glucose metabolism. However, previous findings are contradictory and mechanistic pathways remain unclear. We examined the relationship between plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), insulin sensitivity, and insulin signaling in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Seventeen healthy adults (Body mass index: 26 ± 4; Age: 30 ± 12 years) underwent a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp, and resting skeletal muscle and adipose tissue biopsies. In this cohort, the plasma 25(OH)D concentration was not associated with insulin sensitivity (r = 0.19, p = 0.56). However, higher plasma 25(OH)D concentrations correlated with lower phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) αSer21 and βSer9 in skeletal muscle (r = −0.66, p = 0.015 and r = −0.53, p = 0.06, respectively) and higher GSK-3 αSer21 and βSer9 phosphorylation in adipose tissue (r = 0.82, p < 0.01 and r = 0.62, p = 0.042, respectively). Furthermore, higher plasma 25(OH)D concentrations were associated with greater phosphorylation of both protein kinase-B (AktSer473) (r = 0.78, p < 0.001) and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1Ser312) (r = 0.71, p = 0.01) in adipose tissue. No associations were found between plasma 25(OH)D concentration and IRS-1Tyr612 phosphorylation in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. The divergent findings between muscle and adipose tissue with regard to the association between 25(OH)D and insulin signaling proteins may suggest a tissue-specific interaction with varying effects on glucose homeostasis. Further research is required to elucidate the physiological relevance of 25(OH)D in each tissu

    Učinak ketoprofena na koncentraciju u plazmi i farmakokinetičke pokazatelje ciprofloksacina u pilića

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    Ciprofloxacin (CFX) and ketoprofen (KPN) are used widely in combination in veterinary interventions for bacterial infections, so in this study the effect of KPN was studied on the efficacy of CFX, by measuring its plasma concentration and pharmacokinetic parameters in 7-10 day-old chickens. The analgesic median effective dose (ED50) of KPN was determined to be 1.62 mg/kg, IM, in the chickens. The preferable analgesic dose of KPN to be used with CFX was 4 mg/kg, IM, which differs significantly from KPN 2 mg/kg, IM,. The CFX plasma concentrations alone (8 mg/kg, IM) measured at different times (0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 24 hours) were 3.31, 3.60, 3.21, 2.70 and 0.17 μg/mL while its concentration was elevated by 53, 54, 90, 107 and 418 % when coadministered with KPN (4 mg/kg, IM) to 5.05, 5.53, 6.10, 5.59 and 0.88 μg/mL in the chickens, respectively. CFX pharmacokinetic parameters, such as the area under the curve (AUC), the area under the moment curve (AUMC), mean residence time (MRT), half-life (t1/2β), Tmax, and Cmax increased when KPN was coadministered with CFX by 129, 289, 70, 49, 100 and 69 %, whereas the elimination rate constant (Kel), the volume of distribution at steady state (Vss) and clearance (Cl) decreased by 36, 34 and 58 %, respectively. It was concluded that coadministration of KPN alters the plasma concentration and the pharmacokinetic parameters of CFX, suggesting that the CFX dose can be reduced when used with KPN to achieve the desired concentration of CFX in the plasma, as an antibacterial for treatment of infected animals.Kombinacija ciprofloksacina (CFX) i ketoprofena (KPN) u širokoj je upotrebi u veterinarskom liječenju bakterijskih infekcija. Ovo je istraživanje provedeno kako bi se ustanovio utjecaj KPN-a na učinkovitost CFX-a mjerenjem njegove koncentracije u plazmi i farmakokinetičkih pokazatelja u pilića starih između 7 i 10 dana. Procijenjeno je da je prosječna doza analgetičke učinkovitosti (ED50) KPN-a u pilića 1,62 mg/kg, intramuskularno. Poželjna analgetička doza KPN-a bila je 4 mg/kg, intramuskularno, što se znakovito razlikuje od doze KPN-a od 2 mg/kg, intramuskularno,koja se daje s CFX-om. Koncentracije CFX-a u plazmi (8 mg/kg, im.) u različitim vremenima mjerenja (0, 5, 1, 2, 4 i 24 sata) bile su 3,31, 3,60, 3,21, 2,70 i 0,17 μg/mL, a primijenjene zajedno s KPN-om (4 mg/kg, im) porasle su za 53, 54, 90, 107 i 418 % i iznosile 5,05, 5,53, 6,10, 5,59 i 0,88 μg/mL. Farmakokinetički pokazatelji CFX-a, koji uključuju područje ispod krivulje (AUC), područje ispod krivulje momenta (AUMC), prosječno vrijeme zadržavanja (MRT),poluživot (t1/2β), Tmax, i Cmax, porasli su kad je KPN primijenjen s CFX-om za 129, 289, 70, 49, 100 i 69 %, dok su se konstanta brzine eliminacije (Kel), volumen distribucije u stabilnom stanju (Vss) i klirens (Cl) smanjili za 36, 34 i 58 %. Zaključeno je da zajednička primjena KPN-a i CFX-a mijenja koncentraciju u plazmi i farmakokinetička svojstva CFX-a. Navedeno upućuje na to da bi se doza CFX-a mogla smanjiti kad se primjenjuje u kombinaciji s KPN-om, pri čemu se postigla željena koncentracija CFX-a u plazmi kao antibakterijskog lijeka za zaražene živoitnje

    Monosodium glutamate induced histological change in the Zona Fasiculata of rats' adrenal and the possible amelioration effect of vitamin C supplementation

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    Monosodium glutamate in gesting (MSG) is steadily increasing worldwide as a flavour enhancer and food additive. On the other hand, vitamins C has antioxidant properties and can play an important role in preventing or improving many diseases. So, the aim of the present study is to study the impact of MSG administration on the histological structure of the zonafasciculata (ZF) of adult albino rat adrenal cortex and to clarify the possible amelioration effect of vitamin C cosupplementation. Thirty adult male albino rats were divided equally into three groups: group I; negative and positive (received100mg/kg vitamin C) control subgroups. MSG-treated group were administered 2 mg/g body weight MSG via gastric tube andascorbic acid supplemented group were given the same dose of MSG, followed by vitamin C at a dose similar to the positive control group. Tissue sections were obtained and proceeded for light and electron microscope examination. Plasma ACTH and cortisone were estimated. Morphometric and statistical analysis of the results were performed. Plasma ACTH and corticosterone levels in the MSG-treated group were significantly increased comparing to control and MSGtreated group receiving vitamin C. Histologically, in the MSG-treated group, ZF contained highly vacuolated cells and congested blood vessels. The reticular fibres were increased in MSG-treated group decreased in ascorbic acid supplemented group. Ultrastructurally, ZF contained cells with shrunken nuclei and numerous macrophages containing many lysosomes. On the other hand, the cellular architecture of ascorbic acid supplemented group was less affected and congested blood sinusoids were still detected. The reticular fibres were decreased in ascorbic acid supplemented group. Oral administration of MSG caused histological and functional degenerative changes in the ZF of adrenalin adult male albino rat which was ameliorated by supplementation of vitamin C. So, it is recommended to minimize consumption of foodstuffs containing MSG and to eat foods rich in vitamin C after performing more researchers to be sure of these effects on humans.MS

    Charging/Discharging strategy for electric vehicles based on bi-level programming problem: San Francisco case study

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    The increasing market share of electric cles (EVs) leads to determine a proper strategy for charging/discharging EV batteries such that rewards of all agents including EV charging stations (EVCSs) and EV owners (EVOs) that participate in charging/discharging EV batteries are anteed. In this study, an economical and technical strategy developed. It focuses on finding proper EVCSs by EVOs determining optimal day-ahead electricity prices traded between all agents such that the rewards of EVCSs and EVOs are met multaneously. This optimal charging/discharging decision making and optimal day-ahead electricity prices are determined by level programming problem (BLPP). The outer level corresponds to the optimization problem of EVCSs and the inner level belongs to EVOs. Salp swarm optimization (SSO) algorithm is utilized to solve BLPP. Based on determination of minimum distance travelled by EVOs and optimal day-ahead electricity prices offered by EVCSs, the rewards of EVCSs and EVOs are analysed during charging/discharging period. For simulation purposes, case study based on San Francisco in US is presented to visualize and validate the modelling results. Six EVCSs are installed in Francisco for charging/discharging 247 EVs during 24 hours of typical day. Simulation results show that under implementing proposed charging/discharging strategy, the total cost of EVOs decreases by 17.8% and total revenue of EVCSs increases 18.2%, in comparison with not considering the proposed strategy