776 research outputs found

    Interaction-driven spin precession in quantum-dot spin valves

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    We analyze spin-dependent transport through spin valves composed of an interacting quantum dot coupled to two ferromagnetic leads. The spin on the quantum dot and the linear conductance as a function of the relative angle θ\theta of the leads' magnetization directions is derived to lowest order in the dot-lead coupling strength. Due to the applied bias voltage spin accumulates on the quantum dot, which for finite charging energy experiences a torque, resulting in spin precession. The latter leads to a non-trivial, interaction-dependent, θ\theta-dependence of the conductance. In particular, we find that the spin-valve effect is reduced for all θ≠π\theta \neq \pi.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, version to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Electric-field controlled spin reversal in a quantum dot with ferromagnetic contacts

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    Manipulation of the spin-states of a quantum dot by purely electrical means is a highly desirable property of fundamental importance for the development of spintronic devices such as spin-filters, spin-transistors and single-spin memory as well as for solid-state qubits. An electrically gated quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime can be tuned to hold a single unpaired spin-1/2, which is routinely spin-polarized by an applied magnetic field. Using ferromagnetic electrodes, however, the properties of the quantum dot become directly spin-dependent and it has been demonstrated that the ferromagnetic electrodes induce a local exchange-field which polarizes the localized spin in the absence of any external fields. Here we report on the experimental realization of this tunneling-induced spin-splitting in a carbon nanotube quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic nickel-electrodes. We study the intermediate coupling regime in which single-electron states remain well defined, but with sufficiently good tunnel-contacts to give rise to a sizable exchange-field. Since charge transport in this regime is dominated by the Kondo-effect, we can utilize this sharp many-body resonance to read off the local spin-polarization from the measured bias-spectroscopy. We show that the exchange-field can be compensated by an external magnetic field, thus restoring a zero-bias Kondo-resonance, and we demonstrate that the exchange-field itself, and hence the local spin-polarization, can be tuned and reversed merely by tuning the gate-voltage. This demonstrates a very direct electrical control over the spin-state of a quantum dot which, in contrast to an applied magnetic field, allows for rapid spin-reversal with a very localized addressing.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Kondo quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads: Numerical renormalization group study

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    We systematically study the influence of ferromagnetic leads on the Kondo resonance in a quantum dot tuned to the local moment regime. We employ Wilson's numerical renormalization group method, extended to handle leads with a spin asymmetric density of states, to identify the effects of (i) a finite spin polarization in the leads (at the Fermi-surface), (ii) a Stoner splitting in the bands (governed by the band edges) and (iii) an arbitrary shape of the leads density of states. For a generic lead density of states the quantum dot favors being occupied by a particular spin-species due to exchange interaction with ferromagnetic leads leading to a suppression and splitting of the Kondo resonance. The application of a magnetic field can compensate this asymmetry restoring the Kondo effect. We study both the gate-voltage dependence (for a fixed band structure in the leads) and the spin polarization dependence (for fixed gate voltage) of this compensation field for various types of bands. Interestingly, we find that the full recovery of the Kondo resonance of a quantum dot in presence of leads with an energy dependent density of states is not only possible by an appropriately tuned external magnetic field but also via an appropriately tuned gate voltage. For flat bands simple formulas for the splitting of the local level as a function of the spin polarization and gate voltage are given.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Crossover from Kondo assisted suppression to co-tunneling enhancement of tunneling magnetoresistance via ferromagnetic nanodots in MgO tunnel barriers

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    Recently, it has been shown that magnetic tunnel junctions with thin MgO tunnel barriers exhibit extraordinarily high tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) values at room temperature1, 2. However, the physics of spin dependent tunneling through MgO barriers is only beginning to be unravelled. Using planar magnetic tunnel junctions in which ultra-thin layers of magnetic metals are deposited in the middle of a MgO tunnel barrier here we demonstrate that the TMR is strongly modified when these layers are discontinuous and composed of small pancake shaped nanodots. At low temperatures, in the Coulomb blockade regime, for layers less than ~1 nm thick, the conductance of the junction is increased at low bias consistent with Kondo assisted tunneling. In the same regime we observe a suppression of the TMR. For slightly thicker layers, and correspondingly larger nanodots, the TMR is enhanced at low bias, consistent with co-tunneling.Comment: Nano Letters (in press

    Tubulin is actively exported from the nucleus through the Exportin1/CRM1 pathway

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    Microtubules of all eukaryotic cells are formed by α- and β-tubulin heterodimers. In addition to the well known cytoplasmic tubulins, a subpopulation of tubulin can occur in the nucleus. So far, the potential function of nuclear tubulin has remained elusive. In this work, we show that α- and β-tubulins of various organisms contain multiple conserved nuclear export sequences, which are potential targets of the Exportin 1/CRM1 pathway. We demonstrate exemplarily that these NES motifs are sufficient to mediate export of GFP as model cargo and that this export can be inhibited by leptomycin B, an inhibitor of the Exportin 1/CRM1 pathway. Likewise, leptomycin B causes accumulation of GFP-tagged tubulin in interphase nuclei, in both plant and animal model cells. Our analysis of nuclear tubulin content supports the hypothesis that an important function of nuclear tubulin export is the exclusion of tubulin from interphase nuclei, after being trapped by nuclear envelope reassembly during telophase

    Tubulin is actively exported from the nucleus through the Exportin1/CRM1 pathway

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    Microtubules of all eukaryotic cells are formed by α- and β-tubulin heterodimers. In addition to the well known cytoplasmic tubulins, a subpopulation of tubulin can occur in the nucleus. So far, the potential function of nuclear tubulin has remained elusive. In this work, we show that α- and β-tubulins of various organisms contain multiple conserved nuclear export sequences, which are potential targets of the Exportin 1/CRM1 pathway. We demonstrate exemplarily that these NES motifs are sufficient to mediate export of GFP as model cargo and that this export can be inhibited by leptomycin B, an inhibitor of the Exportin 1/CRM1 pathway. Likewise, leptomycin B causes accumulation of GFP-tagged tubulin in interphase nuclei, in both plant and animal model cells. Our analysis of nuclear tubulin content supports the hypothesis that an important function of nuclear tubulin export is the exclusion of tubulin from interphase nuclei, after being trapped by nuclear envelope reassembly during telophase

    Indirect Exchange Interaction between two Quantum Dots in an Aharonov-Bohm Ring

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    We investigate the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction between two spins located at two quantum dots embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring. In such a system the RKKY interaction, which oscillates as a function of the distance between two local spins, is affected by the flux. For the case of the ferromagnetic RKKY interaction, we find that the amplitude of AB oscillations is enhanced by the Kondo correlations and an additional maximum appears at half flux, where the interaction is switched off. For the case of the antiferromagnetic RKKY interaction, we find that the phase of AB oscillations is shifted by pi, which is attributed to the formation of a singlet state between two spins for the flux value close to integer value of flux.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Spintronic transport and Kondo effect in quantum dots

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    We investigate the spin-dependent transport properties of quantum-dot based structures where Kondo correlations dominate the electronic dynamics. The coupling to ferromagnetic leads with parallel magnetizations is known to give rise to nontrivial effects in the local density of states of a single quantum dot. We show that this influence strongly depends on whether charge fluctuations are present or absent in the dot. This result is confirmed with numerical renormalization group calculations and perturbation theory in the on-site interaction. In the Fermi-liquid fixed point, we determine the correlations of the electric current at zero temperature (shot noise) and demonstrate that the Fano factor is suppressed below the Poissonian limit for the symmetric point of the Anderson Hamiltonian even for nonzero lead magnetizations. We discuss possible avenues of future research in this field: coupling to the low energy excitations of the ferromagnets (magnons), extension to double quantum dot systems with interdot antiferromagnetic interaction and effect of spin-polarized currents on higher symmetry Kondo states such as SU(4).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Physics and Applications of Spin-Related Phenomena in Semiconductors, Santa Barbara, 200

    NRG study of the Kondo effect in the presence of itinerant-electron ferromagnetism

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    The Kondo effect in quantum dots (QDs) - artificial magnetic impurities - attached to ferromagnetic leads is studied with the numerical renormalization group (NRG) method. It is shown that the QD level is spin-split due to presence of ferromagnetic electrodes, leading to a suppression of the Kondo effect. We find that the Kondo effect can be restored by compensating this splitting with a magnetic field. Although the resulting Kondo resonance then has an unusual spin asymmetry with a reduced Kondo temperature, the ground state is still a locally-screened state, describable by Fermi liquid theory and a generalized Friedel sum rule, and transport in the unitary limit is not spin dependent.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Study on early inflorescence development in bread wheat (T. aestivum L.) lines with non-standard SCR-morphotype

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    Features of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) inflorescence development define its architecture and have an impact on yield potential. Wheat lines and forms with altered inflorescence morphology are important genetic resources for the study on the genetic mechanisms underlying plant developmental programs and inflorescence architecture; they are also important for practical use to increase productivity. Normally, wheat spikelets are arranged in two parallel rows along the spike axis. The SCR (screwed spike rachis) lines represent a non-standard morphotype, which is characterized by a spiral arrangement of spikelets along the spiked rachis. The study of the early stages of the inflorescence development in SCR-lines using light and scanning electron microscopy revealed that the spiral arrangement of spikelets were not related to changes at the early stage of inflorescence development, and resulted from spiral growth of spike rachis cells at later stages of spike growth. Thus, the spiral arrangement of spikelets in cereal inflorescence may have resulted not only from peculiarities of the mutual arrangement of spikelet meristems (phyllotaxis), but also from cell growth features at later stages of inflorescence growth. It was shown that SCR is inherited as a dominant monogenic trait; its expression can be modified by genotypic background. The SCR-lines characterized using light and scanning electron microscopy represent an important genetic resource for further study of the molecular-genetic mechanisms determining plant architecture. Furthermore, they can be used to develop wheat lines and cultivars with new inflorescence phenotypes
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