135 research outputs found

    Influence of porosity and fibre diameter on the degradation of chitosan fibre-mesh scaffolds and cell adhesion

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    The state of the art approaches for tailoring the degradation of chitosan scaffolds are based on altering the chemical structure of the polymer. Nevertheless, such alterations may lead to changes in other properties of scaffolds, such as the ability to promote cell adhesion. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of physical parameters such as porosity and fibre diameter on the degradation of chitosan fibre-mesh scaffolds, as a possible way of tailoring the degradation of such scaffolds. Four sets of scaffolds with distinct fibre diameter and porosity were produced and their response to degradation and cell adhesion was studied. The degradation study was carried out at 37"C in a lysozyme solution for five weeks. The extent of degradation was expressed as percentage of weight loss of the dried scaffolds after lysozyme treatment. Cell adhesion was assessed by Confocal Microscopy. The results have shown that the scaffolds with higher porosity degrade faster and that, within the same range of porosity, the fibres with smaller diameter degrade slightly faster. Furthermore, the morphological differences between the scaffolds did not affect the degree of cell adhesion, and the cells were observed throughout the thickness of all four types of scaffold

    Human cell dedifferentiation in mesenchymal condensates through controlled autophagy

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    Tissue and whole organ regeneration is a dramatic biological response to injury that occurs across different plant and animal phyla. It frequently requires the dedifferentiation of mature cells to a condensed mesenchymal blastema, from which replacement tissues develop. Human somatic cells cannot regenerate in this way and differentiation is considered irreversible under normal developmental conditions. Here, we sought to establish in vitro conditions to mimic blastema formation by generating different three-dimensional (3D) condensates of human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). We identified specific 3D growth environments that were sufficient to dedifferentiate aged human MSCs to an early mesendoderm-like state with reversal of age-associated cell hypertrophy and restoration of organized tissue regenerating capacity in vivo. An optimal auophagic response was required to promote cytoplasmic remodeling, mitochondrial regression, and a bioenergetic shift from oxidative phosphorylation to anaerobic metabolism. Our evidence suggests that human cell dedifferentiation can be achieved through autonomously controlled autophagic flux

    Interplay between Structure and Dynamics in Chitosan Films Investigated with Solid-State NMR, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, and X-ray Diffraction

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    Modern solid-state NMR techniques, combined with X-ray diffraction, revealed the molecular origin of the difference in mechanical properties of self-associated chitosan films. Films cast from acidic aqueous solutions were compared before and after neutralization, and the role of the counterion (acetate vs Cl⁻) was investigated. There is a competition between local structure and long-range order. Hydrogen bonding gives good mechanical strength to neutralized films, which lack long-range organization. The long-range structure is better defined in films cast from acidic solutions in which strong electrostatic interactions cause rotational distortion around the chitosan chains. Plasticization by acetate counterions enhances long-range molecular organization and film flexibility. In contrast, Cl⁻ counterions act as a defect and impair the long-range organization by immobilizing hydration water. Molecular motion and proton exchange are restricted, resulting in brittle films despite the high moisture content

    Revisiting the relevance of economic theory to hotel revenue management education and practice in the era of Big Data

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    Abstract This paper explores the role of economics in hospitality education and industry practice, with a particular focus on revenue management, and puts forward an argument for a return to the inclusion of economic theory in UK hospitality education, not seen since the 1990s. Given the increasing amounts of pricing data available to both managers and customers and the consequent market complexities now seen, developing economic literacy is demonstrated to be a crucial skill required for future hospitality graduates, allowing them to make successful revenue decisions and sense-check with confidence the decisions made by automated revenue systems. Economic literacy is defined as a balanced understanding of economic theory that can be applied in real-life business scenarios, extending beyond simple consideration of supply and demand to a mixture of neoclassical and behavioural approaches to economics

    Employment and SMEs during crises

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    The persistent increasing duration of unemployment has become an issue during economic crises. Although lay-offs at large firms normally make headlines during crises, we still know little about the potential impact of firm size on adjustment behavior in a crisis. We studied effects of firm size on employment growth during economic slowdowns using a rich microeconomic database for the 1988-2007 period in Portuguese manufacturing industry. The results show that economic downturns affect firm growth negatively. This negative effect is found to be higher for larger firms, both during and immediately following crisis periods. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) emerge as potential stabilizers in downturn periods. However, larger firms seem to be able to quickly recover from downturn periods. Our results contribute to the scarce literature and to the understanding of the Portuguese case, where many SMEs secure most jobs. These first results may be useful, because SMEs play a determinant role in other European Union economies

    Oral Drug Delivery Systems Comprising Altered Geometric Configurations for Controlled Drug Delivery

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    Recent pharmaceutical research has focused on controlled drug delivery having an advantage over conventional methods. Adequate controlled plasma drug levels, reduced side effects as well as improved patient compliance are some of the benefits that these systems may offer. Controlled delivery systems that can provide zero-order drug delivery have the potential for maximizing efficacy while minimizing dose frequency and toxicity. Thus, zero-order drug release is ideal in a large area of drug delivery which has therefore led to the development of various technologies with such drug release patterns. Systems such as multilayered tablets and other geometrically altered devices have been created to perform this function. One of the principles of multilayered tablets involves creating a constant surface area for release. Polymeric materials play an important role in the functioning of these systems. Technologies developed to date include among others: Geomatrix® multilayered tablets, which utilizes specific polymers that may act as barriers to control drug release; Procise®, which has a core with an aperture that can be modified to achieve various types of drug release; core-in-cup tablets, where the core matrix is coated on one surface while the circumference forms a cup around it; donut-shaped devices, which possess a centrally-placed aperture hole and Dome Matrix® as well as “release modules assemblage”, which can offer alternating drug release patterns. This review discusses the novel altered geometric system technologies that have been developed to provide controlled drug release, also focusing on polymers that have been employed in such developments

    The basal epithelial marker P-cadherin associates with breast cancer cell populations harboring a glycolytic and acid-resistant phenotype

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    "BMC Cancer 2014 14:734"BACKGROUND: Cancer stem cells are hypoxia-resistant and present a preponderant glycolytic metabolism. These characteristics are also found in basal-like breast carcinomas (BLBC), which show increased expression of cancer stem cell markers.Recently, we demonstrated that P-cadherin, a biomarker of BLBC and a poor prognostic factor in this disease, mediates stem-like properties and resistance to radiation therapy. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate if P-cadherin expression was associated to breast cancer cell populations with an adapted phenotype to hypoxia. METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was performed to address the expression of P-cadherin, hypoxic, glycolytic and acid-resistance biomarkers in primary human breast carcinomas. In vitro studies were performed using basal-like breast cancer cell lines. qRT-PCR, FACS analysis, western blotting and confocal microscopy were used to assess the expression of P-cadherin after HIF-1a stabilization, achieved by CoCl2 treatment. siRNA-mediated knockdown was used to silence the expression of several targets and qRT-PCR was employed to evaluate the effects of P-cadherin on HIF-1a signaling. P-cadherin high and low breast cancer cell populations were sorted by FACS and levels of GLUT1 and CAIX were assessed by FACS and western blotting. Mammosphere forming efficiency was used to determine the stem cell activity after specific siRNA-mediated knockdown, further confirmed by western blotting. RESULTS: We demonstrated that P-cadherin overexpression was significantly associated with the expression of HIF-1a, GLUT1, CAIX, MCT1 and CD147 in human breast carcinomas. In vitro, we showed that HIF-1a stabilization was accompanied by increased membrane expression of P-cadherin and that P-cadherin silencing led to a decrease of the mRNA levels of GLUT1 and CAIX. We also found that the cell fractions harboring high levels of P-cadherin were the same exhibiting more GLUT1 and CAIX expression. Finally, we showed that P-cadherin silencing significantly decreases the mammosphere forming efficiency in the same range as the silencing of HIF-1a, CAIX or GLUT1, validating that all these markers are being expressed by the same breast cancer stem cell population. CONCLUSIONS: Our results establish a link between aberrant P-cadherin expression and hypoxic, glycolytic and acid-resistant breast cancer cells, suggesting a possible role for this marker in cancer cell metabolismo.This work was funded by FEDER funds through the COMPETE Program (Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade) and by national funds through FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal), mainly in the context of the scientific project PTDC/SAU-GMG/120049/2010-FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-021209, and partially by PTDC/SAU-FCF/104347/2008. FCT funded the research grants of BS (SFRH/BD/69353/2010), ASR (SFRH/BPD/75705/2011), ARN (grant from the project PTDC/SAU-GMG/120049/2010), CP (SFRH/BPD/69479/2010), AV (SFRH/BPD/90303/2012), as well as JP, with Programa Ciencia 2007 (Contratacao de Doutorados para o SCTN - financiamento pelo POPH - QREN - Tipologia 4.2 - Promocao do Emprego Cientifico, comparticipado pelo Fundo Social Europeu e por fundos nacionais do MCTES) and Programa IFCT (FCT Investigator). IPATIMUP is an Associate Laboratory of the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and is partially supported by FCT

    Toward osteogenic differentiation of marrow stromal cells and in vitro production of mineralized extracellular matrix onto natural scaffolds

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    Uncorrected proofTissue engineering has emerged as a new interdisciplinary field for the repair of various tissues, restoring their functions by using scaffolds, cells, and/or bioactive factors. A temporary scaffold acts as an extracellular matrix analog to culture cells and guide the development of new tissue. In this chapter, we discuss the preparation of naturally derived scaffolds of polysaccharide origin, the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells cultured on biomimetic calcium phosphate coatings, and the delivery of biomolecules associated with extracellular matrix mineralization