208 research outputs found

    Impact of the "New normal" concept on China's economic development

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    Understanding the current «New Normal» of China’s economy in the context of market economy does not only refers to the state of economic development, but also to the transformation of China’s economic development state. China’s economy could not return to the «old normal of a planned economy» before reform and opening up, instead, China’s economy should turn to a new development state in which the operation mechanism depends more on the laws of the market itself, the economic growth rate and economic structure adapt to the objective requirements of industrialization entering the middle and later development stage. Its core lies in the formation of new market economic rules, operation, mechanism and new market structure and models

    Effects of GLP-1RAs on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: review of real-world data on target populations from diabetes registry in Russian Federation

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    RATIONALE. Over the past 20 years the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Russia has more than doubled and reached 4.43 million people in 2020, while the growth rate keeps increasing. Most patients with T2DM are at a higher risk of developing major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) associated with significant mortality. There is a strong evidence base that the drugs belonging to GLP-1RA class contribute to reducing the risk of cardiovascular events and renal outcomes. At the same time, the current prescribing rates of these treatments in Russia are quite low - only about 0.1% of patients are prescribed GLP-1RAs, according to Diabetes Registry data.AIM. Review the results of several randomized clinical trials (RCTs) concerning effects of GLP-1RA treatments on prevention of primary and secondary cardiovascular events and estimate the number of diabetic target population.MATERIALS AND METHODS. We examined the data from clinical trials on GLP-1RA treatments registered in Russia and used in routine clinical practice (ELIXA, EXSCEL, LEADER, SUSTAIN-6 and REWIND) and data from two meta-analyzes published as of December 1, 2020. The task was to evaluate the inclusion criteria, patient profile, and the clinical efficacy and safety profiles of  the studied therapies. Also, the analysis of clinical information from the Diabetes Registry (DR) was performed to estimate the number of target T2DM patients meeting RCTs inclusion criteria that could benefit from prescribing of GLP-1RAs.RESULTS. The reviewed clinical trials demonstrated a statistically significant reduction (p <0.05) in the risk of serious cardiovascular events in patients treated with Liraglutide [RR 0.87 (95% CI, 0.78-0.97)], Semagltuide [OP 0.74 (95% CI 0.58-0.95)] and Dulaglutide [RR 0.88 (95% CI 0.79-0.99)]. Meta-analyzes utilizing data from 6 RCTs with the total number of 56,004 T2DM patients, also, confirmed a statistically significant reduction in the risk of developing MACE (by 12%) in the studied population, and a 17% reduction in the risk of combined renal outcomes [RR 0.83 (95% CI 0.78-0.89), p <0.0001]. The DR patient population that met the RCTs inclusion criteria amounted to 538.6 thous. subjects in case of REWIND and 432.4 thous. in case of LEADER and SUSTAIN-6. The key differences between FDR patients and patients engaged in RCTs included gender and age characteristics. The DR patients were generally older and the bulk of them were women, which has to do with overall Russian demographic trends. The proportion of DR patients with established CVD was 26%, which closely matched the profile of patients from REWIND study (31.5%). According to DR data, the number of patients in whom the treatment was intensified following prescription of basal insulin was 7612 per year, which is close to a potential cohort eligible for alternative treatment with GLP-1RAs.CONCLUSION. All the drugs belonging to GLP-1RA class are clinically effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular and renal outcomes, while demonstrating a favorable safety profile including with respect to lower risk of developing hypoglycemia. The decreased risk of complications was recorded both in patients with existing cardiovascular risks and patients with established CVD. Of all GLP-1RA treatments available in Russia at this point, the greatest clinical effectiveness is achieved by Liraglutide, Semaglutide and Dulaglutide. The estimated patient population from DR, meeting RCTs inclusion criteria and matching RCTs patient profile was over 500, 000 people with the largest number of patients meeting the REWIND criteria. The target population of patients with T2DM who may potentially benefit from the administration of GLP-1RAs is over 500, 000 people. Out of that number at least 7.5 thousand are patients, whose treatment is intensified following prescription of basal insulin (with an aim of improving glycemic control, but without consideration of cardiovascular risks).Currently, if we take the real world clinical setting in Russia, the number of patients receiving GLP-1RA treatments is substantially lower than the estimated figures (less than 1%), which requires reconsideration of the approach toward their prescribing as is recommended by state-of-the-art clinical guidelines prioritizing prevention of cardiovascular risks

    The role of renin-angiotensin system and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in the development and course of viral infection COVID-19 in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    The role of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in general and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in particular in the  pathogenesis and course of viral infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) is of particular interest. This is due not only to the fact that ACE2 is a receptor for the virus the target cells. RAS hyperactivation in patients with arterial hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus, is considered one of the most important factors for a more severe infection in persons with concomitant pathology. In addition, the effects of PAS blockage with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) remains one of the most discussed topics in the literature on COVID-19. This review presents the data on the interaction between the virus and the main components of RAS and the factors influencing their expression level, the impact of ACE ­inhibitors and ARBs therapy on the disease outcome, and presents the perspectives of the treatment with recombinant ACE 2

    Covariance and Time Regained in Canonical General Relativity

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    Canonical vacuum gravity is expressed in generally-covariant form in order that spacetime diffeomorphisms be represented within its equal-time phase space. In accordance with the principle of general covariance, the time mapping {\T}: {\yman} \to {\rman} and the space mapping {\X}: {\yman} \to {\xman} that define the Dirac-ADM foliation are incorporated into the framework of the Hilbert variational principle. The resulting canonical action encompasses all individual Dirac-ADM actions, corresponding to different choices of foliating vacuum spacetimes by spacelike hypersurfaces. In this framework, spacetime observables, namely, dynamical variables that are invariant under spacetime diffeomorphisms, are not necessarily invariant under the deformations of the mappings \T and \X, nor are they constants of the motion. Dirac observables form only a subset of spacetime observables that are invariant under the transformations of \T and \X and do not evolve in time. The conventional interpretation of the canonical theory, due to Bergmann and Dirac, can be recovered only by postulating that the transformations of the reference system ({\T},{\X}) have no measurable consequences. If this postulate is not deemed necessary, covariant canonical gravity admits no classical problem of time.Comment: 41 pages, no figure

    Возрастание уровня стресса среди выпускников школы

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    Данная статья исследует проблему возрастания уровня стрессовых ситуаций среди учеников старшей школы, причиной которого является образовательная деятельность по подготовке школьников к единому государственному экзамену (ЕГЭ). Высокий уровень стресса оказывает деструктивное влияние на все сферы человеческой жизни. В статье также изучаются другие факторы, влияющие на психическое здоровье учащихся, и приводятся способы борьбы со стрессовыми факторами и снижения их влияния на жизнь ребенка.This report examines the problem of increasing stress levels among high school students, the cause of which is educational activity, namely, the preparation of schoolchildren for the unified state exam (USE). A high level of stress has a destructive effect on all spheres of human life. The article also studies other factors affecting the mental health of students, and provides ways to combat stress factors and reduce their impact on the child's life

    Epidemiological characteristics of diabetes mellitus in the Russian Federation: clinical and statistical analysis according to the Federal diabetes register data of 01.01.2021

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    BACKGROUND. One of the priority directions in the development of the health care system is to reduce the medical and social damage caused by the increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM). From this point of view, the development of a diabetes register is very important as the main information and analytical platform for clinical and epidemiological monitoring of diabetes in the Russian Federation (RF).AIMS. The aim of our study was to analyze a dynamic (2016–2020) of the epidemiological characteristics of diabetes mellitus in the Russian Federation (prevalence, morbidity, mortality), the prevalence of complications, the level of HbA1c and the dynamics of the structure of glucose-lowering therapy (GLT) according to the Federal Diabetes Register (FDR).MATERIALS AND METHODs. The database of FRD (http://diaregistry.ru) 84 regions of the RF. The data are presented in dynamics 2016→2020.RESULTS. The total number of DM patients in the RF as of 01.01.2021 was 4,799,552 (3.23% of the population), including: Type 1 (T1) — 5.5% (265.4 ths) , T2 — 92.5% (4.43 million), other DM types — 2.0% (99.3 ths). The dynamics of prevalence was 168.7→180.9/100 ths people with T1, and 2709 → 3022/100 ths people with T2; morbidity in T1 10.5→7.7/100 ths population, in T2 219.6→154.2/100 ths population. Age and sex characteristics: the proportion of men in T1 — 54%, in T2 — 30%; the max proportion of patients with T1 at the age of 30–39 years, T2 65–69 years. Mortality: T1 3.0 → 2.7/100 ths population, T2 87.7→93.9/100 ths of the population, the main cause of death was cardiovascular: in T1 38,1% cases, in T2 — 52,0%. Life expectancy (average age of death of patients): T1 was 53.2years, the dynamics in males 50.7 → 50.5years, ­females 58.7→55.2years; in T2 — 73.5 years, males 70.2→70.1years, females 75.7→75.4 years. The dynamic of DM duration until the death: in T1 17.4→19.0 years; in T2 11→11.4 years. The incidence of diabetic complications in T1 and T2 patients: neuropathy 43.3% and 24.4%, nephropathy (CKD) 25.9% and 18.4%, retinopathy 31.7% and 13.5%, respectively. The ­proportion of ­patients with HbA1c <7%: in T1 32.3%→36.9%, in T2 51.9%→52.1%, with HbA1c ≥ 9.0% in T1 23.1%→18.7% , in T2 8.9%→8.0%. The structure GLT in T2 patients: glucose lowering medications (GLM) — 76.2% (monotherapy — 44.1%; ­combination of  2 GLM — 28.9%, 3 GLM — 3.2%), insulin therapy in 18,8%, without drug therapy in 4.9%.CONCLUSIONS. The performed analysis demonstrates the importance of dynamic assessment of epidemiological characteristics and monitoring of clinical data on patients with diabetes through a registry for assessing the quality of diabetes care and the prospects for its development


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    In the present study, a rapid, sensitive, and selective method for determination of several synthetic analogues of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in human urine by solid-phase extraction and ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) was developed. Various parameters affecting sample preparation, LC separation, and MS/MS detection were investigated, and optimized conditions were identified. The UPLC-MS/MS system was equipped with an electrospray ion source operating in positive ion mode with selected reaction monitoring. Leuprolide-13С6 was used as internal standard for analytes quantitative assessment. The proposed method was validated considering the parameters specificity, linearity (0.1-10 ng/ml), recovery (52-98%), limit of detection (0.1 ng/ml), matrix effects and stability.В настоящей работе представлена методика быстрого, чувствительного и селективного определения ряда синтетических аналогов рилизинг-гормона гонадотропина в моче человека с использованием твердофазной экстракции и сверхпроизводительной жидкостной хроматографии в сочетании с тандемной масс-спектрометрией (СВЭЖХ-МС/МС). Определены и оптимизированы параметры, влияющие на пробоподготовку, хроматографическое разделение и МС/МС-детектирование. Последнее проводили в условиях электрораспылительной ионизации с регистрацией положительно заряженных ионов в режиме мониторинга выбранных реакций. Для количественной оценки концентраций соединений в качестве внутреннего стандарта использовали леупролид-13С6. Предложенная методика была валидирована с учетом параметров специфичности, линейности (0.1-10 нг/мл), степени извлечения (52-98%), предела обнаружения (0.1 нг/мл), матричного эффекта и стабильности

    Alma-Ata to Berlin: diabetes prevention and treatment to achieve healthy living

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    Bharti Hosp, Dept Endocrinol, Karnal, Haryana, IndiaAarhus Univ, Dept Publ Hlth, Aarhus, DenmarkKazakh Acad Nutr, Alma Ata, KazakhstanAcad Prevent Med, Alma Ata, KazakhstanKazakh Natl Med Univ, Alma Ata, KazakhstanDubai Hosp, Dept Endocrinol, Dubai, U Arab EmiratesPondicherry Inst Med Sci, Dept Med, Pondicherry, IndiaMinist Hlth, Directorate Epidemiol, Mexico City, DF, MexicoItalian Coll Gen Practitioners, Florence, ItalyUniv Hlth Network, Toronto, ON, CanadaSiberian State Med Univ, Tomsk, RussiaInst Diabet Endocrinol & Metab Dis, Endocrinol Res Ctr, Moscow, RussiaUniv Fed São Paulo, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilPrimary Care Diabet Europe, Barcelona, SpainDubai Hlth Author, Dubai, U Arab EmiratesPeking Union Med Coll, Beijing, Peoples R ChinaUniv Fed São Paulo, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Renal effects of glucagon-like peptide receptor agonists in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    The purpose of our study is to assess the effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1R agonists) on early markers of kidney damage in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM). Materials and methods. The study included 27 patients with type 1 diabetes with normo- (n=16) and microalbuminuria (n=11) on intensive insulin injection regimen with insulin analogs. Patients were divided into two groups: 15 patients continued insulin therapy throughout the follow-up period, 12 patients were given 1.2 mg GLP-1R agonist (Liraglutide) once a day in addition to the insulin therapy for 6 months. HbA1c, lipid profile, classic markers of kidney damage (albuminuria, creatinine, glomerular filtration rate); plazma (neutrophilic gelatinase-associated lipoxalin - NGAL, molecule renal damage of type 1 - KIM-1, cystatin C, osteopontin) and urinary kidney biomarkers (nephrin, podocyne, uromodulin, NGAL, KIM-1, collagen type IV, cystatin C) were evaluated prior and in dynamics at 6 months. Kidney biomarkers levels were assessed by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results. We observed a significant decrease in the urinary excretion of type IV collagen, cystatin C, increased uromodulin excretion and decrease in the plasma levels of osteopontin, NGAL and cystatin C in the group of combined insulin and GLP-1R agonist therapy. Conclusions. Changes in the level of sensitive kidney biomarkers indicate a possible renoprotective effect of GLP-1R agonist therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes at an early stages of kidney damage

    Diabetes mellitus in the Russian Federation: dynamics of epidemiological indicators according to the Federal Register of Diabetes Mellitus for the period 2010–2022

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    BACKGROUND. The clinical and epidemiological characteristics of diabetes mellitus (DM) and the quality of its therapy are the key prognostic dominant that determines the organizational aspects of the diabetic service. The continuous dynamic   monitoring of DM has been carried out in the Russian Federation (RF) since 1996 through the activities of the Federal Register of Diabetes Mellitus (FDR).AIMS. The aim of our study was to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of DM in the RF (prevalence, morbidity, mortality), the prevalence diabetic of complications, the state of carbohydrate metabolism (level of HbA1c) and the dynamics of the structure of glucose-lowering therapy (GLT) according to the FDR.MATERIALS AND METHODS. The database of FRD (https://www.diaregistry.ru/), 85 regions of the RF. The data are presented as of 01.01.2023 and in dynamics for the period 2010–2022.RESULTS. The total number of DM patients in the RF as of 01.01.2023 was 4 962 762 (3.31% of the population), including: Type 1 (T1) — 5.58% (277.1 ths), T2 — 92.33% (4.58 million), other DM types —2.08% (103 ths). The dynamics of prevalence over the 13-year period (2010→2022) was 146.0→191.0/100 ths people with T1, and 2036.2→3158.8/100 ths people with T2; morbidity in T1 12.3→8.2/100 ths population, in T2 260.1→191.4/100 ths population; мortality: T1 2.1→2.4/100 ths population, T2 41.2→86.1/100 ths of the population. The main cause of death was cardiovascular: in T1 38.6% cases, in T2 — 50.9%. Life expectancy (average age of death of patients): T1 was 52.7 years, the dynamics in males 50.9 → 50.7 years, females 62.1→56.0 years; in T2 — 74.2 years, males 69.5→70.4 years, females 74.2→76.1 years. The dynamic of DM duration from onset to the death: in T1 15.4→19.9 years; in T2 11→11.4 10.2→11.8 years. The proportion of patients with laboratory-measured HbA1c <7% in the dynamics of 2010–2022: with DM1 24.4%→29%, with DM2 41.5%→42.2%, with HbA1c ≥9.0%: with DM1 29, 4% → 20.4%, with DM2 13.8 → 9.0%.The incidence of diabetic complications as of 01.01.2023 in T1 and T2 patients: neuropathy 41.3% and 23.7%, nephropathy (CKD) 22.8% and 19.1%, retinopathy 28.9% and 12.3%, respectively. The structure GLT in T2 patients as of 01.01.2023: monotherapy — 41.6%; combination of 2 GLM — 30.0%, 3 GLM — 5.8%, insulin therapy in 18.3%.CONCLUSIONS. The information-analytical system FDR is a key tool for systematizing the most important epidemiological and clinical characteristics of DM based on data from real clinical practice, which allows optimizing the algorithm of patient management and improving the quality of care for diabetes