1,029 research outputs found

    To The 85th anniversary of A. Lebedev, fellow of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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    Стаття присвячена короткому опису життєвого шляху й творчої спадщини видатного українського вченого з міцності, лауреата Державних премій СРСР і УРСР професора А.О. Лебедєва.The article is dedicated to a short outline of the life and scientific legacy of professor A. Lebedev who was the outstanding Ukrainian scientist in the field of problems of strength, laureate of state prize of USSR and Ukrainian SSR.Статья посвящена краткому описанию жизненного пути и творческого наследия выдающегося украинского ученого в области прочности, лауреата Государственных премий СССР и УССР профессора А.А. Лебедева

    New segment methodology and service design intelligent information agent for large-scale networks

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    Presented by expanding design methodology intelligent software agents for large-scale networksПредставлено расширение методологии проектирования интеллектуальных программных агентов для крупномасштабных сете

    Topological entropy and blocking cost for geodesics in riemannian manifolds

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    For a pair of points x,yx,y in a compact, riemannian manifold MM let nt(x,y)n_t(x,y) (resp. st(x,y)s_t(x,y)) be the number of geodesic segments with length t\leq t joining these points (resp. the minimal number of point obstacles needed to block them). We study relationships between the growth rates of nt(x,y)n_t(x,y) and st(x,y)s_t(x,y) as tt\to\infty. We derive lower bounds on st(x,y)s_t(x,y) in terms of the topological entropy h(M)h(M) and its fundamental group. This strengthens the results of Burns-Gutkin \cite{BG06} and Lafont-Schmidt \cite{LS}. For instance, by \cite{BG06,LS}, h(M)>0h(M)>0 implies that ss is unbounded; we show that ss grows exponentially, with the rate at least h(M)/2h(M)/2.Comment: 13 page

    Monocyte response in myocardial infarction in patients with type 2 diabetes

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    Aim. To reveal the features of monocyte response in myocardial infarction (MI) in pa­­tients with type 2 diabetes (T2D).Material and methods. The study included 121 patients with MI and T2D as follows: 76 — with target glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), 45 — with elevated HbA1c values. In addition to the standard examination, all patients underwent a blood test for HbA1c on day 1 of MI, while on days 1, 3, 5, and 12±1, monocyte subpopulations were assessed by flow cytometry.Results. Patients with target HbA1c were older than patients with elevated HbA1c levels. In the group with target HbA1c, the number of CD16(+) monocytes on the 1st day of MI was significantly higher: 61,38 (39,2; 100,08) cells/µl vs 35,7 (28,98; 40,33) cells/µl, p=0,03; on the 3rd day of MI, the number of "intermediate" CD14(+)CD16(+) monocytes was higher: 74,82 (71,78; 83,2) cells/µl vs 25,90 (14,04; 57,12) cells/µl, p=0,03, while the CD16(-) to CD16(+) monocyte ratio on the 3rd day of MI was lower: 8,32 (6 ,87; 10,03) vs 10,81 (8,90; 21,10), p=0,04. At the same time, in the group of patients with target HbA1c values, the level of CD16(+) monocytes on the 3rd day of MI was significantly higher in patients aged <71 years compared with patients ≥71 years: 104,55 (63,64; 149,7) cells/µl vs 55,20 (36,92; 76,59) cells/µl, p=0,03.Conclusion. In patients with T2D and target HbA1c values, compared with patients with elevated HbA1c, the inflammatory response in MI is associated with higher levels of CD16(+) monocytes on days 1 and 3 of MI, which is more typical for people aged <71 years

    Semiconducting end-perfluorinated P3HT–fullerenic hybrids as potential additives for P3HT/IC70BA blends

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    An efficient route to synthesise hybrid polymers consisting of a semiconducting polymer and a fullerene unit, for BHJ OPV devices is presented herein. The synthetic procedure is based on the in situ functionalisation of regioregular polythiophenes of various molecular weights with perfluorophenyl moieties at the ω end position of the polymeric chains, after the GRIM polymerisation reaction. Each of the perfluorophenyl moieties is then decorated with an azide group, and employed in a [3+2] cycloaddition reaction with fullerene species, i.e. C70 or IC70MA, yielding P3HT-fullerene hybrids covalently linked via aziridine bridges. The effectiveness of the purification procedures of the above organic and hybrid materials were evaluated by extended spectroscopic and chromatographic methods. The optical and electrochemical characterisation of the resulting hybrid structures revealed that the unique optoelectronic properties of the P3HT polymers are retained in the hybrid materials. Whereas the morphological properties are largely affected by the introduction of the C70 and IC70MA fullerenes. The enhanced and tunable nanophase separation observed in the polymerfullerene hybrid films coupled with their excellent optoelectronic properties makes them exciting potential polymeric additives for the P3HT:IC70BA active blends


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    The paper highliughts the research results on the principles of talent management application in practice at industrial enterprises of the Siberian region. The author analyzes influence of talent management technologies on young professionals’ professionalism increase. The articole reveals negative factors that influence efficiency of the measures on talent management. The authors formulate recommendations on application of programme-based approach in talentmanagement. This changes work on talent managemnt in accordance with the current needs of enetrprises.В статье изложены результаты исследования внедрения принципов талант-менеджмента в практику промышленных предприятий Сибирского региона. Проанализировано влияние технологий управления талантами на повышение профессионализма молодых специалистов. Выявлены факторы, негативно влияющие на эффективность проводимых мероприятий по управлению талантами. Сформулированы предложения по внедрению программного подхода в талант-менеджмент, которые позволят перестроить систему работы по управлению талантами в соответствии с текущими особенностями деятельности предприятия

    Dispersion Analysis in Psychological and Pedagogical Research

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    В статье рассматриваются возможности использования дисперсионного анализа в психолого-педагогическом исследовании, описываются различные подходы к интерпретации полученных результатов с учетом условия экспериментаThe paper considers application of dispersion analysis in psychological and pedagogical research and describes various approaches to interpretation of the research data, taking into account the experimental conditions

    Long-term management of patients with epilepsy. Organization of a service in the Tyumen Region

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    Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease that requires a long-term or lifelong follow-up of patients. The factors that influence the outcome of therapy are various; moreover, the key factors of them are the organization of care and the mode of patient follow-up. The necessity of optimizing the specialized health care to this category of patients stems from the poorer quality of life in the patients and their families and from the more frequentdevelopment of mental disorders and drug-resistant forms of the disease during ineffective therapy. These and other issues are considered in this paper with emphasis on the specific area – the south of the Tyumen Region. This underlines the importance of setting up not only highlevel epileptologic centers, but also a whole network that provides access to specialized epileptologic care. It seems today that it is more appropriate to solve problems in the organization of management for epileptic patients at the level of an administrative region, for this state structure has all necessary conditions for rapidly and rationally implementing the most successful developments of specialized care to the population

    A comparison of the characteristics of extreme drought during the late 20 th and early 21st centuries over Eurasia and North America

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    The atmospheric general circulation character during summer droughts over Eastern Europe / Western Russia and North America from 1970-2020 is examined here. A criterion to examine atmospheric drought events encompassed the summer season was used to determine which years were driest using precipitation, evaporation, and areal coverage. The relationship between drought and atmospheric character using the Dzerzeevsky climatic classification scheme, atmospheric blocking, teleconnections, and information entropy are used to study the atmospheric dynamic