69 research outputs found

    Estimated breeding values and association mapping for persistency and total milk yield using natural cubic smoothing splines

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    BackgroundFor dairy producers, a reliable description of lactation curves is a valuable tool for management and selection. From a breeding and production viewpoint, milk yield persistency and total milk yield are important traits. Understanding the genetic drivers for the phenotypic variation of both these traits could provide a means for improving these traits in commercial production.MethodsIt has been shown that Natural Cubic Smoothing Splines (NCSS) can model the features of lactation curves with greater flexibility than the traditional parametric methods. NCSS were used to model the sire effect on the lactation curves of cows. The sire solutions for persistency and total milk yield were derived using NCSS and a whole-genome approach based on a hierarchical model was developed for a large association study using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP).ResultsEstimated sire breeding values (EBV) for persistency and milk yield were calculated using NCSS. Persistency EBV were correlated with peak yield but not with total milk yield. Several SNP were found to be associated with both traits and these were used to identify candidate genes for further investigation.ConclusionNCSS can be used to estimate EBV for lactation persistency and total milk yield, which in turn can be used in whole-genome association studies.Klara L. Verbyla and Arunas P. Verbyl

    A mixed model QTL analysis for sugarcane multiple-harvest-location trial data

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    Sugarcane-breeding programs take at least 12 years to develop new commercial cultivars. Molecular markers offer a possibility to study the genetic architecture of quantitative traits in sugarcane, and they may be used in marker-assisted selection to speed up artificial selection. Although the performance of sugarcane progenies in breeding programs are commonly evaluated across a range of locations and harvest years, many of the QTL detection methods ignore two- and three-way interactions between QTL, harvest, and location. In this work, a strategy for QTL detection in multi-harvest-location trial data, based on interval mapping and mixed models, is proposed and applied to map QTL effects on a segregating progeny from a biparental cross of pre-commercial Brazilian cultivars, evaluated at two locations and three consecutive harvest years for cane yield (tonnes per hectare), sugar yield (tonnes per hectare), fiber percent, and sucrose content. In the mixed model, we have included appropriate (co)variance structures for modeling heterogeneity and correlation of genetic effects and non-genetic residual effects. Forty-six QTLs were found: 13 QTLs for cane yield, 14 for sugar yield, 11 for fiber percent, and 8 for sucrose content. In addition, QTL by harvest, QTL by location, and QTL by harvest by location interaction effects were significant for all evaluated traits (30 QTLs showed some interaction, and 16 none). Our results contribute to a better understanding of the genetic architecture of complex traits related to biomass production and sucrose content in sugarcane

    Visualization and Curve-Parameter Estimation Strategies for Efficient Exploration of Phenotype Microarray Kinetics

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    The Phenotype MicroArray (OmniLog® PM) system is able to simultaneously capture a large number of phenotypes by recording an organism's respiration over time on distinct substrates. This technique targets the object of natural selection itself, the phenotype, whereas previously addressed '-omics' techniques merely study components that finally contribute to it. The recording of respiration over time, however, adds a longitudinal dimension to the data. To optimally exploit this information, it must be extracted from the shapes of the recorded curves and displayed in analogy to conventional growth curves.The free software environment R was explored for both visualizing and fitting of PM respiration curves. Approaches using either a model fit (and commonly applied growth models) or a smoothing spline were evaluated. Their reliability in inferring curve parameters and confidence intervals was compared to the native OmniLog® PM analysis software. We consider the post-processing of the estimated parameters, the optimal classification of curve shapes and the detection of significant differences between them, as well as practically relevant questions such as detecting the impact of cultivation times and the minimum required number of experimental repeats.We provide a comprehensive framework for data visualization and parameter estimation according to user choices. A flexible graphical representation strategy for displaying the results is proposed, including 95% confidence intervals for the estimated parameters. The spline approach is less prone to irregular curve shapes than fitting any of the considered models or using the native PM software for calculating both point estimates and confidence intervals. These can serve as a starting point for the automated post-processing of PM data, providing much more information than the strict dichotomization into positive and negative reactions. Our results form the basis for a freely available R package for the analysis of PM data

    Bayesian Analysis of Curves Shape Variation Through Registration and Regression

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    This manuscript reviews the use of Bayesian hierarchical curve registration in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics.Several models allowing for unit-specific random time scales are discussed and applied to longitudinal dataarising in biomedicine, pharmacokinetics and time-course genomics. We consider representations of random functionals based on P-spline priors. Under this framework, straightforward posterior simulation strategies are outlined for inference.Beyond curve registration, we discuss jointregression modeling of both random effects and population level functional quantities. Finally, the use of mixture priors is discussed in the setting of differential expression analysis

    Use of a large multiparent wheat mapping population in genomic dissection of coleoptile and seedling growth

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    Identification of alleles towards the selection for improved seedling vigour is a key objective of many wheat breeding programmes. A multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) population developed from four commercial spring wheat cultivars (cvv. Baxter, Chara, Westonia and Yitpi) and containing ca. 1000 F2-derived, F6:7 RILs was assessed at two contrasting soil temperatures (12 and 20 °C) for shoot length and coleoptile characteristics length and thickness. Narrow-sense heritabilities were high for coleoptile and shoot length (h2 = 0.68-0.70), indicating a strong genetic basis for the differences among progeny. Genotypic variation was large, and distributions of genotype means were approximately Gaussian with evidence for transgressive segregation for all traits. A number of significant QTL were identified for all early growth traits, and these were commonly repeatable across the different soil temperatures. The largest negative effects on coleoptile lengths were associated with Rht-B1b (-8.2%) and Rht-D1b (-10.9%) dwarfing genes varying in the population. Reduction in coleoptile length with either gene was particularly large at the warmer soil temperature. Other large QTL for coleoptile length were identified on chromosomes 1A, 2B, 4A, 5A and 6B, but these were relatively smaller than allelic effects at the Rht-B1 and Rht-D1 loci. A large coleoptile length effect allele (a = 5.3 mm at 12 °C) was identified on chromosome 1AS despite the relatively shorter coleoptile length of the donor Yitpi. Strong, positive genetic correlations for coleoptile and shoot lengths (rg = 0.85-0.90) support the co-location of QTL for these traits and suggest a common physiological basis for both. The multiparent population has enabled the identification of promising shoot and coleoptile QTL despite the potential for the confounding of large effect dwarfing gene alleles present in the commercial parents. The incidence of these alleles in commercial wheat breeding programmes should facilitate their ready implementation in selection of varieties with improved establishment and early growth

    MAGIC populations in crops: current status and future prospects

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    The past decade has seen the rise of multiparental populations as a study design offering great advantages for genetic studies in plants. The genetic diversity of multiple parents, recombined over several generations, generates a genetic resource population with large phenotypic diversity suitable for high-resolution trait mapping. While there are many variations on the general design, this review focuses on populations where the parents have all been inter-mated, typically termed Multi-parent Advanced Generation Intercrosses (MAGIC). Such populations have already been created in model animals and plants, and are emerging in many crop species. However, there has been little consideration of the full range of factors which create novel challenges for design and analysis in these populations. We will present brief descriptions of large MAGIC crop studies currently in progress to motivate discussion of population construction, efficient experimental design, and genetic analysis in these populations. In addition, we will highlight some recent achievements and discuss the opportunities and advantages to exploit the unique structure of these resources post-QTL analysis for gene discovery