27 research outputs found

    A Numerical Method of Calculating Propeller Noise Including Acoustic Nonlinear Effects

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    Using the transonic flow fields(s) generated by the NASPROP-E computer code for an eight blade SR3-series propeller, a theoretical method is investigated to calculate the total noise values and frequency content in the acoustic near and far field without using the Ffowcs Williams - Hawkings equation. The flow field is numerically generated using an implicit three dimensional Euler equation solver in weak conservation law form. Numerical damping is required by the differencing method for stability in three dimensions, and the influence of the damping on the calculated acoustic values is investigated. The acoustic near field is solved by integrating with respect to time the pressure oscillations induced at a stationary observer location. The acoustic far field is calculated from the near field primitive variables as generated by NASPROP-E computer code using a method involving a perturbation velocity potential as suggested by Hawkings in the calculation of the acoustic pressure time-history at a specified far field observed location. the methodologies described are valid for calculating total noise levels and are applicable to any propeller geometry for which a flow field solution is available

    Propeller aeroacoustic methodologies

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    The aspects related to propeller performance by means of a review of propeller methodologies are addressed. Preliminary wind tunnel propeller performance data are presented and the predominent limitations of existing propeller performance methodologies are discussed. Airfoil developments appropriate for propeller applications are also reviewed

    Aerodynamic data banks for Clark-Y, NACA 4-digit and NACA 16-series airfoil families

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    With the renewed interest in propellers as means of obtaining thrust and fuel efficiency in addition to the increased utilization of the computer, a significant amount of progress was made in the development of theoretical models to predict the performance of propeller systems. Inherent in the majority of the theoretical performance models to date is the need for airfoil data banks which provide lift, drag, and moment coefficient values as a function of Mach number, angle-of-attack, maximum thickness to chord ratio, and Reynolds number. Realizing the need for such data, a study was initiated to provide airfoil data banks for three commonly used airfoil families in propeller design and analysis. The families chosen consisted of the Clark-Y, NACA 16 series, and NACA 4 digit series airfoils. The various component of each computer code, the source of the data used to create the airfoil data bank, the limitations of each data bank, program listing, and a sample case with its associated input-output are described. Each airfoil data bank computer code was written to be used on the Amdahl Computer system, which is IBM compatible and uses Fortran

    Off-design analysis of counter-rotating propeller configurations

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    Helicopter rotor performance degradation in natural icing encounter

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    Noise and performance of a counter-rotation propeller

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    Apollo command module aerothermodynamic characteristics at hyperbolic Earth entry velocities.

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    A method for predicting wing response to buffet loads

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