51 research outputs found

    Folding of Toll-like receptors by the HSP90 paralogue gp96 requires a substrate-specific cochaperone

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    Cytosolic HSP90 requires multiple cochaperones in folding client proteins. However, the function of gp96 (HSP90b1, grp94), an HSP90 paralogue in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), is believed to be independent of cochaperones. Here, we demonstrate that gp96 chaperones multiple Toll-like receptors (TLRs), but not TLR3, in a manner that is dependent on another ER luminal protein, CNPY3. gp96 directly interacts with CNPY3, and the complex dissociates in the presence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Genetic disruption of gp96–CNPY3 interaction completely abolishes their TLR chaperone function. Moreover, we demonstrate that TLR9 forms a multimolecular complex with gp96 and CNPY3, and the binding of TLR9 to either molecule requires the presence of the other. We suggest that CNPY3 interacts with the ATP-sensitive conformation of gp96 to promote substrate loading. Our study has thus established CNPY3 as a TLR-specific cochaperone for gp96

    Influence of Defects on the Stability and Hydrogen‐Sorption Behavior of Mg‐Based Hydrides

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    This review deals with the destabilization methods for improvement of storage properties of metal hydrides. Both theoretical and experimental approaches were used to point out the influence of various types of defects on structure and stability of hydrides. As a case study, Mg, and Ni based hydrides has been investigated. Theoretical studies, mainly carried out within various implementations of DFT, are a powerful tool to study mostly MgH 2 based materials. By providing an insight on metal-hydrogen bonding that governs both thermodynamics and hydrogen kinetics, they allow us to describe phenomena to which experimental methods have a limited access or do not have it at all: to follow the hydrogen sorption reaction on a specific metal surface and hydrogen induced phase transformations, to describe structure of phase boundaries or to explain the impact of defects or various additives on MgH 2 stability and hydrogen sorption kinetics. In several cases theoretical calculations reveal themselves as being able to predict new properties of materials, including the ways to modify Mg or MgH 2 that would lead to better characteristics in terms of hydrogen storage. The influence of ion irradiation and mechanical milling with and without additives has been discussed. Ion irradiation is the way to introduce a well-defined concentration of defects (Frankel pairs) at the surface and sub-surface layers of a material. Defects at the surface play the main role in sorption reaction since they enhance the dissociation of hydrogen. On the other hand, ball-milling introduce defects through the entire sample volume, refine the structure and thus decrease the path for hydrogen diffusion. Two Severe Plastic Deformation techniques were used to better understand the hydrogenation/dehydrogenation kinetics of Mg- and Mg 2 Ni-based alloys: Equal-Angular-Channel-Pressing and Fast-Forging. Successive ECAP passes leads to refinement of the microstructure of AZ31 ingots and to instalment therein of high densities of defects. Depending on mode, number and temperature of ECAP passes, the H-sorption kinetics have been improved satisfactorily without any additive for mass H-storage applications considering the relative speed of the shaping procedure. A qualitative understanding of the kinetic advanced principles has been built. Fast-Forging was used for a “quasi-instantaneous” synthesis of Mg/Mg 2 Ni-based composites. Hydrogenation of the as-received almost bi-phased materials remains rather slow as generally observed elsewhere, whatever are multiple and different techniques used to deliver the composite alloys. However, our preliminary results suggest that a synergic hydrogenation / dehydrogenation process should assist hydrogen transfers from Mg/Mg 2 Ni on one side to MgH 2 /Mg 2 NiH 4 on the other side via the rather stable a-Mg 2 NiH 0.3 , acting as in-situ catalyser. © 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, WeinheimThis is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Grbović Novaković, J., Novaković, N., Kurko, S., Milošević Govedarović, S., Pantić, T., Paskaš Mamula, B., ... & Skryabina, N. (2019). Influence of Defects on the Stability and Hydrogen‐Sorption Behavior of Mg‐Based Hydrides. ChemPhysChem., which has been published in final form at [http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cphc.201801125]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions

    Molecular heterogeneity and CXorf67 alterations in posterior fossa group A (PFA) ependymomas

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    Of nine ependymoma molecular groups detected by DNA methylation profiling, the posterior fossa type A (PFA) is most prevalent. We used DNA methylation profiling to look for further molecular heterogeneity among 675 PFA ependymomas. Two major subgroups, PFA-1 and PFA-2, and nine minor subtypes were discovered. Transcriptome profiling suggested a distinct histogenesis for PFA-1 and PFA-2, but their clinical parameters were similar. In contrast, PFA subtypes differed with respect to age at diagnosis, gender ratio, outcome, and frequencies of genetic alterations. One subtype, PFA-1c, was enriched for 1q gain and had a relatively poor outcome, while patients with PFA-2c ependymomas showed an overall survival at 5 years of > 90%. Unlike other ependymomas, PFA-2c tumors express high levels of OTX2, a potential biomarker for this ependymoma subtype with a good prognosis. We also discovered recurrent mutations among PFA ependymomas. H3 K27M mutations were present in 4.2%, occurring only in PFA-1 tumors, and missense mutations in an uncharacterized gene, CXorf67, were found in 9.4% of PFA ependymomas, but not in other groups. We detected high levels of wildtype or mutant CXorf67 expression in all PFA subtypes except PFA-1f, which is enriched for H3 K27M mutations. PFA ependymomas are characterized by lack of H3 K27 trimethylation (H3 K27-me3), and we tested the hypothesis that CXorf67 binds to PRC2 and can modulate levels of H3 K27-me3. Immunoprecipitation/mass spectrometry detected EZH2, SUZ12, and EED, core components of the PRC2 complex, bound to CXorf67 in the Daoy cell line, which shows high levels of CXorf67 and no expression of H3 K27-me3. Enforced reduction of CXorf67 in Daoy cells restored H3 K27-me3 levels, while enforced expression of CXorf67 in HEK293T and neural stem cells reduced H3 K27-me3 levels. Our data suggest that heterogeneity among PFA ependymomas could have clinicopathologic utility and that CXorf67 may have a functional role in these tumors