11 research outputs found

    Prevalence of sport injuries during the 53th Regional Games in Franca (SP), Brazil PrevalĂȘncia de lesĂ”es esportivas durante os 53os Jogos Regionais em Franca (SP), Brasil

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    The purpose of this study was to perform a survey about the prevalence, type and location of the injuries occurred in athletes of different modalities during the 53th Regional Games held in 2009. A total of 182 injured athletes being treated at the physical therapy clinic were included. Physical Therapy evaluation was performed to determine the anatomic location and type of injury, as well the sport modality. The results showed that mean age, height, weight and BMI were 23 years (±5.9), 1.73 m (±0.11), 71 kg (±14.22) and 24 kg/mÂČ (±4) respectively. Proportionality to the number of athletes, handball athletes presented with higher number of injuries (4.25%), followed by indoor soccer players (3.7%), basketball (2.48%), volleyball (1.72%) and soccer (1.63%). The most common type of injury were sprains with 29.7% of cases (n=54) and mostly from soccer players; followed by contracture - 26.9% (n=49), mostly from basketball players; and contusion -25.8% (n=47), mostly from handball and indoor soccer players. The type of injury showed a significant association with the sports modality (p=0.0016). The lower limbs accounted for 71.4% of all injuries including knee (23.1%), ankle (18.1%), thigh (17.0%), leg (10.4%) and spine (9.9%). Preventive actions to avoid athletes' injury should be implemented in order to reduce the number of injuries in sports competitions such as in the Regional Games.<br>O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a prevalĂȘncia, tipo e localização anatĂŽmica das lesĂ”es nos atletas durante os 53os Jogos Regionais de 2009. No total, 182 atletas participaram do estudo. A avaliação fisioterĂĄpica incluiu dados como local e tipo de lesĂŁo e modalidade esportiva. Os resultados mostraram que a mĂ©dia de idade, altura, peso e IMC foram respectivamente 23 anos (±5,9), 1,73 m (±0,11), 71 kg (±14,22) e 24 kg/mÂČ (±4). Proporcionalmente ao nĂșmero de atletas, o handball foi a modalidade esportiva que apresentou maior nĂșmero de lesĂ”es (4,25%), seguidos pelos atletas de futsal (3,70%), de basquete (2,48%), de voleibol (1,72%) e de futebol (1,63%). O tipo de lesĂŁo mais comum foi entorse com 29,7% dos casos (n=54), ocorridos com maior frequĂȘncia em jogadores de futebol; seguido de contratura - 26,9% (n=49), ocorridos com maior frequĂȘncia em jogadores de basquete; e contusĂŁo - 25,8% (n=47), ocorridos com maior frequĂȘncia em jogadores de handball e futsal. O tipo de lesĂŁo mostrou significativa associação com o tipo de esporte praticado pelo atleta (p=0,0016). Os membros inferiores representaram 71,4% de todas as lesĂ”es, sendo o joelho o local mais acometido, com 23,1% dos casos, seguido do tornozelo - 18,1%, coxa - 17%, perna - 10,4% e coluna vertebral - 9,9%. Programas de prevenção para os atletas devem ser desenvolvidos e implantados a fim de reduzir o nĂșmero de lesĂ”es em competiçÔes esportivas como os Jogos Regionais

    Updates on naringinase : structural and biotechnological aspects

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    Naringinases has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years due to its hydrolytic activities which include the production of rhamnose, and prunin and debittering of citrus fruit juices. While this enzyme is widely distributed in fungi, its production from bacterial sources is less commonly known. Fungal naringinase are very important as they are used industrially in large amounts and have been extensively studied during the past decade. In this article, production of bacterial naringinase and potential biotechnological applications are discussed. Bacterial rhamnosidases are exotype enzymes that hydrolyse terminal non-reducing &Icirc;&plusmn;-l-rhamnosyl groups from &Icirc;&plusmn;-l-rhamnose containing polysaccharides and glycosides. Structurally, they are classified into family 78 of glycoside hydrolases and characterized by the presence of Asp567 and Glu841 in their active site. Optimization of fermentation conditions and enzyme engineering will allow the development of improved rhamnosidases for advancing suggested industrial applications.<br /