1,259 research outputs found

    Low Mach number effect in simulation of high Mach number flow

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    In this note, we relate the two well-known difficulties of Godunov schemes: the carbuncle phenomena in simulating high Mach number flow, and the inaccurate pressure profile in simulating low Mach number flow. We introduced two simple low-Mach-number modifications for the classical Roe flux to decrease the difference between the acoustic and advection contributions of the numerical dissipation. While the first modification increases the local numerical dissipation, the second decreases it. The numerical tests on the double-Mach reflection problem show that both modifications eliminate the kinked Mach stem suffered by the original flux. These results suggest that, other than insufficient numerical dissipation near the shock front, the carbuncle phenomena is strongly relevant to the non-comparable acoustic and advection contributions of the numerical dissipation produced by Godunov schemes due to the low Mach number effect.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Studying the evolution of galaxies in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr - II. The importance of environment in the suppression of star formation

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    We present an in depth study on the evolution of galaxy properties in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr. We are using the largest multi-wavelength sample to-date, comprised 1770 groups (containing 7417 galaxies), in the redshift range of 0.01<z<0.23. To derive the physical properties of the galaxies we rely on ultraviolet (UV)-to-infrared spectral energy distribution modeling, using CIGALE. Our results suggest that during the 3 Gyr period covered by our sample, the star formation activity of galaxies in our groups has been substantially reduced (3-10 times). Moreover, their star formation histories as well as their UV-optical and mid-infrared colors are significantly different from those of field and cluster galaxies, indicating that compact group galaxies spend more time transitioning through the green valley. The morphological transformation from late-type spirals into early-type galaxies occurs in the mid-infrared transition zone rather than in the UV-optical green valley. We find evidence of shocks in the emission line ratios and gas velocity dispersions of the late-type galaxies located below the star forming main sequence. Our results suggest that in addition to gas stripping, turbulence and shocks might play an important role in suppressing the star formation in compact group galaxies.Comment: (Accepted for publication in MNRAS, date of submission November 18, 2015

    Spatially Resolved Spitzer-IRS Spectral Maps of the Superwind in M82

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    We have mapped the superwind/halo region of the nearby starburst galaxy M82 in the mid-infrared with SpitzerIRSSpitzer-IRS. The spectral regions covered include the H2S(1)S(3)_2 S(1)-S(3), [NeII], [NeIII] emission lines and PAH features. We estimate the total warm H2_2 mass and the kinetic energy of the outflowing warm molecular gas to be between Mwarm517×106M_{warm}\sim5-17\times10^6 M_{\odot} and EK620×1053E_{K}\sim6-20\times10^{53} erg. Using the ratios of the 6.2, 7.7 and 11.3 micron PAH features in the IRS spectra, we are able to estimate the average size and ionization state of the small grains in the superwind. There are large variations in the PAH flux ratios throughout the outflow. The 11.3/7.7 and the 6.2/7.7 PAH ratios both vary by more than a factor of five across the wind region. The Northern part of the wind has a significant population of PAH's with smaller 6.2/7.7 ratios than either the starburst disk or the Southern wind, indicating that on average, PAH emitters are larger and more ionized. The warm molecular gas to PAH flux ratios (H2/PAH_2/PAH) are enhanced in the outflow by factors of 10-100 as compared to the starburst disk. This enhancement in the H2/PAH_2/PAH ratio does not seem to follow the ionization of the atomic gas (as measured with the [NeIII]/[NeII] line flux ratio) in the outflow. This suggests that much of the warm H2_2 in the outflow is excited by shocks. The observed H2_2 line intensities can be reproduced with low velocity shocks (v<40v < 40 km s1^{-1}) driven into moderately dense molecular gas (102<nH<10410^2 <n_H < 10^4 cm3^{-3}) entrained in the outflow.Comment: 19 pages and 12 figures; accepted in MNRA

    CO in Hickson compact group galaxies with enhanced warm H 2 emission: Evidence for galaxy evolution?

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    Context. Galaxies in Hickson Compact Groups (HCGs) are believed to experience morphological transformations from blue, star-forming galaxies to red, early-type galaxies. Galaxies with a high ratio between the luminosities of the warm H2 to the 7.7 μm PAH emission (so-called Molecular Hydrogen Emission Galaxies, MOHEGs) are predominantly in an intermediate phase, the green valley. Their enhanced H2 emission suggests that the molecular gas is affected in the transition

    Genetic diversity within and genetic differentiation between blooms of a microalgal species

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    The field of genetic diversity in protists, particularly phytoplankton, is under expansion. However, little is known regarding variation in genetic diversity within populations over time. The aim of our study was to investigate intrapopulation genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in the freshwater bloom-forming microalga Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae). The study covered a 2-year period including all phases of the bloom. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to determine the genetic structure and diversity of the population. Our results showed a significant differentiation between samples collected during the two blooms from consecutive years. Also, an increase of gene diversity and a loss of differentiation among sampling dates were observed over time within a single bloom. The latter observations may reflect the continuous germination of cysts from the sediment. The life cycle characteristics of G. semen, particularly reproduction and recruitment, most likely explain a high proportion of the observed variation. This study highlights the importance of the life cycle for the intraspecific genetic diversity of microbial species, which alternates between sexual and asexual reproduction.Postprin

    Strong Far-IR Cooling Lines, Peculiar CO Kinematics and Possible Star Formation Suppression in Hickson Compact Group 57

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    We present [C II] and [O I] observations from Herschel and CO(1-0) maps from the Combined Array for{\dag} Research in Millimeter Astronomy (CARMA) of the Hickson Compact Group HCG 57, focusing on the galaxies HCG 57a and HCG 57d. HCG 57a has been previously shown to contain enhanced quantities of warm molecular hydrogen consistent with shock and/or turbulent heating. Our observations show that HCG 57d has strong [C II] emission compared to LFIR_{\rm FIR} and weak CO(1-0), while in HCG 57a, both the [C II] and CO(1-0) are strong. HCG 57a lies at the upper end of the normal distribution of [C II]/CO and [C II]/FIR ratios, and its far-IR cooling supports a low density warm diffuse gas that falls close to the boundary of acceptable PDR models. However, the power radiated in the [C II] and warm H2_2 emission have similar magnitudes, as seen in other shock-dominated systems and predicted by recent models. We suggest that shock-heating of the [C II] is a viable alternative to photoelectric heating in violently disturbed diffuse gas. The existence of shocks is also consistent with peculiar CO kinematics in the galaxy, indicating highly non-circular motions are present. These kinematically disturbed CO regions also show evidence of suppressed star formation, falling a factor of 10-30 below normal galaxies on the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation. We suggest that the peculiar properties of both galaxies are consistent with a highly dissipative off-center collisional encounter between HCG 57d and 57a, creating ring-like morphologies in both systems. Highly dissipative gas-on-gas collisions may be more common in dense groups because of the likelihood of repeated multiple encounters. The possibility of shock-induced SF suppression may explain why a subset of these HCG galaxies have been found previously to fall in the mid-infrared green valley.Comment: ApJ accepted, 16 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    Powerful H2_2 Line-cooling in Stephan's Quintet : I - Mapping the Significant Cooling Pathways in Group-wide Shocks

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    We present results from the mid-infrared spectral mapping of Stephan's Quintet using the Spitzer Space Telescope. A 1000 km/s collision has produced a group-wide shock and for the first time the large-scale distribution of warm molecular hydrogen emission is revealed, as well as its close association with known shock structures. In the main shock region alone we find 5.0 ×108\times10^{8} M_{\odot} of warm H2_2 spread over \sim 480 kpc2^2 and additionally report the discovery of a second major shock-excited H2_2 feature. This brings the total H2_2 line luminosity of the group in excess of 1042^42 erg/s. In the main shock, the H2_2 line luminosity exceeds, by a factor of three, the X-ray luminosity from the hot shocked gas, confirming that the H2_2-cooling pathway dominates over the X-ray. [Si II]34.82μ\mum emission, detected at a luminosity of 1/10th of that of the H2_2, appears to trace the group-wide shock closely and in addition, we detect weak [FeII]25.99μ\mum emission from the most X-ray luminous part of the shock. Comparison with shock models reveals that this emission is consistent with regions of fast shocks (100 < VsV_{s} < 300 km/s) experiencing depletion of iron and silicon onto dust grains. Star formation in the shock (as traced via ionic lines, PAH and dust emission) appears in the intruder galaxy, but most strikingly at either end of the radio shock. The shock ridge itself shows little star formation, consistent with a model in which the tremendous H2_{2} power is driven by turbulent energy transfer from motions in a post-shocked layer. The significance of the molecular hydrogen lines over other measured sources of cooling in fast galaxy-scale shocks may have crucial implications for the cooling of gas in the assembly of the first galaxies.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, Accepted to Ap

    Learning to Simulate Realistic LiDARs

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    Simulating realistic sensors is a challenging part in data generation for autonomous systems, often involving carefully handcrafted sensor design, scene properties, and physics modeling. To alleviate this, we introduce a pipeline for data-driven simulation of a realistic LiDAR sensor. We propose a model that learns a mapping between RGB images and corresponding LiDAR features such as raydrop or per-point intensities directly from real datasets. We show that our model can learn to encode realistic effects such as dropped points on transparent surfaces or high intensity returns on reflective materials. When applied to naively raycasted point clouds provided by off-the-shelf simulator software, our model enhances the data by predicting intensities and removing points based on the scene's appearance to match a real LiDAR sensor. We use our technique to learn models of two distinct LiDAR sensors and use them to improve simulated LiDAR data accordingly. Through a sample task of vehicle segmentation, we show that enhancing simulated point clouds with our technique improves downstream task performance.Comment: IROS2022 pape

    Turbulent molecular gas and star formation in the shocked intergalactic medium of Stephan's Quintet

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    We report on single-dish radio CO observations towards the inter-galactic medium (IGM) of the Stephan's Quintet (SQ) group of galaxies. Extremely bright mid-IR H2 rotational line emission from warm molecular gas has been detected by Spitzer in the kpc-scale shock created by a galaxy collision. We detect in the IGM CO(1-0), (2-1) and (3-2) line emission with complex profiles, spanning a velocity range of 1000 km/s. The spectra exhibit the pre-shock recession velocities of the two colliding gas systems (5700 and 6700 km/s), but also intermediate velocities. This shows that much of the molecular gas has formed out of diffuse gas accelerated by the galaxy-tidal arm collision. A total H2 mass of 5x10^9 Msun is detected in the shock. The molecular gas carries a large fraction of the gas kinetic energy involved in the collision, meaning that this energy has not been thermalized yet. The turbulent kinetic energy of the H2 gas is at least a factor of 5 greater than the thermal energy of the hot plasma heated by the collision. The ratio between the warm H2 mass derived from Spitzer IRS spectroscopy and the H2 mass derived from CO fluxes is ~0.3 in the IGM of SQ, which is 10-100 times higher than in star-forming galaxies. In the shocked region, the ratio of the PAH-to-CO surface luminosities, commonly used to measure the star formation efficiency of the H2 gas, is lower (up to a factor 75) than the observed values in star-forming galaxies. We suggest that turbulence fed by the galaxy-tidal arm collision maintains a high heating rate within the H2 gas. This interpretation implies that the velocity dispersion on the scale of giant molecular clouds in SQ is one order of magnitude larger than the Galactic value. The high amplitude of turbulence may explain why this gas is not forming stars efficiently. [abridged version]Comment: Revised abstract and small editing to match published version. 15 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap