333 research outputs found

    Развитие информационной грамотности школьников: проблемы и подходы

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    The author made an attempt to generalize available experience of activity on development of the schoolchildren information culture (IC). The problems in dealing with information specific to staff of children and youth libraries are considered in the paper. The main approaches - the traditional and active - to the development of IC are shown.Автором сделана попытка обобщить имеющийся опыт деятельности по развитию информационной культуры (ИК) школьников. Рассмотрены проблемы в работе с информацией, характерные для сотрудников детских и юношеских библиотек. Выделены основные подходы - традиционный и деятельностный - к развитию ИК

    Concerning effective and safe dosages of vitamin D3: mega-analysis of clinically effective studies as a basis for actual evidence

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    The negative effects of hypovitaminosis D3 and vitamin D3 deficiency in 80% of Russians make eliminating vitamin D deficiency an issue of state concern. Hundreds of effective clinical studies showed realistic opportunities of vitamin D3 to help patients with disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, high levels of nonspecific inflammation, tuberculosis, and women with a higher risk of complications and pregnancy losses. Vitamin D3 supplements are essential for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of “bone” and “extraosseous” diseases. One of the most important aspects of the clinical uses of vitamin D3 is the dosage and dosage regimen of the vitamin. This paper presents the results of a “mega-analysis” of 3965 clinical studies of vitamin D3 in terms of the effectiveness of different dosages in achieving different clinical outcomes. It was shown that dosages of 2000 IU/day and 4000 IU/day correspond to the peak values of the effectiveness index, regardless of the diagnoses studied (mega-analysis of 420 randomized trials). Some effectiveness in the treatment of rickets, gestational diabetes, calcium metabolism disorders, disorders of bone density and structure, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue can be achieved using weekly dosages of 50,000 IU/week (mega-analysis of 196 studies). It has been shown that dosages of 100,000-1,000,000 IU, intended for a single dose once a month, are almost always found only among studies with a negative result (mega-analysis of 368 studies)

    Role of infection in the antenatal foetal deaths

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    За останні десятиріччя, в зв'язку з стрімким розвитком перинатології, у всьому світі відбулося значне зниження рівня інтранатальної та неонатальної смертності, проте рівень антенатальної загибелі плода (АЗП) залишається високим і становить майже 50% в структурі континентальної смертності. Однією з найбільш частих причин антенатальних втрат є внутрішньоутробне інфікування плода, розповсюдженість якого досягає 65,5%

    Network Rewiring of Homologous Recombination Enzymes during Mitotic Proliferation and Meiosis.

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    Homologous recombination (HR) is essential for high-fidelity DNA repair during mitotic proliferation and meiosis. Yet, context-specific modifications must tailor the recombination machinery to avoid (mitosis) or enforce (meiosis) the formation of reciprocal exchanges-crossovers-between recombining chromosomes. To obtain molecular insight into how crossover control is achieved, we affinity purified 7 DNA-processing enzymes that channel HR intermediates into crossovers or noncrossovers from vegetative cells or cells undergoing meiosis. Using mass spectrometry, we provide a global characterization of their composition and reveal mitosis- and meiosis-specific modules in the interaction networks. Functional analyses of meiosis-specific interactors of MutLγ-Exo1 identified Rtk1, Caf120, and Chd1 as regulators of crossing-over. Chd1, which transiently associates with Exo1 at the prophase-to-metaphase I transition, enables the formation of MutLγ-dependent crossovers through its conserved ability to bind and displace nucleosomes. Thus, rewiring of the HR network, coupled to chromatin remodeling, promotes context-specific control of the recombination outcome

    The influence of depression on risk development of acute cardiovascular diseases in the female population aged 25–64 in Russia

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    Background. Recent studies showed that depression was an independent predictor of mortality from cardio-vascular disease in healthy women. Objective. To explore the effect of depression (D) on relative risk (RR) of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke for 16 years (1995–2010) in the female population aged 25–64 years from Novosibirsk, Russia. Materials and methods. Under the third screening of the WHO “MONICA-psychosocial” (MOPSY) programme, a cohort of women aged 25–64 years (N=560) was surveyed. Women were followed for 16 years for the incidence of MI and stroke (1995–2010). D was measured at the baseline examination by means of test “MOPSY”. Participants having stroke, MI, arterial hypertension, coronary artery diseases and diabetes in their medical history at the baseline were excluded from this analysis. Results. The prevalence of D in women aged 25–64 years was 55.2%. With the growth of D levels, positive self-rated health reduced and almost 100% of those women have complaints about their health, but considered the care of their health insufficient. Women with major D significantly extended negative behavioural habits: smoking and unsuccessful attempts to give up, low physical activity, and less likely to follow a diet (healthy food). Major D associated with high job strain and family stress. Relative risk (RR) of MI development in women with D during 16 years of study was higher in 2.53 cases (p<0.05) and risk of stroke was higher in 4.63 cases (p<0.05). Conclusions. The prevalence of D in women aged 25–64 years was >50%. Women with D had a 2.53-fold risk of MI and 4.63-fold risk of stroke during the 16 years of follow-up

    Antigenic Components of Chemical Bivalent Cholera Vaccine, Methods of their Isolation and Control

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    The paper presents a review of the data on the methods of isolation and control of Vibrio cholerae antigens – cholerogen-anatoxin and O-antigens of Inaba and Ogawa – components of the oral bivalent chemical cholera vaccine produced by the RusRAPI “Microbe”, the only prophylactic drug against cholera registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. Currently, the vaccine is produced using the method of segregated manufacturing of cholerogenanatoxin and O-antigens Inaba and Ogawa with step-by-step control of their main properties, which ensures the production of a high-quality finished product. Ultrafiltration is an effective method for concentrating a semi-finished product, which helps to reduce losses and increases the yield of the final product. It remains promising to develop a method for gentle steril ization of O-antigens to maximize the preservation of specific activity. To control the specific activity of the antigenic components and the finished vaccine preparation, a complex of in vivo and in vitro methods is applied. However, the multi-stage process and duration, the use of several types of laboratory animals, as well as modern WHO requirements determine the need for the introduction of alternative in vitro control methods. The use of cell cultures as a replacement for the biological method appears prospective, and demonstrates a positive correlation with animal tests. To assess the activity of antigens, the use of an immunochemical method – dot-immunoassay with gold nanoparticles – is put forward, which will make it possible to harmonize the control method at all stages of the production process, as well as to determine the serovar specificity of Vibrio cholerae O-antigens. The development of molecular-genetic, microbiological, immunochemical methods is relevant for a more complete and comprehensive control of the main immunogens of industrial strains of cholera vibrio. The introduction of promising methods for obtaining antigens and monitoring their properties will allow for a more complete characterization of the component composition of the finished dosage form of the chemical cholera vaccine

    The obesity in pregnancy as a pathogenetic risk factor for disorders of the hepatobiliary system

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    Цель исследования - изучить взаимосвязь инсулинорезистентности у беременных женщин на фоне ожирения I, II, III степени с показателями гепатобилиарной системы. Снижение чувствительности к инсулину у беременных женщин на фоне ожирения проявляется как на системном уровне, так и на уровне гепатоцитов, о чём свидетельствует гипертриглицеридемия и повышение активности мембраносвязанного фермента гамма-глутамилтранспептидазы. ; Мета дослідження - вивчити взаємозв'язок інсулінорезистентності у вагітних жінок на тлі ожиріння I, II, III ступеня з показниками гепатобіліарної системи. Зниження чутливості до інсуліну у вагітних жінок на тлі ожиріння проявляється як на системному рівні, так і на рівні гепатоцитів, про що свідчить гипертриглицеридемия і підвищення активності мембранозв'язаних ферментів гамма-глутамілтранспептидази. ; The aim of the study was to study the relationship of insulin resistance in pregnant women against the background of obesity of I, II, III degrees with indicators of the hepatobiliary system. The decrease in insulin sensitivity in pregnant women against obesity is manifested both at the systemic level and at the level of hepatocytes, as evidenced by hypertriglyceridemia and increased activity of the membrane-bound enzyme gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase

    Sequence-specific cleavage of RNA by Type II restriction enzymes

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    The ability of 223 Type II restriction endonucleases to hydrolyze RNA–DNA heteroduplex oligonucleotide substrates was assessed. Despite the significant topological and sequence asymmetry introduced when one strand of a DNA duplex is substituted by RNA we find that six restriction enzymes (AvaII, AvrII, BanI, HaeIII, HinfI and TaqI), exclusively of the Type IIP class that recognize palindromic or interrupted-palindromic DNA sequences, catalyze robust and specific cleavage of both RNA and DNA strands of such a substrate. Time-course analyses indicate that some endonucleases hydrolyze phosphodiester bonds in both strands simultaneously whereas others appear to catalyze sequential reactions in which either the DNA or RNA product accumulates more rapidly. Such strand-specific variation in cleavage susceptibility is both significant (up to orders of magnitude difference) and somewhat sequence dependent, notably in relation to the presence or absence of uracil residues in the RNA strand. Hybridization to DNA oligonucleotides that contain endonuclease recognition sites can be used to achieve targeted hydrolysis of extended RNA substrates produced by in vitro transcription. The ability to ‘restrict’ an RNA–DNA hybrid, albeit with a limited number of restriction endonucleases, provides a method whereby individual RNA molecules can be targeted for site-specific cleavage in vitro

    Deployment of Ultrafiltration for Concentrating and Purification of Antigens

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    Represented is domestic and foreign literature review dedicated to usage of ultrafiltration for concentrating and purification of antigens. Discussed are the issues of deployment of various ultrafiltration techniques. It is determined that filtering in the tangential mode by means of modules with flat-frame filtering elements is among the prospective ones. Demonstrated is the impact of such technological specifications as concentration rate, pressure, temperature, and membrane nominal cut-off on molecular mass on the quality of target products, the time elapsed, and preparation losses decrease (increase). Literature data analysis proves to be useful for the selection of the proper procedure for concentrating and purification of protective antigens of bacterial and viral origins. In addition, it allows for taking into account the parameters under discussion when developing specific manufacturing technologies for diagnostic and preventive medical immunobiological preparation production