138 research outputs found

    No consistent association between processes-of-care and health-related quality of life among patients with diabetes : a missing link?

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    PURPOSE: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is considered a representative outcome in the evaluation of chronic disease management initiatives emphasizing patient-centered care. We evaluated the association between receipt of processes-of-care (PoC) for diabetes and HRQoL. METHODS: This cross-sectional study used self-reported data from non-institutionalized adults with diabetes in a Swiss canton. Outcomes were the physical/mental composites of the short form health survey 12 (SF-12) physical composite score, mental composite score (PCS, MCS) and the Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL). Main exposure variables were receipt of six PoC for diabetes in the past 12 months, and the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) score. We performed linear regressions to examine the association between PoC, PACIC and the three composites of HRQoL. RESULTS: Mean age of the 519 patients was 64.5 years (SD 11.3); 60% were male, 87% reported type 2 or undetermined diabetes and 48% had diabetes for over 10 years. Mean HRQoL scores were SF-12 PCS: 43.4 (SD 10.5), SF-12 MCS: 47.0 (SD 11.2) and ADDQoL: -1.6 (SD 1.6). In adjusted models including all six PoC simultaneously, receipt of influenza vaccine was associated with lower ADDQoL (β=-0.4, p≤0.01) and foot examination was negatively associated with SF-12 PCS (β=-1.8, p≤0.05). There was no association or trend towards a negative association when these PoC were reported as combined measures. PACIC score was associated only with the SF-12 MCS (β=1.6, p≤0.05). CONCLUSIONS: PoC for diabetes did not show a consistent association with HRQoL in a cross-sectional analysis. This may represent an effect lag time between time of process received and health-related quality of life. Further research is needed to study this complex phenomenon

    Unguis incarnatus – konservative oder operative Therapie?

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    Unguis incarnatus, an ingrown toenail, is a common condition in primary care, which is encountered by various medical professions. Inconsistent conservative treatment and nonindicated surgical treatment often result in complications and recurrence of the disease. Patients must be thoroughly informed about the complexity of the nail organ. This is a prerequisite to prevent trivialization of the disease and to achieve appropriate patient compliance for treatment. In this article a practical diagnostic and treatment algorithm for unguis incarnatus is presented. In mild cases of acute unguis incarnatus a consistent conservative treatment is the first-line strategy showing promising results. In cases of moderate to severe forms of acute unguis incarnatus, surgical procedures that preserve the nail matrix should be applied. For cases of chronic unguis incarnatus without an acute infection, elective partial matrixectomy can be indicated. Prior to any surgical intervention, detailed informed consent must be obtained from the patients. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Der Unguis incarnatus ist ein häufiges Krankheitsbild, mit dem sich Patienten in der Hausarztpraxis, der dermatologischen Klinik oder der chirurgischen Notaufnahme vorstellen. Häufig führt die inkonsequente konservative Therapie oder die falsch-indizierte operative Intervention zu langwierigen und komplikationsreichen Verläufen, inklusive Rezidiven. Die Patienten sollten über die Komplexität des Nagelorgans aufgeklärt werden, um der Banalisierung der Erkrankung vorzubeugen, und eine entsprechende Compliance in der Therapie zu erreichen. In diesem Manuskript wird die sachgerechte Versorgung des Unguis incarnatus im Sinne eines praktischen Behandlungsalgorithmus dargestellt. Die konsequente konservative Therapie ist bei akutem Unguis incarnatus mit milder Ausprägung die Therapie der ersten Wahl mit guten Behandlungsergebnissen. Nagelerhaltende operative Eingriffe kommen bei moderaten/schweren akuten Formen zum Einsatz. Der chronische Unguis incarnatus, ohne floride Infektion, stellt eine elektive Operationsindikation dar. Sowohl bei den nagelerhaltenden Eingriffen als auch bei erweiterten operativen Maßnahmen ist eine chirurgische Operationsaufklärung obligat

    Evidence for phase formation in potassium intercalated 1,2;8,9-dibenzopentacene

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    We have prepared potassium intercalated 1,2;8,9-dibenzopentacene films under vacuum conditions. The evolution of the electronic excitation spectra upon potassium addition as measured using electron energy-loss spectroscopy clearly indicate the formation of particular doped phases with compositions Kx_xdibenzopentacene (xx = 1,2,3). Moreover, the stability of these phases as a function of temperature has been explored. Finally, the electronic excitation spectra also give insight into the electronic ground state of the potassium doped 1,2;8,9-dibenzopentacene films.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1201.200

    Viral vector-mediated reprogramming of the fibroblastic tumor stroma sustains curative melanoma treatment.

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    The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a complex amalgam of tumor cells, immune cells, endothelial cells and fibroblastic stromal cells (FSC). Cancer-associated fibroblasts are generally seen as tumor-promoting entity. However, it is conceivable that particular FSC populations within the TME contribute to immune-mediated tumor control. Here, we show that intratumoral treatment of mice with a recombinant lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-based vaccine vector expressing a melanocyte differentiation antigen resulted in T cell-dependent long-term control of melanomas. Using single-cell RNA-seq analysis, we demonstrate that viral vector-mediated transduction reprogrammed and activated a Cxcl13-expressing FSC subset that show a pronounced immunostimulatory signature and increased expression of the inflammatory cytokine IL-33. Ablation of Il33 gene expression in Cxcl13-Cre-positive FSCs reduces the functionality of intratumoral T cells and unleashes tumor growth. Thus, reprogramming of FSCs by a self-antigen-expressing viral vector in the TME is critical for curative melanoma treatment by locally sustaining the activity of tumor-specific T cells

    Replicating viral vector platform exploits alarmin signals for potent CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell-mediated tumour immunotherapy.

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    Viral infections lead to alarmin release and elicit potent cytotoxic effector T lymphocyte (CTL &lt;sup&gt;eff&lt;/sup&gt; ) responses. Conversely, the induction of protective tumour-specific CTL &lt;sup&gt;eff&lt;/sup&gt; and their recruitment into the tumour remain challenging tasks. Here we show that lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) can be engineered to serve as a replication competent, stably-attenuated immunotherapy vector (artLCMV). artLCMV delivers tumour-associated antigens to dendritic cells for efficient CTL priming. Unlike replication-deficient vectors, artLCMV targets also lymphoid tissue stroma cells expressing the alarmin interleukin-33. By triggering interleukin-33 signals, artLCMV elicits CTL &lt;sup&gt;eff&lt;/sup&gt; responses of higher magnitude and functionality than those induced by replication-deficient vectors. Superior anti-tumour efficacy of artLCMV immunotherapy depends on interleukin-33 signalling, and a massive CTL &lt;sup&gt;eff&lt;/sup&gt; influx triggers an inflammatory conversion of the tumour microenvironment. Our observations suggest that replicating viral delivery systems can release alarmins for improved anti-tumour efficacy. These mechanistic insights may outweigh safety concerns around replicating viral vectors in cancer immunotherapy

    A Lipid Based Antigen Delivery System Efficiently Facilitates MHC Class-I Antigen Presentation in Dendritic Cells to Stimulate CD8+ T Cells

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    The most effective strategy for protection against intracellular infections such as Leishmania is vaccination with live parasites. Use of recombinant proteins avoids the risks associated with live vaccines. However, due to low immunogenicity, they fail to trigger T cell responses particularly of CD8+cells requisite for persistent immunity. Previously we showed the importance of protein entrapment in cationic liposomes and MPL as adjuvant for elicitation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses for longterm protection. In this study we investigated the role of cationic liposomes on maturation and antigen presentation capacity of dendritic cells (DCs). We observed that cationic liposomes were taken up very efficiently by DCs and transported to different cellular sites. DCs activated with liposomal rgp63 led to efficient presentation of antigen to specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Furthermore, lymphoid CD8+ T cells from liposomal rgp63 immunized mice demonstrated better proliferative ability when co-cultured ex vivo with stimulated DCs. Addition of MPL to vaccine enhanced the antigen presentation by DCs and induced more efficient antigen specific CD8+ T cell responses when compared to free and liposomal ntigen. These liposomal formulations presented to CD8+ T cells through TAP-dependent MHC-I pathway offer new possibilities for a safe subunit vaccine

    Interbilayer-crosslinked multilamellar vesicles as synthetic vaccines for potent humoral and cellular immune responses

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    available in PMC 2011 September 1Vaccines based on recombinant proteins avoid the toxicity and antivector immunity associated with live vaccine (for example, viral) vectors, but their immunogenicity is poor, particularly for CD8+ T-cell responses. Synthetic particles carrying antigens and adjuvant molecules have been developed to enhance subunit vaccines, but in general these materials have failed to elicit CD8+ T-cell responses comparable to those for live vectors in preclinical animal models. Here, we describe interbilayer-crosslinked multilamellar vesicles formed by crosslinking headgroups of adjacent lipid bilayers within multilamellar vesicles. Interbilayer-crosslinked vesicles stably entrapped protein antigens in the vesicle core and lipid-based immunostimulatory molecules in the vesicle walls under extracellular conditions, but exhibited rapid release in the presence of endolysosomal lipases. We found that these antigen/adjuvant-carrying vesicles form an extremely potent whole-protein vaccine, eliciting endogenous T-cell and antibody responses comparable to those for the strongest vaccine vectors. These materials should enable a range of subunit vaccines and provide new possibilities for therapeutic protein delivery.Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and HarvardBill & Melinda Gates FoundationUnited States. Dept. of Defense (contract W911NF-07-D-0004)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (P41RR002250)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (RC2GM092599

    Vaccines against Tuberculosis: Where Are We and Where Do We Need to Go?

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    In this review we discuss recent progress in the development, testing, and clinical evaluation of new vaccines against tuberculosis (TB). Over the last 20 years, tremendous progress has been made in TB vaccine research and development: from a pipeline virtually empty of new TB candidate vaccines in the early 1990s, to an era in which a dozen novel TB vaccine candidates have been and are being evaluated in human clinical trials. In addition, innovative approaches are being pursued to further improve existing vaccines, as well as discover new ones. Thus, there is good reason for optimism in the field of TB vaccines that it will be possible to develop better vaccines than BCG, which is still the only vaccine available against TB

    The Origins of Lactase Persistence in Europe

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    Lactase persistence (LP) is common among people of European ancestry, but with the exception of some African, Middle Eastern and southern Asian groups, is rare or absent elsewhere in the world. Lactase gene haplotype conservation around a polymorphism strongly associated with LP in Europeans (−13,910 C/T) indicates that the derived allele is recent in origin and has been subject to strong positive selection. Furthermore, ancient DNA work has shown that the −13,910*T (derived) allele was very rare or absent in early Neolithic central Europeans. It is unlikely that LP would provide a selective advantage without a supply of fresh milk, and this has lead to a gene-culture coevolutionary model where lactase persistence is only favoured in cultures practicing dairying, and dairying is more favoured in lactase persistent populations. We have developed a flexible demic computer simulation model to explore the spread of lactase persistence, dairying, other subsistence practices and unlinked genetic markers in Europe and western Asia's geographic space. Using data on −13,910*T allele frequency and farming arrival dates across Europe, and approximate Bayesian computation to estimate parameters of interest, we infer that the −13,910*T allele first underwent selection among dairying farmers around 7,500 years ago in a region between the central Balkans and central Europe, possibly in association with the dissemination of the Neolithic Linearbandkeramik culture over Central Europe. Furthermore, our results suggest that natural selection favouring a lactase persistence allele was not higher in northern latitudes through an increased requirement for dietary vitamin D. Our results provide a coherent and spatially explicit picture of the coevolution of lactase persistence and dairying in Europe