332 research outputs found

    The Drosophila Female-Specific Sex-Determination Gene, Sex-Lethal, Has Stage-, Tissue-, and Sex-Specific RNAs Suggesting Multiple Modes of Regulation

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    For proper sexual development of females, the Sex-lethal (Sxl) gene must be activated early in development and remain on during the rest of the life cycle. Conversely, in males, Sxl must remain functionally off through development. Here, we show that the Sxl transcription unit spans a DNA segment of greater than 20 kb and encodes at least 10 distinct, but overlapping, RNA species. These RNAs range in size from 4.4 to 1.7 kb and exhibit sex, stage, and tissue specificity. Six RNAs, three female specific and three male specific, are first detected by midembryogenesis and persist through the adult stage: Their expression reflects the on/off regulation of Sxl\u27s activity at the level of sex-specific alternate splicing. Four Sxl RNAs are found in adult females. Two of these RNAs are dependent on the presence of a functional germ line and may be relevant to Sxl\u27s role in adult germ-line development. All four are present in unfertilized eggs. Finally, three Sxl RNAs are found only transiently during very early embryogenesis; we suggest that the expression of these RNAs may reflect an early regulation of Sxl at the level of transcription and that these transcripts are involved in the initial selection of the Sxl activity state in response to the primary sex-determination signal, the X/A ratio

    Chromosome Painting Reveals Asynaptic Full Alignment of Homologs and HIM-8–Dependent Remodeling of X Chromosome Territories during Caenorhabditis elegans Meiosis

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    During early meiotic prophase, a nucleus-wide reorganization leads to sorting of chromosomes into homologous pairs and to establishing associations between homologous chromosomes along their entire lengths. Here, we investigate global features of chromosome organization during this process, using a chromosome painting method in whole-mount Caenorhabditis elegans gonads that enables visualization of whole chromosomes along their entire lengths in the context of preserved 3D nuclear architecture. First, we show that neither spatial proximity of premeiotic chromosome territories nor chromosome-specific timing is a major factor driving homolog pairing. Second, we show that synaptonemal complex-independent associations can support full lengthwise juxtaposition of homologous chromosomes. Third, we reveal a prominent elongation of chromosome territories during meiotic prophase that initiates prior to homolog association and alignment. Mutant analysis indicates that chromosome movement mediated by association of chromosome pairing centers (PCs) with mobile patches of the nuclear envelope (NE)–spanning SUN-1/ZYG-12 protein complexes is not the primary driver of territory elongation. Moreover, we identify new roles for the X chromosome PC (X-PC) and X-PC binding protein HIM-8 in promoting elongation of X chromosome territories, separable from their role(s) in mediating local stabilization of pairing and association of X chromosomes with mobile SUN-1/ZYG-12 patches. Further, we present evidence that HIM-8 functions both at and outside of PCs to mediate chromosome territory elongation. These and other data support a model in which synapsis-independent elongation of chromosome territories, driven by PC binding proteins, enables lengthwise juxtaposition of chromosomes, thereby facilitating assessment of their suitability as potential pairing partners

    The Toll→NFκB Signaling Pathway Mediates the Neuropathological Effects of the Human Alzheimer's Aβ42 Polypeptide in Drosophila

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    Alzheimer's (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that afflicts a significant fraction of older individuals. Although a proteolytic product of the Amyloid precursor protein, the Αβ42 polypeptide, has been directly implicated in the disease, the genes and biological pathways that are deployed during the process of Αβ42 induced neurodegeneration are not well understood and remain controversial. To identify genes and pathways that mediated Αβ42 induced neurodegeneration we took advantage of a Drosophila model for AD disease in which ectopically expressed human Αβ42 polypeptide induces cell death and tissue degeneration in the compound eye. One of the genes identified in our genetic screen is Toll (Tl). It encodes the receptor for the highly conserved Tlβ†’NFkB innate immunity/inflammatory pathway and is a fly homolog of the mammalian Interleukin-1 (Ilk-1) receptor. We found that Tl loss-of-function mutations dominantly suppress the neuropathological effects of the Αβ42 polypeptide while gain-of-function mutations that increase receptor activity dominantly enhance them. Furthermore, we present evidence demonstrating that Tl and key downstream components of the innate immunity/inflammatory pathway play a central role in mediating the neuropathological activities of Αβ42. We show that the deleterious effects of Αβ42 can be suppressed by genetic manipulations of the Tlβ†’NFkB pathway that downregulate signal transduction. Conversely, manipulations that upregulate signal transduction exacerbate the deleterious effects of AΞ²42. Since postmortem studies have shown that the Ilk-1β†’NFkB innate immunity pathway is substantially upregulated in the brains of AD patients, the demonstration that the Tlβ†’NFkB signaling actively promotes the process of Αβ42 induced cell death and tissue degeneration in flies points to possible therapeutic targets and strategies

    Diagnostische Bedeutung der Proteinbindung von Plasmacortisol, bestimmt durch Dextrangelfiltration

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    1. Mittels Dextrangelfiltration wurde nach Inkubation von markiertem Cortisol und Plasma der proteingebundene und der sog. freie Anteil (%) des endogenen Plasmacortisols ermittelt und bei gleichzeitiger fluorimetrischer Bestimmung der 11-OHCS auch die Menge proteingebundenen, bzw. sog. freien Cortisols (Β΅g-%) berechnet. 2. Die diagnostische Brauchbarkeit der Methode wurde bei Patienten mit Nebennierenrindeninsuffizienz, mit Hypophysentumoren, nach Hypophysektomie, mit Cushing-Syndrom mit der fluorimetrischen Bestimmung der 11-OHCS verglichen. Die einfache Bestimmung der Cortisolbindung war bei hypophysektomierten Patienten der Bestimmung der 11-OHCS ΓΌberlegen und entsprach der aufwendigeren ACTH-Belastung. 3. Falsch hohe fluorimetrische 11-OHCS-Spiegel im Plasma unter Spirolacton- oder Oestrogenbehandlung und in der GraviditΓ€t lassen sich durch Bestimmung der Cortisolbindung klΓ€ren. Bei SchilddrΓΌsenΓΌberfunktion war das sog. freie Cortisol im Plasma relativ und absolut vermehrt, bei SchilddrΓΌsenunterfunktion fand sich eine Zunahme des plasmaproteingebundenen Cortisols.1. Following incubation of labeled cortisol and plasma the percentages of protein bound and socalled free endogenous cortisol were determined by means of dextran gel filtration. 2. The diagnostic value of this method was compared with fluorimetric determinations of 11-OHCS for patients with adrenal insufficiency, Cushing-Syndrome, pituitary tumors and after hypophysectomy. In hypophysectomized patients the simple determination of protein bound cortisol was found to correlate well with diagnostic ACTH-infusion tests and to be more sensitive than fluorimetric determinations of 11-OHCS in 9 a.m. plasma. 3. Falsely elevated fluorimetric values of plasma 11-OHCS in patients treated with spirolactone or estrogens, resp. during pregnancy may be recognized through determination of cortisol binding. β€” In thyrotoxicosis socalled free cortisol was elevated, both relatively and absolutely; in hypothyroidism an increase of protein bound cortisol was found

    The Functioning of the Drosophila CPEB Protein Orb Is Regulated by Phosphorylation and Requires Casein Kinase 2 Activity

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    The Orb CPEB protein regulates translation of localized mRNAs in Drosophila ovaries. While there are multiple hypo- and hyperphosphorylated Orb isoforms in wild type ovaries, most are missing in orbF303, which has an amino acid substitution in a buried region of the second RRM domain. Using a proteomics approach we identified a candidate Orb kinase, Casein Kinase 2 (CK2). In addition to being associated with Orb in vivo, we show that ck2 is required for orb functioning in gurken signaling and in the autoregulation of orb mRNA localization and translation. Supporting a role for ck2 in Orb phosphorylation, we find that the phosphorylation pattern is altered when ck2 activity is partially compromised. Finally, we show that the Orb hypophosphorylated isoforms are in slowly sedimenting complexes that contain the translational repressor Bruno, while the hyperphosphorylated isoforms assemble into large complexes that co-sediment with polysomes and contain the Wisp poly(A) polymerase

    Comparison of phenol red and polyethyleneglycol as nonabsorbable markers for the study of intestinal absorption in humans

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    When phenol red and polyethyleneglycol were used simultaneously as nonabsorbable markers in perfusion studies of the absorptive capacity of high jejunum in humans, apparent absorption was the same when calculated from either marker. This similar indication of dilution and of absorption by the two markers was found in normal subjects and in patients with nontropical sprue, whether aqueous or saline solutions of dextrose were infused. The similarity strengthens the evidence that either phenol red or polyethyleneglycol is a satisfactory β€œnonabsorbable” marker compound to indicate dilution in perfusion studies of dextrose and electrolyte absorption in limited segments of human intestine.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44368/1/10620_2005_Article_BF02233070.pd

    Kidney Development in the Absence of Gdnf and Spry1 Requires Fgf10

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    GDNF signaling through the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) is required for ureteric bud (UB) branching morphogenesis during kidney development in mice and humans. Furthermore, many other mutant genes that cause renal agenesis exert their effects via the GDNF/RET pathway. Therefore, RET signaling is believed to play a central role in renal organogenesis. Here, we re-examine the extent to which the functions of Gdnf and Ret are unique, by seeking conditions in which a kidney can develop in their absence. We find that in the absence of the negative regulator Spry1, Gdnf, and Ret are no longer required for extensive kidney development. Gdnfβˆ’/βˆ’;Spry1βˆ’/βˆ’ or Retβˆ’/βˆ’;Spry1βˆ’/βˆ’ double mutants develop large kidneys with normal ureters, highly branched collecting ducts, extensive nephrogenesis, and normal histoarchitecture. However, despite extensive branching, the UB displays alterations in branch spacing, angle, and frequency. UB branching in the absence of Gdnf and Spry1 requires Fgf10 (which normally plays a minor role), as removal of even one copy of Fgf10 in Gdnfβˆ’/βˆ’;Spry1βˆ’/βˆ’ mutants causes a complete failure of ureter and kidney development. In contrast to Gdnf or Ret mutations, renal agenesis caused by concomitant lack of the transcription factors ETV4 and ETV5 is not rescued by removing Spry1, consistent with their role downstream of both RET and FGFRs. This shows that, for many aspects of renal development, the balance between positive signaling by RTKs and negative regulation of this signaling by SPRY1 is more critical than the specific role of GDNF. Other signals, including FGF10, can perform many of the functions of GDNF, when SPRY1 is absent. But GDNF/RET signaling has an apparently unique function in determining normal branching pattern. In contrast to GDNF or FGF10, Etv4 and Etv5 represent a critical node in the RTK signaling network that cannot by bypassed by reducing the negative regulation of upstream signals

    A Single Heterochromatin Boundary Element Imposes Position-Independent Antisilencing Activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Minichromosomes

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    Chromatin boundary elements serve as cis-acting regulatory DNA signals required to protect genes from the effects of the neighboring heterochromatin. In the yeast genome, boundary elements act by establishing barriers for heterochromatin spreading and are sufficient to protect a reporter gene from transcriptional silencing when inserted between the silencer and the reporter gene. Here we dissected functional topography of silencers and boundary elements within circular minichromosomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that both HML-E and HML-I silencers can efficiently repress the URA3 reporter on a multi-copy yeast minichromosome and we further showed that two distinct heterochromatin boundary elements STAR and TEF2-UASrpg are able to limit the heterochromatin spreading in circular minichromosomes. In surprising contrast to what had been observed in the yeast genome, we found that in minichromosomes the heterochromatin boundary elements inhibit silencing of the reporter gene even when just one boundary element is positioned at the distal end of the URA3 reporter or upstream of the silencer elements. Thus the STAR and TEF2-UASrpg boundary elements inhibit chromatin silencing through an antisilencing activity independently of their position or orientation in S. cerevisiae minichromosomes rather than by creating a position-specific barrier as seen in the genome. We propose that the circular DNA topology facilitates interactions between the boundary and silencing elements in the minichromosomes
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