12,729 research outputs found

    Outflow boundary conditions for 3D simulations of non-periodic blood flow and pressure fields in deformable arteries

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    The simulation of blood flow and pressure in arteries requires outflow boundary conditions that incorporate models of downstream domains. We previously described a coupled multidomain method to couple analytical models of the downstream domains with 3D numerical models of the upstream vasculature. This prior work either included pure resistance boundary conditions or impedance boundary conditions based on assumed periodicity of the solution. However, flow and pressure in arteries are not necessarily periodic in time due to heart rate variability, respiration, complex transitional flow or acute physiological changes. We present herein an approach for prescribing lumped parameter outflow boundary conditions that accommodate transient phenomena. We have applied this method to compute haemodynamic quantities in different physiologically relevant cardiovascular models, including patient-specific examples, to study non-periodic flow phenomena often observed in normal subjects and in patients with acquired or congenital cardiovascular disease. The relevance of using boundary conditions that accommodate transient phenomena compared with boundary conditions that assume periodicity of the solution is discussed

    Spectrally resolved single-shot wavefront sensing of broadband high-harmonic sources

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    Wavefront sensors are an important tool to characterize coherent beams of extreme ultraviolet radiation. However, conventional Hartmann-type sensors do not allow for independent wavefront characterization of different spectral components that may be present in a beam, which limits their applicability for intrinsically broadband high-harmonic generation (HHG) sources. Here we introduce a wavefront sensor that measures the wavefronts of all the harmonics in a HHG beam in a single camera exposure. By replacing the mask apertures with transmission gratings at different orientations, we simultaneously detect harmonic wavefronts and spectra, and obtain sensitivity to spatiotemporal structure such as pulse front tilt as well. We demonstrate the capabilities of the sensor through a parallel measurement of the wavefronts of 9 harmonics in a wavelength range between 25 and 49 nm, with up to lambda/32 precision.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Finite Element Flow Simulations of the EUROLIFT DLR-F11 High Lift Configuration

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    This paper presents flow simulation results of the EUROLIFT DLR-F11 multi-element wing configuration, obtained with a highly scalable finite element solver, PHASTA. This work was accomplished as a part of the 2nd high lift prediction workshop. In-house meshes were constructed with increasing mesh density for analysis. A solution adaptive approach was used as an alternative and its effectiveness was studied by comparing its results with the ones obtained with other meshes. Comparisons between the numerical solution obtained with unsteady RANS turbulence model and available experimental results are provided for verification and discussion. Based on the observations, future direction for adaptive research and simulations with higher fidelity turbulence models is outlined.Comment: 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meetin

    Phonon-drag induced suppression of the Andreev hole current in superconducting niobium contacts

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    We have investigated how the Andreev-reflection hole current at ballistic point contacts responds to a large bias voltage. Its strong suppression could be explained by the drag excerted by the non-equilibrium phonon wind generated by high-energy electrons flowing through the contact. The hole - phonon interaction leads to scattering lengths of the low-energetic holes down to 100\,nm, thereby destroying the coherent retracing of the electron path by the Andreev-reflected holes.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Proceedings 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physic

    Atomic quasi-Bragg diffraction in a magnetic field

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    We report on a new technique to split an atomic beam coherently with an easily adjustable splitting angle. In our experiment metastable helium atoms in the |{1s2s}^3S_1 M=1> state diffract from a polarization gradient light field formed by counterpropagating \sigma^+ and \sigma^- polarized laser beams in the presence of a homogeneous magnetic field. In the near-adiabatic regime, energy conservation allows the resonant exchange between magnetic energy and kinetic energy. As a consequence, symmetric diffraction of |M=0> or |M=-1> atoms in a single order is achieved, where the order can be chosen freely by tuning the magnetic field. We present experimental results up to 6th order diffraction (24 \hbar k momentum splitting, i.e., 2.21 m/s in transverse velocity) and present a simple theoretical model that stresses the similarity with conventional Bragg scattering. The resulting device constitutes a flexible, adjustable, large-angle, three-way coherent atomic beam splitter with many potential applications in atom optics and atom interferometry.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Exploring the phase structure of lattice QCD with twisted mass quarks

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    The phase structure of zero temperature twisted mass lattice QCD is investigated. We find strong metastabilities in the plaquette observable when the untwisted quark mass sweeps across zero.Comment: Talks presented at Lattice2004(spectrum), 6 pages, 6 figure


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    Lion Hotel Manado terletak dikawasan pusat kota Manado yang memiliki luas ± 26.782 m2. Sesuai dengan amanat dalam Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia Nomor 75 Tahun 2015 tentang Penyelenggaraan Analisis Dampak Lalu Lintas sehingga diwajibkan bagi pengembang kawasan Lion Hotel and Plaza Manado yaitu PT. Lion International Hotel untuk melakukan Analisis Dampak Lalu Lintas di Lion Hotel Manado, juga sesuai dengan Pedoman Teknis Analisis Dampak Lalulintas Pembangunan Pusat Kegiatan pada Ruas Jalan Nasional di Wilayah Perkotaan (2009) yang menyatakan bahwa pusat kegiatan seperti hotel dan pertokoan dengan luas minimal 500 m2 wajib melakukan andalalin. Analisis dampak lalu lintas (Andalalin) adalah kajian yang menilai dampak yang ditimbulkan akibat pengembangan tata guna lahan terhadap sistem pergerakan lalu lintas pada suatu ruas jalan terhadap jaringan transportasi sekitarnya.Penelitian analisis dampak lalu lintas ini dilakukan di kawasan Lion Hotel Manado, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Daerah survey meliputi Jl. Piere Tendean, Jl. Ahmad Yani 24, Jl. Bethesda-Wolter Monginsidi, Jl. Wolter Monginsidi depan Transmart Bahu, simpang tidak bersinyal Jl. Piere Tendean. Analisis dilakukan terhadap kinerja ruas jalan dan kinerja persimpangan, analisis penanganan dampak lalulintas, dan analisis penataan eksternal Lion Hotel Manado. Analisis kinerja ruas jalan dan persimpangan mengikuti Pedoman Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 2014 (PKJI 2014) dengan nilai VCR (Volume Capacity Ratio) atau DS (Degree of saturation) sebagai parameter kinerja.Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa kinerja persimpangan yang ada dikawasan Lion Hotel Manado berada pada keadaan yang baik dengan DS untuk simpang pertama dan simpang kedua berturut-turut adalah 0,26 dan 0,6. Kapasitas (C) untuk simpang pertama adalah 23.906 dan untuk simpang kedua adalah 7.559. Karena arus lalulintas disimpang yang tidak melebihi kapasitas yang dihitung maka kondisi dari simpang yang ada disekitar kawasan Lion Hotel Manado berada dalam kondisi baik dan tidak ada gangguan akibat adanya kawasan Lion Hotel Manado. Kata Kunci: andalalin, volume capacity ratio, kecepatan, kapasitas, kinerja, persimpanga

    Chloroplast DNA rearrangements in Campanulaceae: phylogenetic utility of highly rearranged genomes

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    BACKGROUND: The Campanulaceae (the "hare bell" or "bellflower" family) is a derived angiosperm family comprised of about 600 species treated in 35 to 55 genera. Taxonomic treatments vary widely and little phylogenetic work has been done in the family. Gene order in the chloroplast genome usually varies little among vascular plants. However, chloroplast genomes of Campanulaceae represent an exception and phylogenetic analyses solely based on chloroplast rearrangement characters support a reasonably well-resolved tree. RESULTS: Chloroplast DNA physical maps were constructed for eighteen representatives of the family. So many gene order changes have occurred among the genomes that characterizing individual mutational events was not always possible. Therefore, we examined different, novel scoring methods to prepare data matrices for cladistic analysis. These approaches yielded largely congruent results but varied in amounts of resolution and homoplasy. The strongly supported nodes were common to all gene order analyses as well as to parallel analyses based on ITS and rbcL sequence data. The results suggest some interesting and unexpected intrafamilial relationships. For example fifteen of the taxa form a derived clade; whereas the remaining three taxa – Platycodon, Codonopsis, and Cyananthus – form the basal clade. This major subdivision of the family corresponds to the distribution of pollen morphology characteristics but is not compatible with previous taxonomic treatments. CONCLUSIONS: Our use of gene order data in the Campanulaceae provides the most highly resolved phylogeny as yet developed for a plant family using only cpDNA rearrangements. The gene order data showed markedly less homoplasy than sequence data for the same taxa but did not resolve quite as many nodes. The rearrangement characters, though relatively few in number, support robust and meaningful phylogenetic hypotheses and provide new insights into evolutionary relationships within the Campanulaceae

    Statistics of Certain Models of Evolution

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    In a recent paper, Newman surveys the literature on power law spectra in evolution, self-organised criticality and presents a model of his own to arrive at a conclusion that self-organised criticality is not necessary for evolution. Not only did he miss a key model (Ecolab) that has a clear self-organised critical mechanism, but also Newman's model exhibits the same mechanism that gives rise to power law behaviour as does Ecolab. Newman's model is, in fact, a ``mean field'' approximation of a self-organised critical system. In this paper, I have also implemented Newman's model using the Ecolab software, removing the restriction that the number of species remains constant. It turns out that the requirement of constant species number is non-trivial, leading to a global coupling between species that is similar in effect to the species interactions seen in Ecolab. In fact, the model must self-organise to a state where the long time average of speciations balances that of the extinctions, otherwise the system either collapses or explodes. In view of this, Newman's model does not provide the hoped-for counter example to the presence of self-organised criticality in evolution, but does provide a simple, almost analytic model that can used to understand more intricate models such as Ecolab.Comment: accepted in Phys Rev E.; RevTeX; See http://parallel.hpc.unsw.edu.au/rks/ecolab.html for more informatio
