1,883 research outputs found

    Coal Washing Pilot Plants at Central Fuel Research Institute, Jealgora, India

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    The plan, design and selection of industrial coal washers require the proper assessment of a number of factors which can be summarised as follows: (1) Methods of Mining, mode of transport and handling at the collieries as well as inside the washery and their resultant effect on the size of the coal fed to the washery. (2) Requirement of the consumers as regards size, quality and moisture content of the washed products. (3) Washability characteristics of the deals to be cleaned. (4) Limitations and efficiency of the different types of washing plants. (5) Capital and recurring expenses etc. etc

    Treating cutaneous T-cell lymphoma with highly irregular surfaces with photon irradiation using rice as tissue compensator.

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    PurposeCutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is known to have an excellent response to radiotherapy, an important treatment modality for this disease. In patients with extremity and digit involvement, the irregular surface and depth variations create difficulty in delivering a homogenous dose using electrons. We sought to evaluate photon irradiation with rice packing as tissue equivalence and determine clinical tolerance and response.Materials and methodsThree consecutive CTCL patients with extensive lower extremity involvement including the digits were treated using external beam photon therapy with rice packing for tissue compensation. The entire foot was treated to 30-40 Gy in 2-3 Gy per fraction using 6 MV photons prescribed to the mid-plane of an indexed box filled with rice in which the foot was placed. Treatment tolerance and response were monitored with clinical evaluation.ResultsAll patients tolerated the treatment without treatment breaks. Toxicities included grade 3 erythema and desquamation with resolution within 4 weeks. No late toxicities were observed. All patients had a partial response by 4 weeks after therapy with two patients achieving a complete response. Patients reported improved functionality after treatment. No local recurrence has been observed.ConclusionTissue compensation with rice packing offers a convenient, inexpensive, and reproducible method for the treatment of CTCL with highly irregular surfaces

    Half-lives and pre-supernova weak interaction rates for nuclei away from the stability line

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    A detailed model for the calculation of beta decay rates of the fpfp shell nuclei for situations prevailing in pre-supernova and collapse phases of evolution of the core of massive stars leading to supernova explosion has been extended for electron-capture rates. It can also be used to determine the half-lives of neutron-rich nuclei in the fp/fpgfp/fpg shell. The model uses an averaged Gamow-Teller (GT) strength function. But it can also use the experimental log ft values and GT strength function from (n,p)(n,p) reaction studies wherever available. The calculated rate includes contributions from each of the low-lying excited states of the mother including some specific resonant states ("back resonance") having large GT matrix elements.Comment: 11 pages; Latex; no figs; version to appear in J. Phys.

    Selective substitution in orbital domains of a low doped manganite : an investigation from Griffiths phenomenon and modification of glassy features

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    An effort is made to study the contrast in magnetic behavior resulting from minimal disorder introduced by substitution of 2.5% Ga or Al in Mn-site of La0.9{_{0.9}}Sr0.1_{0.1}MnO3{_3}. It is considered that Ga or Al selectively creates disorder within the orbital domains or on its walls, causing enhancement of Griffiths phase (GP) singularity for the former and disappearance of it in the later case. It is shown that Ga replaces Mn3+^{3+} which is considered to be concentrated within the domains, whereas Al replaces Mn4+^{4+} which is segregated on the hole-rich walls, without causing any significant effect on structure or ferromagnetic transition temperatures. Thus, it is presumed that the effect of disorder created by Ga extend across the bulk of the domain having correlation over similar length-scale resulting in enhancement of GP phenomenon. On the contrary, effect of disorder created by Al remains restricted to the walls resulting in the modification of the dynamics arising from the domain walls and suppresses the GP. Moreover contrasting features are observed in the low temperature region of the compounds; a re-entrant spin glass like behavior is observed in the Ga doped sample, while the observed characteristics for the Al doped sample is ascribed only to modified domain wall dynamics with the absence of any glassy phase. Distinctive features in third order susceptibility measurements reveals that the magnetic ground state of the entire series comprises of orbital domain states. These observations bring out the role of the nature of disorder on GP phenomenon and also reconfirms the character of self-organization in low-doped manganites

    Molecular Signaling Network and Therapeutic Developments in Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis

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    Breast cancer (BC) is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers in women worldwide. It has surpassed lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer-related death. Breast cancer brain metastasis (BCBM) is becoming a major clinical concern that is commonly associated with ER-ve and HER2+ve subtypes of BC patients. Metastatic lesions in the brain originate when the cancer cells detach from a primary breast tumor and establish metastatic lesions and infiltrate near and distant organs via systemic blood circulation by traversing the BBB. The colonization of BC cells in the brain involves a complex interplay in the tumor microenvironment (TME), metastatic cells, and brain cells like endothelial cells, microglia, and astrocytes. BCBM is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and presents a challenge to developing successful cancer therapy. In this review, we discuss the molecular mechanism of BCBM and novel therapeutic strategies for patients with brain metastatic BC

    Probing a ferromagnetic critical regime using nonlinear susceptibility

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    The second order para-ferromagnetic phase transition in a series of amorphous alloys (Fe{_5}Co{_{50}}Ni{_{17-x}}Cr{_x}B{_{16}}Si{_{12}}) is investigated using nonlinear susceptibility. A simple molecular field treatment for the critical region shows that the third order suceptibility (chi{_3}) diverges on both sides of the transition temperature, and changes sign at T{_C}. This critical behaviour is observed experimentally in this series of amorphous ferromagnets, and the related assymptotic critical exponents are calculated. It is shown that using the proper scaling equations, all the exponents necessary for a complete characterization of the phase transition can be determined using linear and nonlinear susceptiblity measurements alone. Using meticulous nonlinear susceptibility measurements, it is shown that at times chi{_3} can be more sensitive than the linear susceptibility (chi{_1}) in unravelling the magnetism of ferromagnetic spin systems. A new technique for accurately determining T{_C} is discussed, which makes use of the functional form of chi{_3} in the critical region.Comment: 11 Figures, Submitted to Physical Review

    Adapting the HHL algorithm to (non-unitary) quantum many-body theory

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    Rapid progress in developing near- and long-term quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry has provided us with an impetus to move beyond traditional approaches and explore new ways to apply quantum computing to electronic structure calculations. In this work, we identify the connection between quantum many-body theory and a quantum linear solver, and implement the Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) algorithm to make precise predictions of correlation energies for light molecular systems via the (non-unitary) linearised coupled cluster theory. We alter the HHL algorithm to integrate two novel aspects- (a) we prescribe a novel scaling approach that allows one to scale any arbitrary symmetric positive definite matrix A, to solve for Ax = b and achieve x with reasonable precision, all the while without having to compute the eigenvalues of A, and (b) we devise techniques that reduce the depth of the overall circuit. In this context, we introduce the following variants of HHL for different eras of quantum computing- AdaptHHLite in its appropriate forms for noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ), late-NISQ, and the early fault-tolerant eras, as well as AdaptHHL for the fault-tolerant quantum computing era. We demonstrate the ability of the NISQ variant of AdaptHHLite to capture correlation energy precisely, while simultaneously being resource-lean, using simulation as well as the 11-qubit IonQ quantum hardware