349 research outputs found


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    The proposed work is to present an effective approach to diagnose of dementia using MRI images and classify into different stages. There are many manual segmentation algorithms on detection and classification or very simple and specific segmentation algorithms to segment each region of interest exclusively. Thus, the proposed system shall use one of the most effective automatic segmentation techniques on MRI images at once. The regions of interest to segment are CSF (Cerebralspinal fluid), gray matter, and white matter and ventricles using the effective segmentation method called level set segmentation. The features are extracted from these four regions of interest and classification of the dementia is performed using K-nearest neighbor


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    Background: Garbhini Paricharya (Antenatal care) has got its own importance in the traditions, cultures and in medical fraternity from time immemorial. A special diet, unique life style and significant importance have been given to the pregnant women. Supplementation of Madhuraushadha having Rasayana properties, emphasized in the Garbhini Upachara, imparts Deerghayu, Medha, Arogya, Smriti, Prabha, Varna, Deha Bala, Indriya Bala etc. Incorporating such a therapy in Garbhini Paricharya not only benefits the pregnant lady but also for the growing baby in her womb. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Madhuraudhadha Siddha Avaleha as Garbhini Rasayana in 6th and 7th month of pregnancy and its influence on maternal immune system. Material and method: It is a randomized comparative clinical trial wherein 30 pregnant ladies fulfilling the selection criteria were randomly divided to 2 groups. The trial group (n=15) was given Madhuraushadha Siddha Avaleha 12gm, twice a day. In the control group (n=15) calcium (Shelcal 500mg) and iron (Heam-up Gems 200mg) supplements were administered once a day during 6th and 7th month of pregnancy. Result: Patients treated with Madhuraushadha Siddha Avaleha showed significant results in maternal weight gain (P<0.001), increase in the maternal immunity level IgG (P=0.030), IgM (P=0.011), increase in serum calcium levels (P=0.005) and also in overcoming the physiological hindrances of pregnancy mainly loss of appetite (P<0.001), heart burn (P<0.001), constipation (P=0.019) etc. Conclusion: The present study confirms the nutritional benefits, Rasayana action and immuno- modulatory effect of Madhuraushadha Siddha Avaleha fulfilling the overall nutritional needs during the 6th and 7th month of pregnancy

    Process of Fingerprint Authentication using Cancelable Biohashed Template

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    Template protection using cancelable biometrics prevents data loss and hacking stored templates, by providing considerable privacy and security. Hashing and salting techniques are used to build resilient systems. Salted password method is employed to protect passwords against different types of attacks namely brute-force attack, dictionary attack, rainbow table attacks. Salting claims that random data can be added to input of hash function to ensure unique output. Hashing salts are speed bumps in an attacker’s road to breach user’s data. Research proposes a contemporary two factor authenticator called Biohashing. Biohashing procedure is implemented by recapitulated inner product over a pseudo random number generator key, as well as fingerprint features that are a network of minutiae. Cancelable template authentication used in fingerprint-based sales counter accelerates payment process. Fingerhash is code produced after applying biohashing on fingerprint. Fingerhash is a binary string procured by choosing individual bit of sign depending on a preset threshold. Experiment is carried using benchmark FVC 2002 DB1 dataset. Authentication accuracy is found to be nearly 97\%. Results compared with state-of art approaches finds promising

    Sad fetus syndrome: a rare case report

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    Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is a condition that develops from abnormal proliferation of placental trophoblasts. A rare division of GTD is a partial mole with a co-existing live fetus-a condition also referred to as “sad fetus syndrome” We report a rare case of a 24-year-old, primigravida with 26 weeks of gestational age with single live intrauterine gestation coexisting with partial molar pregnancy who had a spontaneous preterm delivery at 27 weeks. The post-natal period was uneventful and patient was followed up till βhcg normalised. The diagnostic challenges and dilemma associated with the management of molar pregnancies with an apparently normal fetus, especially in the second trimester, remains challenging.


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    Kriyakalpa- Topical Ocular Therapeutic procedures enlisted under Bahirparimarjana Chikitsa are boon to treat Netra vikaras in present day practice as it carry the advantages such as the structures directly, crossing certain barriers providing more time for bio-availability. Acharya Sharangadhara has also highlighted Kriyakalpa and also gave a clinical order of application of these procedures. He opined that Netra Parisheka/Seka (closed eye irrigation), Ashchyotana (Eye drops), Pindi (Poultice application), Bidalaka (application of medicated paste on lids), these four are applied in Aamavastha (inflammatory stage), where as Tarpana (Satiation), Putapaka (retention of medicinal decoction along with Mamsa rasa), Anjana (Collyrium/eye ointment) are indicated in Nira amavastha (chronic stage) of Netra roga (Eye diseases). These are the seven procedures in order of their clinical application. The importance of Seka (irrigation) - local ocular therapeutic and its measures in eye care is immense in to the present day in any inflammatory conditions as acute management due to its vast advantages, cost effect, availability of the drugs and procedure. In this area of Presentation a brief overview on Seka, its variants, Indications, Clinical applications and rationality of the drugs used which are commonly available and Probable mode of action will be convened to increase the confident level and make more ease to practice Seka in different inflammatory conditions as an acute management to achieve success clinically


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    Blepharitis or inflammation of the eye lid is one of the most frequently encountered eyelid disorder. It is often a troublesome condition for patients owing to the long standing nature of disease and fluctuations in its severity. The chronic inflammation can cause the damage to occular surface ie to the conjunctiva and cornea because of the intimate relationship between the lids and ocular surface. Blepharitis, if not recognized and appropriately managed, can lead to worsening of signs and symptoms, changes in visual function, disrupted preocular tear film, structural changes in eyelash follicle resulting in trichiasis, madarosis, tylosis and a negative impact on quality of life of patients.Complete disease elimination is rarely achieved with the modern line of management which include topical antibiotic and weak steroid ointment. Based on the site of pathology, clinical features and the sequale of the disease it can be well correlated with the Sandhigata roga -Krumigranthi wherein the Krumis will later invade to the inner structures of eye. Pratisarana is one of the treatment modality explained for the treatment of Krumigranthi in the classics. Thus an observational study has been conducted on patients (n=10) of Shalakya tantra OPD of SKAMC, Bangalore to evaluate the efficacy of Triphaladi pratisarana in the management of Krumigranthi. The present study has come out with promising results in the reduction of signs and symptoms of anterior blepharitis. However clinical trials on large sample with long duration of follow up is necessary to establish the efficacy of Pratisarana as a procedure of choice and to analyse the recurrence rate after treatment.

    A Clinical Study in Evaluating the Efficacy of Eranda Taila for Augmentation of Labor

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    Background and Objectives: The journey of pregnancy and delivery of a baby is a memorable event in every woman’s life. Labor is an intricate process relying on many factors like passage – the pelvis; passenger – the fetus and power – uterine contractility and maternal expulsive effort for its successful outcome. The time taken for normal labor in primi is 12–14 hours and latent phase of labor is expected not to exceed more than 8 hours,1 thus any intervention that augments and eases labor is well accepted, providing comfort to mother and fetus. Garbha niskramana kriya2 being one of the important functions of apanavata, its normalcy is necessary for normal labor. Our ancient acharyas have explained anuvasana basti3-6 in the ninth month paricharya of garbhini, where basti tends for vatanulomana, particularly apanavata and for garbhamarga snehanarth. Eranda taila7 having vatanulomana, yonivishodhana and adhobhaga doshahara property is used since ages and by folklore people in labor, selected for the study.Method: A single blind comparative study, conducted on 45 primi and primipara gravida term pregnancy patients from IPD and OPD of S.D.M. Ayurveda Hospital, Kuthpady, Udupi. Selected 45 patients were randomly assigned in three groups of 15 patients each. Intervened with Eranda taila orally 30 mL, Matra Basti 30 mL and 2.5 IU of oxytocin in 1 pint of RL fluid administered as per the protocol of induction to the respective groups. The outcome measures, which were assessed, were progress in labor using the standard parameters of Bishop’s score and partogram and compared within groups.Results: Eranda taila matra basti showed fast progress on all the parameters for delivery with statistical significance in time taken for first stage of labor with p value <0.05. Eranda taila paana showed slow and gradual progress and the control group had almost nearer action as eranda taila matra basti.Conclusion: Eranda taila matra basti group showed good results than the other study groups by augmenting the labor and reducing duration of first stage of labor
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