4,690 research outputs found

    A Note on Doubly Warped Product Contact CR-Submanifolds in trans-Sasakian Manifolds

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    Warped product CR-submanifolds in Kaehlerian manifolds were intensively studied only since 2001 after the impulse given by B.Y. Chen. Immediately after, another line of research, similar to that concerning Sasakian geometry as the odd dimensional version of Kaehlerian geometry, was developed, namely warped product contact CR-submanifolds in Sasakian manifolds. In this note we proved that there exists no proper doubly warped product contact CR-submanifolds in trans-Sasakian manifolds.Comment: 5 Latex page

    A Remarkably Stable and Simple Monocyclic Thiepin. Synthesis and Properties of 2, 7-Di-tert-butyl-4-ethoxycarbonyl-5-methylthiepin

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    A simple monocyclic 8n electron thiepin, 2,7-di-tert-butyl-4- -ethoxycarbonyl-5-methylthiepin (13) stabilized by two bulky tert- -butyl groups at 2- and 7-positions, was synthesized from 2,6-di- -tert-butyl-4-methylthiopyrylium tetrafluoroborate (11). In spite of of its monocyclic thiepin structure, the compound 13 showed remarkable thermal stability and had a half-life of 7.1 h at 130 °C. Judging from the 1H-NMR spectrum, the thiepin 13 is considered to be an atropic molecule. Synthetic details of 11 and 13, and the chemical and physical properties of 13 are also described

    Lax pair tensors and integrable spacetimes

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    The use of Lax pair tensors as a unifying framework for Killing tensors of arbitrary rank is discussed. Some properties of the tensorial Lax pair formulation are stated. A mechanical system with a well-known Lax representation -- the three-particle open Toda lattice -- is geometrized by a suitable canonical transformation. In this way the Toda lattice is realized as the geodesic system of a certain Riemannian geometry. By using different canonical transformations we obtain two inequivalent geometries which both represent the original system. Adding a timelike dimension gives four-dimensional spacetimes which admit two Killing vector fields and are completely integrable.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Evolution of the discrepancy between a universe and its model

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    We study a fundamental issue in cosmology: Whether we can rely on a cosmological model to understand the real history of the Universe. This fundamental, still unresolved issue is often called the ``model-fitting problem (or averaging problem) in cosmology''. Here we analyze this issue with the help of the spectral scheme prepared in the preceding studies. Choosing two specific spatial geometries that are very close to each other, we investigate explicitly the time evolution of the spectral distance between them; as two spatial geometries, we choose a flat 3-torus and a perturbed geometry around it, mimicking the relation of a ``model universe'' and the ``real Universe''. Then we estimate the spectral distance between them and investigate its time evolution explicitly. This analysis is done efficiently by making use of the basic results of the standard linear structure-formation theory. We observe that, as far as the linear perturbation of geometry is valid, the spectral distance does not increase with time prominently,rather it shows the tendency to decrease. This result is compatible with the general belief in the reliability of describing the Universe by means of a model, and calls for more detailed studies along the same line including the investigation of wider class of spacetimes and the analysis beyond the linear regime.Comment: To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Geometry and stability of dynamical systems

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    We reconsider both the global and local stability of solutions of continuously evolving dynamical systems from a geometric perspective. We clarify that an unambiguous definition of stability generally requires the choice of additional geometric structure that is not intrinsic to the dynamical system itself. While global Lyapunov stability is based on the choice of seminorms on the vector bundle of perturbations, we propose a definition of local stability based on the choice of a linear connection. We show how this definition reproduces known stability criteria for second order dynamical systems. In contrast to the general case, the special geometry of Lagrangian systems provides completely intrinsic notions of global and local stability. We demonstrate that these do not suffer from the limitations occurring in the analysis of the Maupertuis-Jacobi geodesics associated to natural Lagrangian systems.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Navigation in Curved Space-Time

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    A covariant and invariant theory of navigation in curved space-time with respect to electromagnetic beacons is written in terms of J. L. Synge's two-point invariant world function. Explicit equations are given for navigation in space-time in the vicinity of the Earth in Schwarzschild coordinates and in rotating coordinates. The restricted problem of determining an observer's coordinate time when their spatial position is known is also considered

    Deformation Quantization of Almost Kahler Models and Lagrange-Finsler Spaces

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    Finsler and Lagrange spaces can be equivalently represented as almost Kahler manifolds enabled with a metric compatible canonical distinguished connection structure generalizing the Levi Civita connection. The goal of this paper is to perform a natural Fedosov-type deformation quantization of such geometries. All constructions are canonically derived for regular Lagrangians and/or fundamental Finsler functions on tangent bundles.Comment: the latex 2e variant of the manuscript accepted for JMP, 11pt, 23 page

    On the Canonical Formalism for a Higher-Curvature Gravity

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    Following the method of Buchbinder and Lyahovich, we carry out a canonical formalism for a higher-curvature gravity in which the Lagrangian density L{\cal L} is given in terms of a function of the salar curvature RR as L=detgμνf(R){\cal L}=\sqrt{-\det g_{\mu\nu}}f(R). The local Hamiltonian is obtained by a canonical transformation which interchanges a pair of the generalized coordinate and its canonical momentum coming from the higher derivative of the metric.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, Latex fil

    Scaled penalization of Brownian motion with drift and the Brownian ascent

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    We study a scaled version of a two-parameter Brownian penalization model introduced by Roynette-Vallois-Yor in arXiv:math/0511102. The original model penalizes Brownian motion with drift hRh\in\mathbb{R} by the weight process (exp(νSt):t0){\big(\exp(\nu S_t):t\geq 0\big)} where νR\nu\in\mathbb{R} and (St:t0)\big(S_t:t\geq 0\big) is the running maximum of the Brownian motion. It was shown there that the resulting penalized process exhibits three distinct phases corresponding to different regions of the (ν,h)(\nu,h)-plane. In this paper, we investigate the effect of penalizing the Brownian motion concurrently with scaling and identify the limit process. This extends a result of Roynette-Yor for the ν<0, h=0{\nu<0,~h=0} case to the whole parameter plane and reveals two additional "critical" phases occurring at the boundaries between the parameter regions. One of these novel phases is Brownian motion conditioned to end at its maximum, a process we call the Brownian ascent. We then relate the Brownian ascent to some well-known Brownian path fragments and to a random scaling transformation of Brownian motion recently studied by Rosenbaum-Yor.Comment: 32 pages; made additions to Section