18,311 research outputs found

    Suppression of weak-localization (and enhancement of noise) by tunnelling in semiclassical chaotic transport

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    We add simple tunnelling effects and ray-splitting into the recent trajectory-based semiclassical theory of quantum chaotic transport. We use this to derive the weak-localization correction to conductance and the shot-noise for a quantum chaotic cavity (billiard) coupled to nn leads via tunnel-barriers. We derive results for arbitrary tunnelling rates and arbitrary (positive) Ehrenfest time, τE\tau_{\rm E}. For all Ehrenfest times, we show that the shot-noise is enhanced by the tunnelling, while the weak-localization is suppressed. In the opaque barrier limit (small tunnelling rates with large lead widths, such that Drude conductance remains finite), the weak-localization goes to zero linearly with the tunnelling rate, while the Fano factor of the shot-noise remains finite but becomes independent of the Ehrenfest time. The crossover from RMT behaviour (τE=0\tau_{\rm E}=0) to classical behaviour (τE=∞\tau_{\rm E}=\infty) goes exponentially with the ratio of the Ehrenfest time to the paired-paths survival time. The paired-paths survival time varies between the dwell time (in the transparent barrier limit) and half the dwell time (in the opaque barrier limit). Finally our method enables us to see the physical origin of the suppression of weak-localization; it is due to the fact that tunnel-barriers ``smear'' the coherent-backscattering peak over reflection and transmission modes.Comment: 20 pages (version3: fixed error in sect. VC - results unchanged) - Contents: Tunnelling in semiclassics (3pages), Weak-localization (5pages), Shot-noise (5pages

    Density-functional investigation of rhombohedral stacks of graphene: topological surface states, nonlinear dielectric response, and bulk limit

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    A DFT-based investigation of rhombohedral (ABC)-type graphene stacks in finite static electric fields is presented. Electronic band structures and field-induced charge densities are compared with related literature data as well as with own results on (AB) stacks. It is found, that the undoped AB-bilayer has a tiny Fermi line consisting of one electron pocket around the K-point and one hole pocket on the line K-Γ\Gamma. In contrast to (AB) stacks, the breaking of translational symmetry by the surface of finite (ABC) stacks produces a gap in the bulk-like states for slabs up to a yet unknown critical thickness Nsemimet≫10N^{\rm semimet} \gg 10, while ideal (ABC) bulk (β\beta-graphite) is a semi-metal. Unlike in (AB) stacks, the ground state of (ABC) stacks is shown to be topologically non-trivial in the absence of external electric field. Consequently, surface states crossing the Fermi level must unavoidably exist in the case of (ABC)-type stacking, which is not the case in (AB)-type stacks. These surface states in conjunction with the mentioned gap in the bulk-like states have two major implications. First, electronic transport parallel to the slab is confined to a surface region up to the critical layer number NsemimetN^{\rm semimet}. Related implications are expected for stacking domain walls and grain boundaries. Second, the electronic properties of (ABC) stacks are highly tunable by an external electric field. In particular, the dielectric response is found to be strongly nonlinear and can e.g. be used to discriminate slabs with different layer numbers. Thus, (ABC) stacks rather than (AB) stacks with more than two layers should be of potential interest for applications relying on the tunability by an electric field.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figure

    High-Order Coupled Cluster Calculations Via Parallel Processing: An Illustration For CaV4_4O9_9

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    The coupled cluster method (CCM) is a method of quantum many-body theory that may provide accurate results for the ground-state properties of lattice quantum spin systems even in the presence of strong frustration and for lattices of arbitrary spatial dimensionality. Here we present a significant extension of the method by introducing a new approach that allows an efficient parallelization of computer codes that carry out ``high-order'' CCM calculations. We find that we are able to extend such CCM calculations by an order of magnitude higher than ever before utilized in a high-order CCM calculation for an antiferromagnet. Furthermore, we use only a relatively modest number of processors, namely, eight. Such very high-order CCM calculations are possible {\it only} by using such a parallelized approach. An illustration of the new approach is presented for the ground-state properties of a highly frustrated two-dimensional magnetic material, CaV4_4O9_9. Our best results for the ground-state energy and sublattice magnetization for the pure nearest-neighbor model are given by Eg/N=−0.5534E_g/N=-0.5534 and M=0.19M=0.19, respectively, and we predict that there is no N\'eel ordering in the region 0.2≤J2/J1≤0.70.2 \le J_2/J_1 \le 0.7. These results are shown to be in excellent agreement with the best results of other approximate methods.Comment: 4 page

    Semiclassical Approach to Orbital Magnetism of Interacting Diffusive Quantum Systems

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    We study interaction effects on the orbital magnetism of diffusive mesoscopic quantum systems. By combining many-body perturbation theory with semiclassical techniques, we show that the interaction contribution to the ensemble averaged quantum thermodynamic potential can be reduced to an essentially classical operator. We compute the magnetic response of disordered rings and dots for diffusive classical dynamics. Our semiclassical approach reproduces the results of previous diagrammatic quantum calculations.Comment: 8 pages, revtex, includes 1 postscript fi

    Chaos and Interacting Electrons in Ballistic Quantum Dots

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    We show that the classical dynamics of independent particles can determine the quantum properties of interacting electrons in the ballistic regime. This connection is established using diagrammatic perturbation theory and semiclassical finite-temperature Green functions. Specifically, the orbital magnetism is greatly enhanced over the Landau susceptibility by the combined effects of interactions and finite size. The presence of families of periodic orbits in regular systems makes their susceptibility parametrically larger than that of chaotic systems, a difference which emerges from correlation terms.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, includes 3 postscript fig

    The Walnut, California, earthquakes of July-August, 1959

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    A swarm of minor earthquakes began on July 29, 1959, near 34° 00′ N, 117° 48′ W. Records at Pasadena show P and S waves reflected from the Moho. A portable instrument recorded some of these at a point about 6 km. from the epicenter. The characteristic false S - P of about one second at short distances was recorded

    The density of states of chaotic Andreev billiards

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    Quantum cavities or dots have markedly different properties depending on whether their classical counterparts are chaotic or not. Connecting a superconductor to such a cavity leads to notable proximity effects, particularly the appearance, predicted by random matrix theory, of a hard gap in the excitation spectrum of quantum chaotic systems. Andreev billiards are interesting examples of such structures built with superconductors connected to a ballistic normal metal billiard since each time an electron hits the superconducting part it is retroreflected as a hole (and vice-versa). Using a semiclassical framework for systems with chaotic dynamics, we show how this reflection, along with the interference due to subtle correlations between the classical paths of electrons and holes inside the system, are ultimately responsible for the gap formation. The treatment can be extended to include the effects of a symmetry breaking magnetic field in the normal part of the billiard or an Andreev billiard connected to two phase shifted superconductors. Therefore we are able to see how these effects can remold and eventually suppress the gap. Furthermore the semiclassical framework is able to cover the effect of a finite Ehrenfest time which also causes the gap to shrink. However for intermediate values this leads to the appearance of a second hard gap - a clear signature of the Ehrenfest time.Comment: Refereed version. 23 pages, 19 figure

    Unilateral and bilateral corticotomies for correction of maxillary transverse discrepancies

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    Surgically-assisted rapid maxillary expansion in adults has been proved effective in overcoming the strong resistance of the maxillary complex after growth is completed, particularly after the second decade of life. The aim of this study was to describe the dental and the skeletal expansion and relapse, as well as the amount of tipping of the two maxillary bones and first permanent molars, during a rapid maxillary expansion procedure combined with unilateral and bilateral corticotomies. The sample consisted of four adult patients, two presenting with bilateral and two with unilateral cross-bite. Records were taken before and after rapid maxillary expansion, at the end of retention and at least 12 months post-retention. In the cases of bilateral cross-bite the same amount of skeletal expansion was observed on both sides. The angular changes measured at the upper first molars indicated important tipping on both sides, which tended to relapse moderately during the retention and post-retention period. Following unilateral surgery, the operated side showed more than twice the amount of skeletal expansion than the non-operated side. The angular changes presented twice as much tipping and relapse on the operated side. The results of this study demonstrate that unilateral cross-bites in adults can be corrected with unilateral corticotomy and rapid maxillary expansion using the contralateral non-operated side as anchorage. Stability appeared satisfactory in all case

    Universality in chaotic quantum transport: The concordance between random matrix and semiclassical theories

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    Electronic transport through chaotic quantum dots exhibits universal, system independent, properties, consistent with random matrix theory. The quantum transport can also be rooted, via the semiclassical approximation, in sums over the classical scattering trajectories. Correlations between such trajectories can be organized diagrammatically and have been shown to yield universal answers for some observables. Here, we develop the general combinatorial treatment of the semiclassical diagrams, through a connection to factorizations of permutations. We show agreement between the semiclassical and random matrix approaches to the moments of the transmission eigenvalues. The result is valid for all moments to all orders of the expansion in inverse channel number for all three main symmetry classes (with and without time reversal symmetry and spin-orbit interaction) and extends to nonlinear statistics. This finally explains the applicability of random matrix theory to chaotic quantum transport in terms of the underlying dynamics as well as providing semiclassical access to the probability density of the transmission eigenvalues.Comment: Refereed version. 5 pages, 4 figure

    Resistance Breeding in Apple at Dresden-Pillnitz

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    Resistance breeding in apple has a long tradition at the Institute of Fruit Breeding now Julius Kuehn-institute in Dresden-Pillnitz. The breeding was aimed at the production of multiple resistance cultivars to allow a more sustainable and environmentally friendly production of apple. In the last decades a series of resistant cultivars (Re®-cultivars) bred in Dresden-Pillnitz has been released, ‘Recolor’ and ‘Rekarda’ in 2006. The main topic in the resistance breeding programme was scab resistance and the donor of scab resistance in most cultivars was Malus x floribunda 821. Due to the development of strains that are able to overcome resistance genes inherited by M. x floribunda 821 and due to the fact that single resistance genes can be broken easily, pyramiding of resistance genes is necessary. Besides scab, fire blight and powdery mildew are the main disease for which a pyramiding of genes is aspired in Pillnitz. Biotechnical approaches are necessary for the early detection of pyramided resistance genes in breeding clones. This paper will give an overview of the resistance breeding of apple in Pillnitz and the methods used
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