953 research outputs found

    Density of States of GaAs-AlGaAs Heterostructures Deduced from Temperature Dependend Magnetocapacitance Measurements

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    Abstract We have analyzed the density of states of a two dimensional electron gas in a GaAs- AlGaAs hetereostructure by measuring the magnetocapacitance in magnetic fields up to 6 Tesla at temperatures below 10 K. The experimental data are well described by a Gaussian-like density of states where the linewidth à is proportional to B

    Density of States in Landau Level Tails of GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs Heterostructures

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    From an analysis of the thermally activated resistivity as a function of the magnetic field in the quantum Hall regime we deduced the position of the Fermi energy in the mobility gap as a function of the filling factor and therefore the density of states. The measured density of states is best described by a Gaussian like profile superimposed on a constant background

    Synchronized single electron emission from dynamical quantum dots

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    We study synchronized quantized charge pumping through several dynamical quantum dots (QDs) driven by a single time modulated gate signal. We show that the main obstacle for synchronization being the lack of uniformity can be overcome by operating the QDs in the decay cascade regime. We discuss the mechanism responsible for lifting the stringent uniformity requirements. This enhanced functionality of dynamical QDs might find applications in nanoelectronics and quantum metrology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to AP

    Characterization of All-Chromium Tunnel Junctions and Single Electron Tunneling Devices Fabricated by Direct-Writing Multilayer Technique

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    We report about the fabrication and analysis of the properties of Cr/CrO_x/Cr tunnel junctions and SET transistors, prepared by different variants of direct-writing multilayer technique. In all cases, the CrO_x tunnel barriers were formed in air under ambient conditions. From the experiments on single junctions, values for the effective barrier height and thickness were derived. For the Cr/CrO_x/Cr SET transistors we achieved minimal junction areas of 17 x 60 nm^2 using a scanning transmission electron microscope for the e-beam exposure on Si_3N_4 membrane substrate. We discuss the electrical performance of the transistor samples as well as their noise behavior.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Автоматическое закорачивание отдельных фаз линий для ликвидации дуговых коротких замыканий

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    During the last few years high power diode laser arrays have become well established for direct material processing due to their high efficiency of more than 50%. But standard broad-area waveguide designs are susceptible to modal instabilities and filamentations resulting in low beam qualities. The beam quality increases by more than a factor of four by using tapered laser arrays, but so far they suffer from lower efficiencies. Therefore tapered lasers are mainly used today as single emitters in external resonator configurations. With increased output power and lifetime, they will be much more attractive for material processing and for pumping of fiber amplifiers. High efficiency tapered mini bars emitting at a wavelength of 980 nm are developed, and in order to qualify the bars, the characteristics of single emitters and mini bars from the same wafer have been compared. The mini bars have a width of 6 mm with 12 emitters. The ridge waveguide tapered lasers consist of a 500 µm long ridge and a 2000 µm long tapered section. The results show very similar behavior of the electro-optical characteristics and the beam quality for single emitters and bars. Due to different junction temperatures, different slope efficiencies were measured: 0.8 W/A for passively cooled mini bars and 1.0 W/A for actively cooled mini-bars and single emitters. The threshold current of 0.7 A per emitter is the same for single emitters and emitter arrays. Output powers of more than 50 W in continuous wave mode for a mini bar with standard packaging demonstrates the increased power of tapered laser bars

    Single-parameter non-adiabatic quantized charge pumping

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    Controlled charge pumping in an AlGaAs/GaAs gated nanowire by single-parameter modulation is studied experimentally and theoretically. Transfer of integral multiples of the elementary charge per modulation cycle is clearly demonstrated. A simple theoretical model shows that such a quantized current can be generated via loading and unloading of a dynamic quasi-bound state. It demonstrates that non-adiabatic blockade of unwanted tunnel events can obliterate the requirement of having at least two phase-shifted periodic signals to realize quantized pumping. The simple configuration without multiple pumping signals might find wide application in metrological experiments and quantum electronics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Cortical Neurons Require Otx1 for the Refinement of Exuberant Axonal Projections to Subcortical Targets

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    AbstractInformation processing in the nervous system depends on the creation of specific synaptic connections between neurons and targets during development. The homeodomain transcription factor Otx1 is expressed in early-generated neurons of the developing cerebral cortex. Within layer 5, Otx1 is expressed by neurons with subcortical axonal projections to the midbrain and spinal cord. Otx1 is also expressed in the precursors of these neurons, but is localized to the cytoplasm. Nuclear translocation of Otx1 occurs when layer 5 neurons enter a period of axonal refinement and eliminate a subset of their long-distance projections. Otx1 mutant mice are defective in the refinement of these exuberant projections, suggesting that Otx1 is required for the development of normal axonal connectivity and the generation of coordinated motor behavior

    Ab initio study on the low-lying excited states of retinal

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    Ab initio results for the electronic spectrum of all-trans-retinal and its truncated model 3-methyl-all-trans (10-s-cis)-2,4,6,8,10-undecapentaen-1-al are presented. The study includes geometry determination of the ground state. Vertical excitation energies have been computed using multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory through the CASPT2 formalism. The lowest singlet excited state in gas phase is predicted to be of nπ∗ character. The lowest triplet state corresponds, however, to a ππ∗ state. The most intense feature of the spectrum is due to the strongly dipole-allowed ππ∗ transition, in accordance with the observed maximum in the one-photon spectra. The vertical excitation energies of the Bu- and Ag-like states are found close, the latter ≈ 1 eV higher than the maximum in the two-photon spectra. Solvent effects and nonvertical nature of the observed maximum in the two-photon spectra are invoked in rationalizing the deviation with respect to the best present estimate for the Ag-like state. In addition, qualitative aspects of the one-bond photoisomerization about the C11 = C12 double bond of retinal are considered. The overall isomerization picture from 11-cis into all-trans-retinal, as taking place mainly along the triplet manifold, agrees with experimental [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Generation of energy selective excitations in quantum Hall edge states

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    We operate an on-demand source of single electrons in high perpendicular magnetic fields up to 30T, corresponding to a filling factor below 1/3. The device extracts and emits single charges at a tunable energy from and to a two-dimensional electron gas, brought into well defined integer and fractional quantum Hall (QH) states. It can therefore be used for sensitive electrical transport studies, e.g. of excitations and relaxation processes in QH edge states