543 research outputs found

    Egg Quality Characteristics in Autochthonous Genotypes of Chickens Raised on Macedonian Rural Farms

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    Egg quality characteristics of three different autochthonous chicken phenotypes (phenotype having ashy-silvery-brown leghorn laced plumage color, phenotype having light brown spangled plumage color and phenotype having black or blue plumage color) were examined. These types of chickens are mainly raised as backyard rural area flocks in the villages of R. Macedonia. The data were collected through first systematic approaches in phenotypical identification and characterisation of these autochthonous genotypes realized recently. Three small flocks of old hens collected from different villages and placed in control pens were established. No data about number of eggs/hen/year is available for the established flocks. Further investigations are needed to record productive (number of egg produced) and reproductive data. The plan was that additional, yearly production records be collected from the flock produced as offspring from established flock of old hens collected from different villages and placed in control pens. Set of 90 eggs was collected (30 eggs from each plumage phenotype) and basic egg quality parameters measured. Egg size (weight) was 50.71g for brown laced plumage phenotype, 60.48g for blue plumage phenotype and 52.6 g for light brown spangled plumage phenotype. Egg shell strength was 3965, 3628 and 3924 g/cm2 for brown laced, blue and brown spangled plumage phenotype, respectively. Light brown spangled plumage phenotype had the highest value of yolk color (10.29) and Hough Units (76.63) compared to brown laced (10.08 and 75.27) and blue (9.09 and 71.65) plumage phenotype

    The Effect of Radioprotectors Protection Ability in Pheasants After Alimentary Radio-Contamination with Cs-137

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    Considering that previous studies were mainly focused on a protection of domestic animals from alimentary Cs-contamination, the objective of the present study was to investigate the possibilities of ammonium - iron (III) hexacyanoferrate (II) - AFCF and clinoptilolite as radioprotectors. Pheasants of species Phasianus colchicus were used as trial animals. The total number of 2-month old pheasants was 100. The pheasants were divided into five groups; each group was contaminated with 750 Bq of Cs-137 per bird in a single experiment. The experiment consisted of 5 phases during which the animals were given AFCF (0.2 g) and clinoptilolite (2 g) either in water solution or mixed with food, according to the phase. The level of contamination was determined by gamma - spectrometry in breast meat, leg meat, liver and gizzard. The results show that the best protection effect was obtained when AFCF is used in the water solution i.e. 92.7%; while AFCF mixing with food demonstrated 74.9% of protection; clinoptilolite proved less protective with 69.3% - in the water solution, and 50.5% when mixed with food

    Immature doublecortin-positive hippocampal neurons are important for learning but not for remembering

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    It is now widely accepted that hippocampal neurogenesis underpins critical cognitive functions, such as learning and memory. To assess the behavioral importance of adult-born neurons, we developed a novel knock-in mouse model that allowed us to specifically and reversibly ablate hippocampal neurons at an immature stage. In these mice, the diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR) is expressed under control of the doublecortin (DCX) promoter, which allows for specific ablation of immature DCX-expressing neurons after administration of diphtheria toxin while leaving the neural precursor pool intact. Using a spatially challenging behavioral test (a modified version of the active place avoidance test), we present direct evidence that immature DCX-expressing neurons are required for successful acquisition of spatial learning, as well as reversal learning, but are not necessary for the retrieval of stored long-term memories. Importantly, the observed learning deficits were rescued as newly generated immature neurons repopulated the granule cell layer upon termination of the toxin treatment. Repeat (or cyclic) depletion of immature neurons reinstated behavioral deficits if the mice were challenged with a novel task. Together, these findings highlight the potential of stimulating neurogenesis as a means to enhance learning

    Age, puberty and attractiveness judgments in adolescents

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    Previous work has suggested that judgments of the attractiveness of some facial and vocal features change during adolescence. Here, over 70 Czech adolescents aged 12–14 made forced-choice attractivenessjudgments on adolescent faces manipulated in symmetry, averageness and femininity, and on adolescent opposite-sex voices manipulated in fundamental frequency (perceived as pitch), and completed questionnaires on pubertal development. Consistent with typical adult judgments, adolescents selected the symmetric, average and feminine male and female faces as more attractive significantly more often than the asymmetric, non-average and masculine faces respectively. Moreover, preferences for symmetric faces were positively associated with adolescents’ age and stage of pubertal development. Unexpectedly, voice pitch did not significantly influence adolescents’ attractivenessjudgments. Collectively, these findings present new evidence using refined methodology that adolescent development is related to variation in attractivenessjudgments

    Prevalence and correlates of depressive disorders in people with Type 2 diabetes: results from the International Prevalence and Treatment of Diabetes and Depression (INTERPRET‐DD) study, a collaborative study carried out in 14 countries

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    Aims To assess the prevalence and management of depressive disorders in people with Type 2 diabetes in different countries. Methods People with diabetes aged 18–65 years and treated in outpatient settings were recruited in 14 countries and underwent a psychiatric interview. Participants completed the Patient Health Questionnaire and the Problem Areas in Diabetes scale. Demographic and medical record data were collected. Results A total of 2783 people with Type 2 diabetes (45.3% men, mean duration of diabetes 8.8 years) participated. Overall, 10.6% were diagnosed with current major depressive disorder and 17.0% reported moderate to severe levels of depressive symptomatology (Patient Health Questionnaire scores >9). Multivariable analyses showed that, after controlling for country, current major depressive disorder was significantly associated with gender (women) (PPPPP<0.0001). The proportion of those with either current major depressive disorder or moderate to severe levels of depressive symptomatology who had a diagnosis or any treatment for their depression recorded in their medical records was extremely low and non-existent in many countries (0–29.6%). Conclusions Our international study, the largest of this type ever undertaken, shows that people with diabetes frequently have depressive disorders and also significant levels of depressive symptoms. Our findings indicate that the identification and appropriate care for psychological and psychiatric problems is not the norm and suggest a lack of the comprehensive approach to diabetes management that is needed to improve clinical outcomes

    Nature's Notebook Provides Phenology Observations for NASA Juniper Phenology and Pollen Transport Project

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    Phenology Network has been established to provide national wide observations of vegetation phenology. However, as the Network is still in the early phases of establishment and growth, the density of observers is not yet adequate to sufficiently document the phenology variability over large regions. Hence a combination of satellite data and ground observations can provide optimal information regarding juniperus spp. pollen phenology. MODIS data was to observe Juniperus supp. pollen phenology. The MODIS surface reflectance product provided information on the Juniper supp. cone formation and cone density. Ground based observational records of pollen release timing and quantities were used as verification. Approximately 10, 818 records of juniper phenology for male cone formation Juniperus ashei., J. monosperma, J. scopulorum, and J. pinchotti were reported by Nature's Notebook observers in 2013 These observations provided valuable information for the analysis of satellite images for developing the pollen concentration masks for input into the PREAM (Pollen REgional Atmospheric Model) pollen transport model. The combination of satellite data and ground observations allowed us to improve our confidence in predicting pollen release and spread, thereby improving asthma and allergy alerts

    Acidic microenvironment plays a key role in human melanoma progression through a sustained exosome mediated transfer of clinically relevant metastatic molecules

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    Background: Microenvironment cues involved in melanoma progression are largely unknown. Melanoma is highly influenced in its aggressive phenotype by the changes it determinates in its microenvironment, such as pH decrease, in turn influencing cancer cell invasiveness, progression and tissue remodelling through an abundant secretion of exosomes, dictating cancer strategy to the whole host. A role of exosomes in driving melanoma progression under microenvironmental acidity was never described. Methods: We studied four differently staged human melanoma lines, reflecting melanoma progression, under microenvironmental acidic pHs pressure ranging between pH 6.0-6.7. To estimate exosome secretion as a function of tumor stage and environmental pH, we applied a technique to generate native fluorescent exosomes characterized by vesicles integrity, size, density, markers expression, and quantifiable by direct FACS analysis. Functional roles of exosomes were tested in migration and invasion tests. Then we performed a comparative proteomic analysis of acid versus control exosomes to elucidate a specific signature involved in melanoma progression. Results: We found that metastatic melanoma secretes a higher exosome amount than primary melanoma, and that acidic pH increases exosome secretion when melanoma is in an intermediate stage, i.e. metastatic non-invasive. We were thus able to show that acidic pH influences the intercellular cross-talk mediated by exosomes. In fact when exposed to exosomes produced in an acidic medium, pH naïve melanoma cells acquire migratory and invasive capacities likely due to transfer of metastatic exosomal proteins, favoring cell motility and angiogenesis. A Prognoscan-based meta-analysis study of proteins enriched in acidic exosomes, identified 11 genes (HRAS, GANAB, CFL2, HSP90B1, HSP90AB1, GSN, HSPA1L, NRAS, HSPA5, TIMP3, HYOU1), significantly correlating with poor prognosis, whose high expression was in part confirmed in bioptic samples of lymph node metastases. Conclusions: A crucial step of melanoma progression does occur at melanoma intermediate -stage, when extracellular acidic pH induces an abundant release and intra-tumoral uptake of exosomes. Such exosomes are endowed with pro-invasive molecules of clinical relevance, which may provide a signature of melanoma advancement