67 research outputs found

    Large spin systematics in CFT

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    20 pages; v2: version published in JHEPUsing conformal field theory (CFT) arguments we derive an infinite number of constraints on the large spin expansion of the anomalous dimensions and structure constants of higher spin operators. These arguments rely only on analiticity, unitarity, crossing-symmetry and the structure of the conformal partial wave expansion. We obtain results for both, perturbative CFT to all order in the perturbation parameter, as well as non-perturbatively. For the case of conformal gauge theories this provides a proof of the reciprocity principle to all orders in perturbation theory and provides a new "reciprocity" principle for structure constants. We argue that these results extend also to non-conformal theories.Peer reviewe

    Double-logs, Gribov-Lipatov reciprocity and wrapping

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    We study analytical properties of the five-loop anomalous dimension of twist-2 operators at negative even values of Lorentz spin. Following L. N. Lipatov and A. I. Onishchenko, we have found two possible generalizations of double-logarithmic equation, which allow to predict a lot of poles of anomalous dimension of twist-2 operators at all orders of perturbative theory from the known results. Second generalization is related with the reciprocity-respecting function, which is a single-logarithmic function in this case. We have found, that the knowledge of first orders of the reciprocity-respecting function gives all-loop predictions for the highest poles. Obtained predictions can be used for the reconstruction of a general form of the wrapping corrections for twist-2 operators.Comment: 17 pages, references adde

    The non-planar contribution to the four-loop universal anomalous dimension in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory

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    We present the result of a full direct component calculation for the non-planar contribution to the four-loop anomalous dimension of the Konishi operator in N =4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The result contains only zeta(5) term and is proportional to zeta(5) contribution in the planar case, which comes purely from wrapping corrections. We have extended also our previous calculations for the leading transcendental contribution arXiv:0811.0607 on non-planar case and have found the same results up to a common factor. It allows us to suggest that the non-planar contribution to the four-loop universal anomalous dimension for the twist-2 operators with arbitrary Lorentz spin is proportional to S12(j)Ī¶(5)S_1^2(j) \zeta(5). This result gives unusual double-logarithmic asymptotic lnā”2j\ln^2 j for large j.Comment: 7 pages, axodraw styl

    Enhanced carrier multiplication in engineered quasi-type-II quantum dots

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    Sem informaĆ§Ć£oOne process limiting the performance of solar cells is rapid cooling (thermalization) of hot carriers generated by higher-energy solar photons. In principle, the thermalization losses can be reduced by converting the kinetic energy of energetic carriers into additional electron-hole pairs via carrier multiplication (CM). While being inefficient in bulk semiconductors this process is enhanced in quantum dots, although not sufficiently high to considerably boost the power output of practical devices. Here we demonstrate that thick-shell PbSe/CdSe nanostructures can show almost a fourfold increase in the CM yield over conventional PbSe quantum dots, accompanied by a considerable reduction of the CM threshold. These structures enhance a valence-band CM channel due to effective capture of energetic holes into long-lived shell-localized states. The attainment of the regime of slowed cooling responsible for CM enhancement is indicated by the development of shell-related emission in the visible observed simultaneously with infrared emission from the core.518Sem informaĆ§Ć£oSem informaĆ§Ć£oSem informaĆ§Ć£oC. M. C., L. A. P., K. A. V., I. R., J.M.P. and V. I. K acknowledge support of the Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics (CASP), an Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) funded by the US Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES). N.S.M. is a CASP member supported by LANL Director's Postdoctoral Fellowship. Q. L. and H. L. are CASP affiliates supported by the New Mexico Consortium and Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Hierarchical Equations of Motion Approach to Quantum Thermodynamics

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    We present a theoretical framework to investigate quantum thermodynamic processes under non-Markovian system-bath interactions on the basis of the hierarchical equations of motion (HEOM) approach, which is convenient to carry out numerically "exact" calculations. This formalism is valuable because it can be used to treat not only strong system-bath coupling but also system-bath correlation or entanglement, which will be essential to characterize the heat transport between the system and quantum heat baths. Using this formalism, we demonstrated an importance of the thermodynamic effect from the tri-partite correlations (TPC) for a two-level heat transfer model and a three-level autonomous heat engine model under the conditions that the conventional quantum master equation approaches are failed. Our numerical calculations show that TPC contributions, which distinguish the heat current from the energy current, have to be take into account to satisfy the thermodynamic laws.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. As a chapter of: F. Binder, L. A. Correa, C. Gogolin, J. Anders, and G. Adesso (eds.), "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent Progress and Outlook", (Springer International Publishing

    The Four-Loop Konishi in N=4 SYM

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    We present the result of a full direct component calculation for the planar four-loop anomalous dimension of the Konishi operator in N =4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Our result confirms the results obtained from superfield (arXiv:0712.3522, arXiv:0806.2095) and superstring (arXiv:0807.0399) computations, which take into account finite size corrections to the all-loop asymptotic Bethe ansatz for the integrable models describing the spectrum of the anomalous dimensions of the gauge-invariant operators and the spectrum of the string states in the framework of the gauge/string duality.Comment: 7 pages, some detailes of calculations adde

    Analogs of noninteger powers in general analytic QCD

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    In contrast to the coupling parameter in the usual perturbative QCD (pQCD), the coupling parameter in the analytic QCD models has cuts only on the negative semiaxis of the Q^2-plane (where q^2 = -Q^2 is the momentum squared), thus reflecting correctly the analytic structure of the spacelike observables. The Minimal Analytic model (MA, named also APT) of Shirkov and Solovtsov removes the nonphysical cut (at positive Q^2) of the usual pQCD coupling and keeps the pQCD cut discontinuity of the coupling at negative Q^2 unchanged. In order to evaluate in MA the physical QCD quantities whose perturbation expansion involves noninteger powers of the pQCD coupling, a specific method of construction of MA analogs of noninteger pQCD powers was developed by Bakulev, Mikhailov and Stefanis (BMS). We present a construction, applicable now in any analytic QCD model, of analytic analogs of noninteger pQCD powers; this method generalizes the BMS approach obtained in the framework of MA. We need to know only the discontinuity function of the analytic coupling (the analog of the pQCD coupling) along its cut in order to obtain the analytic analogs of the noninteger powers of the pQCD coupling, as well as their timelike (Minkowskian) counterparts. As an illustration, we apply the method to the evaluation of the width for the Higgs decay into b+(bar b) pair.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures; sections II and III extended, appendix B is ne

    Probing Interband Coulomb Interactions in Semiconductor Nanocrystals with 2D Double-Quantum Coherence Spectroscopy

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    Using previously developed exciton scattering model accounting for the interband, i.e., exciton-biexciton, Coulomb interactions in semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs), we derive a closed set of equations for 2D double-quantum coherence signal. The signal depends on the Liouville space pathways which include both the interband scattering processes and the inter- and intraband optical transitions. These processes correspond to the formation of different cross-peaks in the 2D spectra. We further report on our numerical calculations of the 2D signal using reduced level scheme parameterized for PbSe NCs. Two different NC excitation regimes considered and unique spectroscopic features associated with the interband Coulomb interactions are identified.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure
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