183 research outputs found

    Probing the Neutron-Capture Nucleosynthesis History of Galactic Matter

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    The heavy elements formed by neutron capture processes have an interesting history from which we can extract useful clues to and constraints upon both the characteristics of the processes themselves and the star formation and nucleosynthesis history of Galactic matter. Of particular interest in this regard are the heavy element compositions of extremely metal-deficient stars. At metallicities [Fe/H] <= -2.5, the elements in the mass region past barium (A >= 130-140 have been found (in non carbon-rich stars) to be pure r-process products. The identification of an environment provided by massive stars and associated Type II supernovae as an r-process site seems compelling. Increasing levels of heavy s-process (e.g., barium) enrichment with increasing metallicity, evident in the abundances of more metal-rich halo stars and disk stars, reflect the delayed contributions from the low- and intermediate-mass (M \~ 1-3 Msol) stars that provide the site for the main s-process nucleosynthesis component during the AGB phase of their evolution. New abundance data in the mass region 60 <~ A <~ 130 is providing insight into the identity of possible alternative r-process sites. We review recent observational studies of heavy element abundances both in low metallicity halo stars and in disk stars, discuss the observed trends in light of nucleosynthesis theory, and explore some implications of these results for Galactic chemical evolution, nucleosynthesis, and nucleocosmochronology.Comment: 47 pages, 2 tables, 11 figures; To appear in PAS

    The Sensitivity of Multidimensional Nova Calculations to the Outer Boundary Conditions

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    Multidimensional reactive flow models of accreted hydrogen rich envelopes on top of degenerate cold white dwarfs are very effective tools for the study of critical, non spherically symmetric, behaviors during the early stages of nova outbursts. Such models can shed light both on the mechanism responsible for the heavy element enrichment observed to characterize nova envelope matter and on the role of perturbations during the early stages of ignition of the runaway. The complexity of convective reactive flow in multi-dimensions makes the computational model itself complex and sensitive to the details of the numerics. In this study, we demonstrate that the imposed outer boundary condition can have a dramatic effect on the solution. Several commonly used choices for the outer boundary conditions are examined. It is shown that the solutions obtained from Lagrangian simulations, where the envelope is allowed to expand and mass is being conserved, are consistent with spherically symmetric solutions. In Eulerian schemes which utilize an outer boundary condition of free outflow, the outburst can be artificially quenched.Comment: 12 Pages 3 figures; Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Silicon Burning II: Quasi-Equilibrium and Explosive Burning

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    Having examined the application of quasi-equilibrium to hydrostatic silicon burning in Paper I of this series, Hix & Thielemann (1996), we now turn our attention to explosive silicon burning. Previous authors have shown that for material which is heated to high temperature by a passing shock and then cooled by adiabatic expansion, the results can be divided into three broad categories; \emph{incomplete burning}, \emph{normal freezeout} and \emph{α\alpha-rich freezeout}, with the outcome depending on the temperature, density and cooling timescale. In all three cases, we find that the important abundances obey quasi-equilibrium for temperatures greater than approximately 3 GK, with relatively little nucleosynthesis occurring following the breakdown of quasi-equilibrium. We will show that quasi-equilibrium provides better abundance estimates than global nuclear statistical equilibrium, even for normal freezeout and particularly for α\alpha-rich freezeout. We will also examine the accuracy with which the final nuclear abundances can be estimated from quasi-equilibrium.Comment: 27 pages, including 15 inline figures. LaTeX 2e with aaspp4 and graphicx packages. Accepted to Ap

    On Variations in the Peak Luminosity of Type Ia Supernovae

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    We explore the idea that the observed variations in the peak luminosities of Type Ia supernovae originate in part from a scatter in metallicity of the main-sequence stars that become white dwarfs. Previous, numerical, studies have not self-consistently explored metallicities greater than solar. One-dimensional Chandrasekhar mass models of SNe Ia produce most of their 56Ni in a burn to nuclear statistical equilibrium between the mass shells 0.2 and 0.8 solar masses, for which the electron to nucleon ratio is constant during the burn. We show analytically that, under these conditions, charge and mass conservation constrain the mass of 56Ni produced to depend linearly on the original metallicity of the white dwarf progenitor. Detailed post-processing of W7-like models confirms this linear dependence. The effect that we identify is most evident at metallicities larger than solar, and is in agreement with previous self-consistent calculations over the metallicity range common to both calculations. The observed scatter in the metallicity (1/3--3 times solar) of the solar neighborhood is enough to induce a 25% variation in the mass of 56Ni ejected by Type Ia supernovae. This is sufficient to vary the peak V-band brightness by approximately 0.2. This scatter in metallicity is present out to the limiting redshifts of current observations (z < 1). Sedimentation of 22Ne can possibly amplify the variation in 56Ni mass up to 50%. Further numerical studies can determine if other metallicity-induced effects, such as a change in the mass of the 56Ni-producing region, offset or enhance this variation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in ApJL. Uses emulateapj.cls (included

    Detailed Nucleosynthesis Yields from the Explosion of Massive Stars

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    Despite the complexity and uncertainties of core collapse supernova simulations there is a need to provide correct nucleosynthesis abundances for the progressing field of galactic evolution and observations of low metallicity stars. Especially the innermost ejecta are directly affected by the explosion mechanism, i.e. most strongly the yields of Fe-group nuclei for which an induced piston or thermal bomb treatment will not provide the correct yields because the effect of neutrino interactions is not included. Recent observations of metal-poor halo stars support the suggested existence of a lighter element primary process (LEPP) which operates very early in the galaxy and is independent of the r-process. We present a candidate for the LEPP, the so-called νp-proces

    Nucleosynthesis Modes in the High-Entropy-Wind of Type II Supernovae: Comparison of Calculations with Halo-Star Observations

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    While the high-entropy wind (HEW) of Type II supernovae remains one of the more promising sites for the rapid neutron-capture (r-) process, hydrodynamic simulations have yet to reproduce the astrophysical conditions under which the latter occurs. We have performed large-scale network calculations within an extended parameter range of the HEW, seeking to identify or to constrain the necessary conditions for a full reproduction of all r-process residuals N_{r,\odot}=N_{\odot}-N_{s,\odot} by comparing the results with recent astronomical observations. A superposition of weighted entropy trajectories results in an excellent reproduction of the overall N_{r,\odot}-pattern beyond Sn. For the lighter elements, from the Fe-group via Sr-Y-Zr to Ag, our HEW calculations indicate a transition from the need for clearly different sources (conditions/sites) to a possible co-production with r-process elements, provided that a range of entropies are contributing. This explains recent halo-star observations of a clear non-correlation of Zn and Ge and a weak correlation of Sr - Zr with heavier r-process elements. Moreover, new observational data on Ru and Pd seem to confirm also a partial correlation with Sr as well as the main r-process elements (e.g. Eu).Comment: 15 pages, 1 table, 4 figures; To be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Low-Mass Relics of Early Star Formation

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    The earliest stars to form in the Universe were the first sources of light, heat and metals after the Big Bang. The products of their evolution will have had a profound impact on subsequent generations of stars. Recent studies of primordial star formation have shown that, in the absence of metals (elements heavier than helium), the formation of stars with masses 100 times that of the Sun would have been strongly favoured, and that low-mass stars could not have formed before a minimum level of metal enrichment had been reached. The value of this minimum level is very uncertain, but is likely to be between 10^{-6} and 10^{-4} that of the Sun. Here we show that the recent discovery of the most iron-poor star known indicates the presence of dust in extremely low-metallicity gas, and that this dust is crucial for the formation of lower-mass second-generation stars that could survive until today. The dust provides a pathway for cooling the gas that leads to fragmentation of the precursor molecular cloud into smaller clumps, which become the lower-mass stars.Comment: Offprint of Nature 422 (2003), 869-871 (issue 24 April 2003

    Large-Scale Simulations of Clusters of Galaxies

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    We discuss some of the computational challenges encountered in simulating the evolution of clusters of galaxies. Eulerian adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) techniques can successfully address these challenges but are currently being used by only a few groups. We describe our publicly available AMR code, FLASH, which uses an object-oriented framework to manage its AMR library, physics modules, and automated verification. We outline the development of the FLASH framework to include collisionless particles, permitting it to be used for cluster simulation.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the VII International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT 2000), Fermilab, Oct. 16-20, 200