460 research outputs found

    A Framework for Computing the Greedy Spanner

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    The highest quality geometric spanner (e.g. in terms of edge count, both in theory and in practice) known to be computable in polynomial time is the greedy spanner. The state-of-the-art in computing this spanner are a O(n^2 log n) time, O(n^2) space algorithm and a O(n^2 log^2 n) time, O(n) space algorithm, as well as the `improved greedy' algorithm, taking O(n^3 log n) time in the worst case and O(n^2) space but being faster in practice thanks to a caching strategy. We identify why this caching strategy gives speedups in practice. We formalize this into a framework and give a general efficiency lemma. From this we obtain many new time bounds, both on old algorithms and on new algorithms we introduce in this paper. Interestingly, our bounds are in terms of the well-separated pair decomposition, a data structure not actually computed by the caching algorithms. Specifically, we show that the `improved greedy' algorithm has a O(n^2 log n log Phi) running time (where Phi is the spread of the point set) and a variation has a O(n^2 log^2 n) running time. We give a variation of the linear space state-of-the-art algorithm and an entirely new algorithm with a O(n^2 log n log Phi) running time, both of which improve its space usage by a factor O(1/(t-1)). We present experimental results comparing all the above algorithms. The experiments show that - when using low t - our new algorithm is up to 200 times more space efficient than the existing linear space algorithm, while being comparable in running time and much easier to implement

    Geologic controls on submarine slope failure along the central U.S. Atlantic margin : insights from the Currituck Slide Complex

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Marine Geology 385 (2017): 114-130, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2016.10.007.Multiple styles of failure, ranging from densely spaced, mass transport driven canyons to the large, slab-type slope failure of the Currituck Slide, characterize adjacent sections of the central U.S. Atlantic margin that appear to be defined by variations in geologic framework. Here we use regionally extensive, deep penetration multichannel seismic (MCS) profiles to reconstruct the influence of the antecedent margin physiography on sediment accumulation along the central U.S. Atlantic continental shelf-edge, slope, and uppermost rise from the Miocene to Present. These data are combined with highresolution sparker MCS reflection profiles and multibeam bathymetry data across the Currituck Slide complex. Pre-Neogene allostratigraphic horizons beneath the slope are generally characterized by low gradients and convex downslope profiles. This is followed by the development of thick, prograded deltaic clinoforms during the middle Miocene. Along-strike variations in morphology of a regional unconformity at the top of this middle Miocene unit appear to have set the stage for differing styles of mass transport along the margin. Areas north and south of the Currituck Slide are characterized by oblique margin morphology, defined by an angular shelf-edge and a relatively steep (>8°), concave slope profile. Upper slope sediment bypass, closely spaced submarine canyons, and small, localized landslides confined to canyon heads and sidewalls characterize these sectors of the margin. In contrast, the Currituck region is defined by a sigmoidal geometry, with a rounded shelf-edge rollover and gentler slope gradient (<6°). Thick (>800 m), regionally continuous stratified slope deposits suggest the low gradient Currituck region was a primary depocenter for fluvial inputs during multiple sea level lowstands. These results imply that the rounded, gentle slope physiography developed during the middle Miocene allowed for a relatively high rate of subsequent sediment accumulation, thus providing a mechanism for compaction–induced overpressure that preconditioned the Currituck region for failure. Detailed examination of the regional geological framework illustrates the importance of both sediment supply and antecedent slope physiography in the development of large, potentially unstable depocenters along passive margins.The U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Coastal Carolina University funded this research

    Laser texturing of a St. Jude Medical Regent (TM) mechanical heart valve prosthesis:the proof of concept

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    OBJECTIVES: The liquid-solid interactions have attracted broad interest since solid surfaces can either repel or attract fluids, configuring a wide spectrum of wetting states (from superhydrophilicity to superhydrophobicity). Since the blood-artificial surface interaction of bileaf-let mechanical heart valves essentially represents a liquid-solid interaction, we analysed the thrombogenicity of mechanical heart valve prostheses from innovative perspectives. The aim of the present study was to modify the surface wettability of standard St. Jude Medical Regent (TM) occluders. METHODS: Four pyrolytic carbon occluders were irradiated by means of ultra-short pulse laser, to create 4 different nanotextures (A-D), the essential prerequisite to achieve superhydrophobicity. The static surface wettability of the occluders was qualified by the contact angle (theta) of 2 mu l of purified water, using the sessile drop technique. The angle formed between the liquid-solid and the liquid-vapour interface was the contact angle and was obtained by analysing the droplet images captured by a camera. The morphology of the occluders was characterized and analysed by a scanning electron microscope at different magnifications. RESULTS: The scanning electron microscope analysis of the textures revealed 2 different configurations of the pillars since A and B showed well-rounded shaped tops and C and D flat tops. The measured highest contact angles were comprised between 108.1 degrees and 112.7 degrees, reflecting an improved hydrophobicity of the occluders. All the textures exhibited, to different extents, an orientation (horizontal or vertical), which was strictly related to the observed anisotropy. CONCLUSIONS: In this very early phase of our research, we were able to demonstrate that the intrinsic wettability of pyrolytic carbon occluders can be permanently modified, increasing the water repellency

    Stable isotope dilution analysis of N-acetylaspartic acid in CSF, blood, urine and amniotic fluid: Accurate postnatal diagnosis and the potential for prenatal diagnosis of canavan disease

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    A sensitive and selective analytical technique is described for the determination of N-acetylaspartic acid in body fluids using stable isotope dilution in combination with positive chemical ionization mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring. Control mean and ranges have been established: in urine 19.5 and 6.6-35.4 μmol/mmol creat.; in plasma 0.44 and 0.17-0.81 μmol/L; in cerebrospinal fluid 1.51 and 0.25-2.83 μmol/L; and in amniotic fluid 1.27 and 0.30-2.55 μmol/L. In a patient with Canavan disease, N-acetylaspartic acid concentration was elevated 80-fold in urine and 20-fold in plasma compared to the control means. A subsequent pregnancy of the mother was monitored and the N-acetylaspartic acid concentration in the amniotic fluid was within the control range and a healthy child was born

    Applying machine learning to dissociate between stroke patients and healthy controls using eye movement features obtained from a virtual reality task

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    Conventional neuropsychological tests do not represent the complex and dynamic situations encountered in daily life. Immersive virtual reality simulations can be used to simulate dynamic and interactive situations in a controlled setting. Adding eye tracking to such simulations may provide highly detailed outcome measures, and has great potential for neuropsychological assessment. Here, participants (83 stroke patients and 103 healthy controls) we instructed to find either 3 or 7 items from a shopping list in a virtual super market environment while eye movements were being recorded. Using Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine models, we aimed to predict the task of the participant and whether they belonged to the stroke or the control group. With a limited number of eye movement features, our models achieved an average Area Under the Curve (AUC) of .76 in predicting whether each participant was assigned a short or long shopping list (3 or 7 items). Identifying participant as either stroke patients and controls led to an AUC of .64. In both classification tasks, the frequency with which aisles were revisited was the most dissociating feature. As such, eye movement data obtained from a virtual reality simulation contain a rich set of signatures for detecting cognitive deficits, opening the door to potential clinical applications