102 research outputs found

    Genomska tipizacija i filogenetska analiza izolata pasjeg parvovirusa izdvojenih u državi Odisha u Indiji.

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    Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) comprises three major antigenic variants CPV-2a, CPV-2b and CPV-2c. Their mutated variants in geographically distinct locations need to be investigated to understand viral evolution and for development of effective management measures. In the present study, 71 faecal and 12 blood samples from suspected dogs in the state of Odisha, India were analyzed by PCR. Faecal lysate, extracted by the fast boiling method was found to be more sensitive as a template for PCR compared to DNA extracted from faecal samples by the phenol-chloroform method. The results revealed 29 positive cases (583 bp amplicon) out of 71 faecal samples, and 5 positive cases out of 12 blood samples examined, with a few variations in the results from blood and faecal samples in the same cases, thus suggesting the necessity of screening both blood and faecal samples for diagnosis. Restriction digestion of the 583 bp PCR amplicon with MboII (PCR-RFLP) confirmed the strain not to be CPV-2c. Further sequencing of the 583 bp fragments recognized the variant as one of the mutated CPV-2a strain. Interestingly, an additional presence of CPV-2a mutant of 525 bp was observed in eleven of the positive faecal samples, along with the 583 bp fragment in PCR that needs further characterization. These two CPV-2a variants shared a common clade with other CPV-2a variants in the phylogenetic tree separating CPV-2b and CPV-2c. Our results confirm the dynamic changes in CPV variants and emphasize the importance of CPV surveillance for understanding of viral epidemiology.Pasji parvovirus tip 2 (PPV-2) ima tri glavne antigenske varijante: PPV-2a, PPV-2b i PPV-2c. Radi razumijevanja njegove evolucije i razvijanja učinkovitih mjera suzbijanja potrebno je istražiti njegove mutante iz različitih geografskih područja. U ovom je radu lančanom reakcijom polimerazom bio pretražen 71 uzorak fecesa i 12 uzoraka krvi pasa sa sumnjom na parvovirusnu infekciju u državi Odisha u Indiji. Postupak dobivanja fekalnog lizata brzim ključanjem pri 100 °C pokazao se osjetljivijim u odnosu na ekstrakciju DNA iz uzoraka fecesa fenol-kloroformom. Rezultati su pokazali da je od 71 pretraženog uzorka fecesa 29 bilo pozitivnih (583 bp umnožak), a od 12 pretraženih uzoraka krvi sedam pozitivnih s različitim nalazima kod istih slučajeva, što govori da je za postavljanje dijagnoze potrebno pretražiti oba uzorka od iste životinje. Cijepanje odsječka 583 bp restrikcijskim enzimom MboII (PCR-RFLP) pokazalo je da izdvojeni soj ne pripada PPV-2c. Daljnjim sekvencioniranjem fragmenata od 583 bp pokazalo se da izolat pripada mutiranoj varijanti PPV-2a. Zanimljivo je da je u 11 pozitivnih uzoraka fecesa usporedno s fragmentima od 583 bp bila dokazana i prisutnost mutanta PPV-2a s fragmentom od 525 bp što iziskuje daljnju karakterizaciju. Te dvije varijante PPV-2a svrstane su u zajedničku skupinu u filogenetskom stablu, različitu od PPV-2b i PPV-2c. Naši rezultati potvrđuju dinamiku promjena varijanata PPV s naglaskom na važnost istraživanja za razumijevanje njegove epizootiologije

    SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern B.1.1.7: Diagnostic Sensitivity of Three Antigen-Detecting Rapid Tests.

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    Funder: Foundation for Innovative New DiagnosticsFunder: World Health OrganizationFunder: Ministry of Science, Research and Culture, State of Baden Wuerttemberg, German

    Diagnostic accuracy and feasibility of patient self-testing with a SARS-CoV-2 antigen-detecting rapid test.

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    BACKGROUND: Considering the possibility of nasal self-sampling and the ease of use in performing SARS-CoV-2 antigen-detecting rapid diagnostic tests (Ag-RDTs), self-testing is a feasible option. OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was a head-to-head comparison of diagnostic accuracy of patient self-testing with professional testing using a SARS-CoV-2 Ag-RDT. STUDY DESIGN: We performed a manufacturer-independent, prospective diagnostic accuracy study of nasal mid-turbinate self-sampling and self-testing with symptomatic adults using a WHO-listed SARS-CoV-2 Ag-RDT. Procedures were observed without intervention. For comparison, Ag-RDTs with nasopharyngeal sampling were professionally performed. Estimates of agreement, sensitivity, and specificity relative to RT-PCR on a combined oro-/nasopharyngeal sample were calculated. Feasibility was evaluated by observer and participant questionnaires. RESULTS: Among 146 symptomatic adults, 40 (27.4%) were RT-PCR-positive for SARS-CoV-2. Sensitivity with self-testing was 82.5% (33/40; 95% CI 68.1-91.3), and 85.0% (34/40; 95% CI 70.9-92.9) with professional testing. At high viral load (≥7.0 log10 SARS-CoV-2 RNA copies/ml), sensitivity was 96.6% (28/29; 95% CI 82.8-99.8) for both self- and professional testing. Deviations in sampling and testing were observed in 25 out of the 40 PCR-positives. Most participants (80.9%) considered the Ag-RDT as easy to perform. CONCLUSION: Laypersons suspected for SARS-CoV-2 infection were able to reliably perform the Ag-RDT and test themselves. Procedural errors might be reduced by refinement of the instructions for use or the product design/procedures. Self-testing allows more wide-spread and frequent testing. Paired with the appropriate information of the public about the benefits and risks, self-testing may have significant impact on the pandemic

    Preoperative short-course radiotherapy versus combined radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer: a multi-centre prospectively randomised study of the Berlin Cancer Society

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    BACKGROUND: The additional use of radiotherapy has changed the treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) dramatically. But a major achievement has been the development of total mesorectal excision (TME) as a surgical standard and the recognition that the surgeon is the predominant prognostic factor. The benefit of preoperative hypofractionated radiotherapy (SCRT; five fractions each of 5 Gy), initially established by the Swedish Rectal Cancer Trial, has been demonstrated in conjunction with TME by the Dutch Colorectal Cancer Group. The concept of combined neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy (conventional radiation of about 50 Gy with chemotherapy) has not been compared over surgery alone with TME. However, the German Rectal Cancer Study Group recently demonstrated that preoperative radiochemotherapy (RCT) was better than postoperative radiochemotherapy in terms of local control. METHODS: Patients with histological proven rectal cancer staged T2N+ or T3 are randomized to receive either SCRT (25 Gy in five fractions of 5 Gy) plus TME-surgery within 5 days or RCT (50.4 Gy in 28 fractions of 1.8 Gy, continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil) plus TME-surgery 4-6 weeks later. All patients receive adjuvant chemotherapy (12 weeks continuous infusional 5-FU) and are followed up for 5 years. TME-quality is independently documented by the surgeon and the pathologist. Hypothesis of the study is that RCT is superior to SCRT in terms of local recurrence after five years. Secondary endpoints are overall survival, disease-free survival, complete resection rate (R0 resection), rate of sphincter saving resection, acute and late toxicity (radiation related side effects), and quality of life (including long term bowel function). DISCUSSION: Similar long-term survival, local control and late morbidity have been reported for both concepts of preoperative therapy in non-comparative studies. In addition to other ongoing (and recently published) comparative trials we include a larger number of patients for adequate power, apply quality-controlled TME and try to avoid the adjuvant treatment bias by mandatory adjuvant chemotherapy in both groups. Further more, stratification of the initially planned surgical procedure and sphincter-preservation will generate valid evidence whether RCT will allow a less aggressive (sphincter saving) surgical approach

    Принятие понятия <<права человека>> в пост-социалистическом обществе

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    <p>Scheme of experimental apparatus (A). Shown are robot, display screen and projector. Measuring awareness and unawareness (B). Exemplary adaptation, inclusion and exclusion movement directions indicating fully aware or unaware behaviour. Schematic and simplified presentation of awareness and unawareness. Note that for calculation of an awareness and unawareness index normalized mean movement directions of inclusion and exclusion were used in order to allow comparison between rotation angles (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0123321#sec002" target="_blank">Methods</a>). Movement directions were levelled between baseline direction -10% and size of perturbation +10% as indicated by the arrows.</p