4 research outputs found

    Assessment of ambient gamma dose rate around a prospective uranium mining area of South India – A comparative study of dose by direct methods and soil radioactivity measurements

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    Indoor and outdoor gamma dose rates were evaluated around a prospective uranium mining region – Gogi, South India through (i) direct measurements using a GM based gamma dose survey meter, (ii) integrated measurement days using CaSO4:Dy based thermo luminescent dosimeters (TLDs), and (iii) analyses of 273 soil samples for 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K activity concentration using HPGe gamma spectrometry. The geometric mean values of indoor and outdoor gamma dose rates were 104 nGy h−1 and 97 nGy h−1, respectively with an indoor to outdoor dose ratio of 1.09. The gamma dose rates and activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K varied significantly within a small area due to the highly localized mineralization of the elements. Correlation study showed that the dose estimated from the soil radioactivity is better correlated with that measured directly using the portable survey meter, when compared to that obtained from TLDs. This study showed that in a region having localized mineralization in situ measurements using dose survey meter provide better representative values of gamma dose rates

    A walk-in type calibration chamber facility for 222Rn measuring devices and inter-comparison exercises

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    A walk-in type 222Rn calibration chamber of volume 22.7 m3, which has traceability to international standards, is established at the Centre for Advanced Research in Environmental Radioactivity, Mangalore University, India. It has a human–machine interface communication system, a programmable logic controller and sensor feedback circuit for controlling and data acquisition of relative humidity (RH) and temperature (T). An innovative method for the generation of desired 222Rn concentration (a few hundred Bq m−3 up to about 36 kBq m−3) using soil gas as a source was adopted. Leak rates of 222Rn from the chamber for the mixing fan ON and OFF conditions were determined to be 0.0011 and 0.00018 h−1 respectively. With the exhaust system fully turned on, the maximum clearance rate of the chamber was 0.58 ± 0.07 h−1. Excellent spatial uniformity in 222Rn concentration in the chamber was confirmed (with a mean value of relative standard deviation < 12%) through measurements at 23 locations using CR-39 film-based passive devices. Demonstration of calibration applications was performed using charcoal canister and PicoRad vials as the 222Rn adsorption devices. The study shows that gamma spectrometry is a convenient alternative approach to liquid scintillation analysis of PicoRad vials for 222Rn measurement