2,721 research outputs found

    Dynamics and fragmentation mechanism of (CH3-C5H4)Pt(CH3)3 on SiO2 Surfaces

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    The interaction of (CH3-C5H4)Pt(CH3)3 ((methylcyclopentadienyl)trimethylplatinum)) molecules on fully and partially hydroxylated SiO2 surfaces, as well as the dynamics of this interaction were investigated using density functional theory (DFT) and finite temperature DFT-based molecular dynamics simulations. Fully and partially hydroxylated surfaces represent substrates before and after electron beam treatment and this study examines the role of electron beam pretreatment on the substrates in the initial stages of precursor dissociation and formation of Pt deposits. Our simulations show that on fully hydroxylated surfaces or untreated surfaces, the precursor molecules remain inactivated while we observe fragmentation of (CH3-C5H4)Pt(CH3)3 on partially hydroxylated surfaces. The behavior of precursor molecules on the partially hydroxylated surfaces has been found to depend on the initial orientation of the molecule and the distribution of surface active sites. Based on the observations from the simulations and available experiments, we discuss possible dissociation channels of the precursor.Comment: 18 Pages, 5 Figure

    Chandra Observations of the X-Ray Jet of 3C273

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    We report results from Chandra observations of the X-ray jet of 3C~273 during the calibration phase in 2000 January. The zeroeth-order images and spectra from two 40-ks exposures with the HETG and LETG+ACIS-S show a complex X-ray structure. The brightest optical knots are detected and resolved in the 0.2-8 keV energy band. The X-ray morphology tracks well the optical. However, while the X-ray brightness decreases along the jet, the outer parts of the jet tend to be increasingly bright with increasing wavelength. The spectral energy distributions of four selected regions can best be explained by inverse Compton scattering of (beamed) cosmic microwave background photons. The model parameters are compatible with equipartition and a moderate Doppler factor, which is consistent with the one-sidedness of the jet. Alternative models either imply implausible physical conditions and energetics (the synchrotron self-Compton model) or are sufficiently ad hoc to be unconstrained by the present data (synchrotron radiation from a spatially or temporally distinct particle population).Comment: 3 figures; Figure 1 in color. Accepted for publication by ApJ Letter

    Origin of the insulating state in honeycomb iridates and rhodates

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    A burning question in the emerging field of spin-orbit driven insulating iridates, such as Na2IrO3 and Li2IrO3 is whether the observed insulating state should be classified as a Mott-Hubbard insulator derived from a half-filled relativistic j_eff=1/2 band or as a band insulator where the gap is assisted by spin-orbit interaction, or Coulomb correlations, or both. The difference between these two interpretations is that only for the former, strong spin-orbit coupling (lambda >~ W, where W is the band width) is essential. We have synthesized the isostructural and isoelectronic Li2RhO3 and report its electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility. Remarkably it shows insulating behavior together with fluctuating effective S=1/2 moments, similar to Na2IrO3 and Li2IrO3, although in Rh4+ (4d5) the spin-orbit coupling is greatly reduced. We show that this behavior has non-relativistic one-electron origin (although Coulomb correlations assist in opening the gap), and can be traced down to formation of quasi-molecular orbitals, similar to those in Na2IrO3.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Compositional Differences between Felsic Volcanic rocks from the Margin and Center of the Northern Main Ethiopian Rift

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    Pliocene felsic rift margin and Quaternary rift center volcanic rocks from the northern Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) exhibit contrasts in major and trace element contents and Sr-Nd isotopic ratios. Quaternary rift center felsic volcanic rocks are mainly peralkaline trachytes and rhyolites, whereas Pliocene felsic rift margin volcanic rocks are represented by benmoreites, weakly peralkaline trachytes and rare rhyolites. Most of the felsic rift margin volcanic rocks have greater Al2O3, K2O, Nb, Zr, Rb, and Sr, and lesser CaO, Zr/Nb, and CaO/Al2O3 than rift center volcanic rocks. These contrasts may have been inherited from differences in the compositions of their parental basic magmas, which were produced by variable degrees of partial melting. In both series, the felsic volcanic rocks generally have higher initial Sr- isotopic (0.7038-0.7073) ratios than their basic equivalents (0.7035-0.7046). Nd- isotopic ratios of most felsic rift center samples (0.5129-0.5126) are similar to their associated basic volcanic rocks. In contrast, the Nd-isotopic ratios (0.5128-0.5124) of felsic rift margin volcanic rocks are commonly lower than their companion basic volcanic rocks (0.512806-0.512893), and are relatively lower than rift center equivalents. The elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the volcanic rocks suggest that fractional crystallization from differing basic parents accompanied by a limited assimilation (AFC) was the dominant process controlling the genesis of the MER felsic volcanic rocks. Keywords: Ethiopia; Northern Main Ethiopian Rift; Bimodal Volcanism; parental difference; Sr-Nd Isotopes, Fractional Crystallisatio

    Na2V3O7, a frustrated nanotubular system with spin-1/2 diamond rings

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    Following the recent discussion on the puzzling nature of the interactions in the nanotubular system Na2V3O7, we present a detailed ab-initio microscopic analysis of its electronic and magnetic properties. By means of a non-trivial downfolding study we propose an effective model in terms of tubes of nine-site rings with the geometry of a spin-diamond necklace with frustrated inter-ring interactions. We show that this model provides a quantitative account of the observed magnetic behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press

    Proton acceleration beyond 100 EeV by an oblique shock wave in the jet of 3C 273

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    We estimate the highest energy of proton diffusively accelerated by shock in knot A1 of the jet in luminous nearby quasar 3C 273. Referring to the recent polarization measurements using very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), we consider the shock propagation across magnetic field lines, namely, configuration of the oblique shock. For larger inclination of the field lines, the effects of particle reflection at the shock front are more pronounced, to significantly increase acceleration efficiency. The quasiperpendicular shock turns out to be needed for safely achieving the proton acceleration to the energy above 100 EeV (10^20 eV) in a parameter domain reflecting conceivable energy restrictions.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Optical-Near-IR Spectrum of the M87 Jet From HST Observations

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    We present 1998 HST observations of M87 which yield the first single-epoch optical and radio-optical spectral index images of the jet at 0.150.15'' resolution. We find 0.67 \approx 0.67, comparable to previous measurements, and 0.9 \approx 0.9 (FνναF_\nu \propto \nu^{-\alpha}), slightly flatter than previous workers. Reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. These observations reveal a large variety of spectral slopes. Bright knots exhibit flatter spectra than interknot regions. The flattest spectra (αo0.50.6\alpha_o \sim 0.5-0.6; comparable to or flatter than αro\alpha_{ro}) are found in two inner jet knots (D-East and HST-1) which contain the fastest superluminal components. In knots A, B and C, αo\alpha_o and αro\alpha_{ro} are essentially anti-correlated. Near the flux maxima of knots HST-1 and F, changes in αro\alpha_{ro} lag changes in αo\alpha_o, but in knots D and E, the opposite relationship is observed. This is further evidence that radio and optical emissions in the M87 jet come from substantially different physical regions. The delays observed in the inner jet are consistent with localized particle acceleration, with tacc<<tcoolt_{acc} << t_{cool} for optically emitting electrons in knots HST-1 and F, and tacctcoolt_{acc} \sim t_{cool} for optically emitting electrons in knots D and E. Synchrotron models yield \nu_B \gsim 10^{16} Hz for knots D, A and B, and somewhat lower values, νB10151016\nu_B \sim 10^{15}- 10^{16} Hz, in other regions. If X-ray emissions from knots A, B and D are co-spatial with optical and radio emission, we can strongly rule out the ``continuous injection'' model. Because of the short lifetimes of X-ray synchrotron emitting particles, the X-ray emission likely fills volumes much smaller than the optical emission regions.Comment: Text 17 pages, 3 Tables, 11 figures, accepted by Ap